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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I hear Thermae Cafe is open again.
  2. I accept the world/country as it is and seek to avoid being harmed. You dream of a safe world, and look to blame someone if you get injured. Wouldn't you feel better in your 'nanny state'? Maybe Thailand isn't the place for you.
  3. Because, The 'innocent' guy, as a local, should have known better. Telling a local 'they done wrong' is likely to get you stabbed, beaten or shot. I think he had a lucky escape, the outcome could have been a lot worse (as we read every day).
  4. Did you ask him it he thought the 20 extra 'sick' years in Canada were worthwhile? My father in the UK had a heart attack at around 60 years old, in and out of hospital until he died at age 67, couldn't walk much, couldn't even start the lawn mower ....... didn't seem worthwhile to me, I'd have preferred to leave at the first heart attack.
  5. The Bible, Joseph age 70, Mary age 15 ............. if it was good enough for Jehovah, his angels, and the 3 wise men, it's good enough for me! The Koran, Muhammad age 53, Aisha age 6 ....... let's not go there ...........
  6. Be fair, You can't expect people living in our prison colonies to finish high school.
  7. Almost everyone I've known has failed to make 65 years old. At 66 I'm essentially last man standing for my peer group. Planning for the future after you retire is pointless if you die before you retire. I can't believe I've known so many people who just wanted to work and save for 'one more year' then promptly died without ever really living. I'm really glad I gave up the rat race when I was 45. My only regret is not giving up my Brit wife at the same time.
  8. Ciggies and drinks don't cost much in Thailand, it's the woman in my bed that costs half (or more) of my income.
  9. I actually look where I'm walking and avoid all confrontations. Two mistakes the unfortunate victim seemed to make. If you watched the video, you can clearly see the victim wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings, an open manhole cover or uneven pavement would have got him as surely as the motorcycle driver. One thing living in Asia has taught me, is to really pay attention to hazards around me. The uneven pavements, holes in roads, negligent drivers, hanging wires and that low sharp rusty metal roof on the market stall are all out to get me.
  10. I left work at 45 with ........... 1 years tax free salary and a company pension. Then moved from Oxford to a much larger but much cheaper house in Cornwall (both houses without a mortgage).
  11. As an old 65+ man, all the things I want to do are done from a sofa in front of the TV. I don't really need much money for that, but it's nicer in a country where I can have the doors and windows open all day.
  12. I'm more likely to moan about having to give a woman my house and income (possibly + 19 years of future earnings) to get laid in my home country (along with risking my freedom if she changes her mind after). I consider Thailand normal, and the UK (along with the rest of the west) abnormal.
  13. Nah, but I'm getting fed up with it because ........... 1. Indian arrows wouldn't penetrate a whalebone corset, so the 'tummy' shot is unbelievable. 2. They kill many mounted and armed outlaws in every episode, but are always short of guns and horses and supplies (13 free horses in episode 6 alone). Would they really not collect the abandoned assets of their vanquished enemies?
  14. Don't get a re-entry permit and your VISA extension ends when you leave.
  15. Back in the UK ........... When I was 18 and lost my weekend job during the '3 day week' my gf promptly dumped me. When I was 52 and announced the end of all paid employment my wife promptly divorced me. Here in Thailand ........ They seem happy enough to have a share of my pension. Sure, I had a few drunken party bangs at no charge when I was a teen. But none of the free bangs ever turned into LTRs.
  16. My Brit pal was dying of AIDs a few years back. I offered him my spare bedroom in Chiang Mai if he could get back here (he had a decent pension). It's what friends do for each other, sadly he never left the UK hospital and died there after nearly a year. I retired in the UK at age 45, was divorced by my Brit wife at 52. Discovered Thailand during my divorce and never went back. Not worked a day since my divorce.
  17. I knew many unemployed guys living on UK council estates whose marriages and divorces cost them nothing. Only the guys that were murderers/thugs/drug dealers were getting much sex though.
  18. Advice ....... buy somewhere else. This block is only suitable for renters.
  19. Assuming the display on my welder is correct! I'm only a 'hobby' welder, if the arc isn't smooth I turn the current up, if it blows through the mild steel I'm welding, I turn the current down. I ain't a perfectionist, If I'm welding brackets for solar panels (weight 20Kg), and can hang myself off the bracket (weight 75Kg), then I consider that a good weld.
  20. Best not to talk to foreigners, if you must talk to them don't tell them anything about yourself or where you live. Just stick to generalisations about the weather or football ...... or your former adventures in the SAS.
  21. Skype is either a monthly plan or a pay for minutes plan. Around $10 for 400 minutes to the UK. Another $22/3 months if you want a UK phone number. Works well for banks/tax office/pensions office. I have a London phone number so nobody can see I'm not in the UK. They can phone me back 'in London' for no charge to me.
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