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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Skype is either a monthly plan or a pay for minutes plan. Around $10 for 400 minutes to the UK. Another $22/3 months if you want a UK phone number. Works well for banks/tax office/pensions office. I have a London phone number so nobody can see I'm not in the UK. They can phone me back 'in London' for no charge to me.
  2. But many of them still end up married to old wealthy foreign men. Are you going to claim they aren't sex workers and marry these old guys for love?
  3. Plenty off really attractive Thai women around, the ones in the OP just ain't that pretty. I'm not dismissing Thai femininity, I'm just dismissing those in the OP photo.
  4. I don't 100% fund mine .......... my total spend is 40k/month. She probably earns an additional 5-10k herself.
  5. Never bothered me, if the current one leaves, a younger, prettier one turns up the same week. I've stopped investing my hard earned money in women, PAYG all the way. Been hiring my current one full-time since 2016, up to her if/when she leaves. And it would save me 15-20Kbht/month ............ as I'm not sure I need one to live-in any more.
  6. I've always assumed women who haven't slept with many guys probably don't enjoy sex all that much. My former (educated, virgin, schoolteacher) Brit wife certainly appeared to be like that. Relationships with women that don't want sex ......... no fun at all.
  7. I'm a grownup, I don't need mommy to cook my food. Prefer cooking for myself, I usually cook for my son as well. I didn't hire my woman for her cooking skills.
  8. I nearly always buy second hand .......... it's not as if I'm new either ........................
  9. I'm guessing Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp would be a bit more picky than me. And I regularly take better looking women than those to 'resorts'. @OneMoreFarangIs posting ones more to my taste.
  10. Don't really care ......... my job was done when she started work. She's an adult, not my business if she wants to bang 90 year old American guys, or 20 year old Thai women. As long as she's nice to me, and doesn't expect my money, that's all that matters to me. How many of your children visit you for lunch every week?
  11. Nearly 23, never shown any interest in men, earns her own money in an office and lives with another woman. Lovely girl, nice to everyone, ZERO hate.
  12. My Brit daughter is a really nasty man hating lesbian feminazi. I 'feel' that the world would be a better place if she had never been born. I cut all contact with her 10 years back when she came to Thailand to allegedly visit me, but I wouldn't meet her.
  13. I'm guessing your marriages all failed for a reason. Most probable reason being you expected it for free, and they were expecting to get paid. As for sloppy seconds ......... they're all banging other guys. Maybe not the first week, or the first month ...................
  14. Why would the police have any interest in what a man does when alone in his own house? Are there any laws against smashing your own furniture?
  15. I'm guessing those guys ain't getting much! Just imagine being surrounded by young, attractive, and willing women but only being allowed to bang some old bag once a month (if that).
  16. ......... no, beer, drugs and food are also important in my life. I usually have to pay for all.
  17. All the historical great men (explorers/adventurers) paid for sex. Sir Richard Burton being a prime example. I doubt Attila the Hun or Genghis Khan paid for sex, but they didn't ask for consent either. Modern living has reduced men to wimp status (weak, woke, and feminised), I doubt there are many real men left in the west.
  18. I refuse to associate with anyone that uses racial slurs, in English or foreign language. If it was in my home, I wouldn't allow them to enter again. If it was in their home, I wouldn't visit them again. If it was at a table in a bar/coffee shop/restaurant, I'd move to another table. If it was in a forum, I'd put them on ignore. In some ways it's worse if it's a white person, they should know better. Locals have the excuse of ignorance ........ but only once or twice.
  19. This is my last settings for 2mm Yawata F51 rods. If it's hard to strike, I turn the current up a bit, if it blows through, I turn the current down a bit. Roughly I'm moving between 180 and 210 amps. You gotta tap, tap, tap the end of the rod to knock off the slag on the tip to strike at the start. If there's no spark, you need to use the wire brush to remove any rust from your clamp point.
  20. Can't say I'm bothered about the appearance of a website. I am only interested in the content. You're sounding a little shallow.
  21. The irony was .......... he had a woman that was different, educated, white skinned, from a good family, etc. ....... then she cheated and betrayed him. Soon after he returned to his home country, heartbroken. Guess he should have paid more attention to his own 'readers letters'
  22. Your post doesn't seem to have any connection with my post. All I stated was 'I expect them to be drinking coloured water' Sadly some readers comprehension skills make their posts not worth my reading. So on ignore for you.
  23. Why would you tell them you have a wife? Almost every woman I've ever had sex with, I met in a bar. The ones I met in UK bars cost me considerably more than the ones I met in Thai/Philippines/Viet/Cambodian bars. If it wasn't for bars, I'd still be a virgin!
  24. If you had the spot cut out ......... why would you need to test the tissue? Nobody has ever been able to explain this to me. It's either been removed, or it hasn't! I had 3 lumps removed at CM RAM a few years back, total cost 3,000bht. They asked me if I wanted the tissue tested as well, I saw no point in the extra expense.
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