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Everything posted by scoutman360

  1. Central has a large selection. Both cheap and pricey options. I use induction and love it. However, I noticed my frying pans don't last long before they start to warp. I read online that this happens to pans that are larger than the induction area. They don't get an even heat distribution. Regular pots are fine. I am thinking to invest in a ceramic coated cast iron pan. They are pricey but solves the problem.
  2. Thanks. Unfortunately in my case, I traveled frequently for work for my whole 19 yrs employment in Thailand and never needed to file a TM47. Next week will be my first visit for a Retirement extension. Not sure what is going to happen.
  3. In the case where one must visit Immigration for their retirement extension, but they recently re-entered Thailand from overseas (say last month), a TM47 would not be available for Immigration due to the recent re-entry. I was just wondering if Immigration will be OK with that or have their been examples of a problem due to this situation.
  4. In the case of re-entering the country within less than 90 days, the 90 day TM47 is not available/applicable. Correct? Should one expect any problems at CW?
  5. I was at the 7-11 today and everyone who tries to pay with their phone backs up the line. Cash payers are in and out.
  6. Wills are easy to do in Thailand, once you know the rules on what is required. I paid big money from a law firm for my first Will, but the later revisions I did them all myself with the help of a Thai speaking friend, using the same format as the first. 1. It doesn't need to registered with the local Ampher office, despite many people doing that. Just keep it in a place where everyone can find it. 2. Needs to be signed by 2 Witnesses 3. Need to designate an Executor in the Will. That could be Thai person or foreigner. 4. It will need to go to probate court, so the court will recognize your Executor and give them authority to release the bank funds. 5. The Will must be in Thai language. You can include English but the court will not recognize the English part. That is for you and your foreign friends. One can use the many translation services around to get it correctly translated. 6. Your Thailand Will only covers assets in Thailand. You need a separate Will for anything in your home country. If you do decide to use law firm, I STRONGLY recommend you have the translation reviewed by a few more parties. I found many translation errors in mine that was done by a reputable law firm. I might have missed a few things. But that is basically it.
  7. My AIS phone bills are in English with address. They don't mail them anymore, but the app printouts look the same. Also banks all send me mail sometimes. You are in a tough spot if the accounts are all in your wife's name. Can you get your name on a Tabian Baan? That would work.
  8. I could have written that myself. We probably were in the same bars at the same time back them. Today? No thanks. The noise, the crazy foreigners... But I think back then it was easy to meet some young office girl going for a night out. Today, it is all professional mercenaries. Money makers. Those good old days are gone. But I do remember the great frustration because of girls always wanting a bite to eat on the street until the sun comes up.
  9. It is easy money for these "doctors". But I need to ask the question if they have a P.H.D. in dermatology or not . I honestly don't know. My brother is a well known surgeon in orthopedics. He sews fingers back together and reconnects nerves etc. under microscope. When I asked him if he likes it, he replied, "No, half the people don't pay and it goes to Collections. I wish I did cosmetic surgery. Cash up front."
  10. Thanks everyone. I was also handed "Acknowledgement of T&C's" and "Acknowledgement of Overstay Penalties" forms. Good grief. What will they think of next? I am glad I took the trek out to CW yesterday as there is NO documented printout lists available to prepare someone for all this.
  11. I just returned from CW and asked the front desk for the latest TM7. When I mentioned it was for extension based on Retirement, the officer also handed me the attach "Statement" form. I have never seen this before nor seen it mentioned anywhere. Who is supposed to complete it as a "guarantor"? Are they supposed to come to the Immigration Interview with me to present it? The list keeps growing. Statement.pdf
  12. I think Meetup.com is what you want. Take a look.
  13. When you re-entered the country, the 90-day clock resets and starts over. The system just doesn't know you have been away.
  14. I buy HEPA filter sheets from Lazada and tape them to the aircon input screens. Very cheap solution. Try it. After 1 week and am shocked how dirty it looks. I can't believe what we are breathing is this bad.
  15. Agreed. Their standards are high. Just keep in mind, they can recommend solutions, but you have the right to decline them and take a more conservative approach. They will give you the options. I have been very happy with this dental hospital for 10+ years. I got my first crown/root canal there and 5+ year later still going strong. They make the crowns onsite. Go have lunch and it is ready.
  16. Rich people. Which seems to be the demographic Thailand is trying to attract. (Ummm .. Singapore seems to have figured out how to attract the wealthy.). Regardless, people with lots of money don't care if $22k USD is sitting somewhere in a Thailand bank account.
  17. I am surprised there haven't been many responses. I did this about 10 years ago just to see if it would work. Unfortunately I forgot exactly what I did, but it was simple. No need to setup special accounts, etc. I think I just sent an ACH transfer to the NYC branch (using their branch code), but used my Thailand Bangkok Bank account number (the first 3 digits are the branch code, the rest is your acct #). It was that simple. Please don't try it without more conformation. As I said, I can't remember exactly.
  18. If you want to find the best interest rates, go to the Bank of Thailand website. They list daily every bank and interest rates for various account types. One stop shopping.
  19. If I understand you correctly, you verbally told her you would extend another year, but after you told her that, you found out you needed to move. So now she is saying you can't get your deposit back because you verbally told her you will extend and you are now breaking the new agreement. In her eyes, you are breaking the new verbal agreement. You need to find out if verbal agreements are legally binding in Thailand. That seems to be where you are at.
  20. I have always used AIG when traveling back to the U.S. Never used/needed it, but it was easy to signup and pay online. I once got burned traveling with a Thai GF and she needed to go to emergency. Learned my lesson. Never travel without it.
  21. I searched "house restaurant Bangkok" and lots of choices came up.
  22. Thanks. Since you mentioned the bank statements, I always download monthly statements off their website. Would the IO accept those? Or must it be some kind of certified copy printed by the bank?
  23. I can't find anything online that says specifically what this letter from the bank is supposed to say for Immigration. Is there a template somewhere? I am afraid the bank might give me something that doesn't satisfy the IO. (note: this is for 800,000bht option requirement). Thanks in advance.
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