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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. After working in the hospitality industry here in Thailand for years, it seems to me that many people in this forum are sadly mistaken about the state of the tourism industry over here.

    In all of the hotels I've worked at (4-5 stars), 90% of the clientele are couples and families. Only 10% are single male travelers. Those 90% also tend to spend a lot more on average than the other 10%, at least within the confines of the hotel (spa, food and beverage, excursions, etc...).

    The same is true on the other end of the spectrum, in very cheap guesthouses. Those tend to cater mostly to groups of young people or young singles who typically can find sex without having to pay for it and mostly tend to hookup with other foreign travelers anyway.

    That leaves the 2-3stars hotels, which are where most single males stay. In such hotels located in tourist destinations, it's about a 50%/50% ratio, with 50% groups and families and 50% single 30y+ men. I sincerely doubt, however, that travelers who can't spend more than 1,500 to 2,000 baht/night for accommodation spend a considerable amount of money while they are outside their hotel.

    Edit: Those ratios apply to places where I actually have hands-on experience (BKK, Phuket and Samui). Pattaya, on the other hand, probably has a much higher single men ratio, but that's only one town out of about ten major tourist hotspots in Thailand.

    Your detailed information

    I would like to commend you for your personal rundown on how the country operates per your percentage quotas. Maybe we should suggest TAT ban these deplorable cheap Charlie commoners from coming to Thailand leaving the big spenders more room to splash money about here there and everywhere.

    Let's jail families who try to get discounts or even single men seen to importune themselves masquerading around looking for cheap digs. The time has come to end these working class paupers from enjoying holidays at quality tourists expense.

    You got it all figured out mate thank you for your input and now this post should be closed.

    Just saying .......

  2. Delusional idiots who just make the situation worse by ignoring the motivation and inspiration of these continuing attacks- ISLAM not one mentioned it.

    And they won't. We can call it political correctness, but there comes a time to throw that garbage out and tell it as it is, and nobody is.

    It's all very well for world leaders to stand shoulder to shoulder with the French government and people, express regret, and offer their thoughts and prayers tothe victims and families, but


    Not one has given any idea of what governments can or will do to combat this scourge. It seems that the islamic curse has them by the nuts and is slowly twisting.

    Drop a few hard hit messages

    B-52 comes to mind ......

  3. Before all you truck haters go getting off, remember: people kill people not trucks. Should we limit the size of trucks, reduce fuel capacity, more in depth background checks on truck drivers... just what is the solution? Will France allow truck ownership to carry on this way?[/quote)


    Who mentioned Trucks - only you ? You an ex-truck driver with a chip on your shoulder. Stick to the post this is a horrendous attack on innocent people and I for one have pure unadulterated hate for these scum who terrorise our people around the world for whatever goal they're trying prove.

    Something has to pulled out of a hat so we can defend our lives from these murderous Bastards.
  4. Isn't that a face you'd just love to punch. 555555

    What a piece of excrement, glad it's having another birthday.....one step closer to death.

    He probably has the same views about expats like you who feel the need to meddle in politics of a nation that you are merely a guest in.

    Always engage brain before opening ones mouth.

    I think you should get some advice on my status in Thailand. Then follow your last sentence you wrote.

    They are wise words the last ones. wink.png

    They are indeed wise words, why then are you not following them?

    Neverdie is bang on

    If he can do that to Thais just think what he can do to TVM. The time is nigh!!! Beware your being watched and catalogued.

    Just saying ...

  5. My take. What a short circuited minds these cyclers are. All over the world in fact. They have an atitude that the road is theirs.

    What else is he proving than being a self kicker. Oh, watch me going mommy.

    Besides, the Tour the France is in Europe, go that way.

    And these outfits, what a queers.

    So he apologised; haha, Not so, this over confident vegan guy will NOT learn and shows only that he is a narcist and not an ambassador.

    Another quality farang.

    Please forgive him for littering and spitting as this is what all these cyclists do. Lucky for you if you are not just passing them by.

    Big Deal

    Be honest. Have you ever in your entire life committed anything worse than this wayward cyclists jaunt. All these TV members rants are pathetic given that people in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.

    Hypocrites tend to enjoy having a good bash at others folly once reaching or getting anywhere near retirement age.

    Nothing else to do I suppose hahaha

  6. The real question to be asked here is what the law says regarding usage of womens' bathrooms by persons born with XY chromosomes (don't blur the discussion with hermaphroditism).

    If the law states that transgendered persons cannot use the bathroom then it should be as simple as that.


    Should just say' No Chicks with Dicks ??

    Sounds like you have an axe to grind WUS ?

    Did one of your late night conquests from soi dodgy turnout to surprise. You with a little extra service one night? 555555

    You're always entertaining scottttty.


    In 1969 America put man on the moon.

    In 2016 Thailand put man in the women's toilets.

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    Not true, the Americans never put anyone on the moon, full stop.

    Ladyboys have been going to the loo in the ladies back before you were even a wad in ur old mans nut bag.

    Party Pooper again I see my friend.

    TV I agree is for debate but whether the USA put people on the moon is a whole new ball game - excusing the Pun hahaha

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  7. So will the fares be lower after the motocy taxi's won't have to pay the 7000 a month?

    Why should it be lower, even motocy taxi drivers need to eat and possibly support a family, or are you just another one of the cheap charlie's who likes to screw everyone.

    I agree

    It's a pittance unless you get a greedy bastard that comes on strong which tends to annoy me somewhat but all in all most of them are very polite.

  8. The real question to be asked here is what the law says regarding usage of womens' bathrooms by persons born with XY chromosomes (don't blur the discussion with hermaphroditism).

    If the law states that transgendered persons cannot use the bathroom then it should be as simple as that.


    Should just say' No Chicks with Dicks ??

    Sounds like you have an axe to grind WUS ?

    Did one of your late night conquests from soi dodgy turnout to surprise. You with a little extra service one night? 555555

    You're always entertaining scottttty.


    In 1969 America put man on the moon.

    In 2016 Thailand put man in the women's toilets.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. I hope this does not put him off Thailand.

    They cannot afford to lose quality tourists like him.

    Your pure quality yourself

    How have you found this tourist guilty after reading this post? Was you there? We Ferangs are here to be accosted, robbed, murdered, molested, conned and taken for granted. It's our birthright we deserve this treatment. How dare we think we can come here and walk away scot free.

    All this shit about protection and get a free teddy bear is a loada <deleted>. Anybody sporting gold deserves a good beating just for wearing it since that's asking for it. Don't recall how many times I've seen people being over charged it's part & parcel of Thai culture.

    Just saying .......

    Where does it say I found the tourist guilty ?

    Just saying..........

    I beg to differ

    Did you or did you not imply we can afford to lose quality tourists like him ?

    Is that not a presumption of guilt ?

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  10. If you bring lethal weapons to an attack, there's a good chance you were intending to seriously hurt or kill.

    I get it - some people may pick up a baseball bat in the heat of the moment to scare someone else. But as they say in the movies "If you're gonna bring a weapon, you better be prepared to use it".

    Thing in this case is they brought these weapons 7 people strong to do what? Scare a disabled man? No, it would seem they had all the intent in the world to use their weapons and they did. I guess at the end of the day 'it's not what you know it's what you can prove'. Only problem is - in Thailand that very rarely applies. But Thailand sure is selective in it's prosecutions.

    Bang on.

    To form an intent to carry out (an action, such as a crime); intend to carry out: premeditate a killing.

  11. I hope this does not put him off Thailand.

    They cannot afford to lose quality tourists like him.

    Your pure quality yourself

    How have you found this tourist guilty after reading this post? Was you there? We Ferangs are here to be accosted, robbed, murdered, molested, conned and taken for granted. It's our birthright we deserve this treatment. How dare we think we can come here and walk away scot free.

    All this shit about protection and get a free teddy bear is a loada &lt;deleted&gt;. Anybody sporting gold deserves a good beating just for wearing it since that's asking for it. Don't recall how many times I've seen people being over charged it's part & parcel of Thai culture.

    Just saying .......

  12. I doubt it is a coincidence.

    It makes perfect sense for the tuk tuk driver and thieves to work together. It happens all the time, with touts and tuk tuk drivers, touts and silk sales men, the list goes on and on.

    The hand signals appear to indicate something in my opinion. Thumbs up is not any gesture you see Thais using amongst them selves. or the other 'hand signal'.

    Furthermore, if you look the driver brakes at just the right time as the motorcycle is coming in for the hit.

    Having said that, why did the tuk tuk driver not see the tourist filming this? Was it not a mobile phone or something obviously filming? This is hard to explain away.

    "Furthermore, if you look the driver brakes at just the right time as the motorcycle is coming in for the hit."

    What? Now there is a complete Thaivisa poster fabrication. How do you know that the driver brakes? There is no evidence of that and you certainly cannot see the driver's right foot.

    Don't need to see his feet, it is very clear in the video at 00:20 that he puts his brakes on. Look at the lights at the top.


    Thieving Bastards

    I've said before and will say again. Best some Thai entrepreneur makes a cast of rich shining gold fake trinkets laden with severe dangerous fish hooks hidden to the naked eye to lure these sick individuals to the bait. This will catch a large proportion of opportunistic robbers and help deter others from the same fate !!!

    Entrapment eat your heart out !!!

    Just saying ..,.....

  13. *OP edited out*

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    Helium is a strange way to commit suicide as it doesn't produce any feeling of suffocation, but depletes the body of oxygen, leading to loss of consciousness and death. Flying off balconies is the usual modus operandi and this has got to be an absolute first so I presume this will be a field day for the armchair sleuths so let's see what TV detectives come up with !!!

    Probably a lot of hot air excusing the pun,


  14. The Eu want to make an example out of Britain, to stop any further departures from the EU,

    All this whining about ooo the EU wants to make an example of you because....

    There is no "making an example of" -- unless of course you are expecting to be treated specially. Invoke article 50, if negotiations are not amicable wait 2 years and guess what - you are in exactly the same position as most other countries outside the EU are in... just a trading partner... under WTO rules.

    Why should Britain get some sort of special deal? That sort of thing takes time and takes give and take and is nothing that is owed to anyone....

    Whinging bout the EU while your in, and now whining about the EU after deciding to leave... only common thing here is whining....

    You'll find that the only whingers are the lefties and those self-interested people who voted remain. They didn't whinge about the EU before the vote and the only reason they're whinging now is that they lost. So your post is complete BS.

    I'm an expat, and even though I'll suffer on the exchange rate, I'm very pleased with the result. I whinged about the EU before, now have no reason to, we're finally getting shut of it. Huge socialist, corrupt, greedy, power-hungry edifice. You just watch us thrive.

    I'll second that my friend !!

    Even Victor Meldrew voted to leave and he's no longer moaning !!

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  15. I am a British ex-pat. I am not worried about the future.

    Britain will be strong again, once the shackles of Europe have been broken.

    Bang on

    I reckon in years to come Britain will become Great Britain again and all these party poopers will end up with jam on there faces - so to speak.

    This wasn't decided on a flip of a coin and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. 50% of TV members won't be here to know the forecasts by then and the rest will have Alzheimer's so who really cares !!!

    Just saying ......

    Not too sure there will be a Britain in the future let alone Great. Great England?

    Or Poundland as I saw mentioned elsewhere.

    That's a bit brash but like the humour lol

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  16. I am a British ex-pat. I am not worried about the future.

    Britain will be strong again, once the shackles of Europe have been broken.

    Bang on

    I reckon in years to come Britain will become Great Britain again and all these party poopers will end up with jam on there faces - so to speak.

    This wasn't decided on a flip of a coin and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. 50% of TV members won't be here to know the forecasts by then and the rest will have Alzheimer's so who really cares !!!

    Just saying ......

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