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  1. We are coming to check if you are there, What time would be convenient?
  2. Hi is a common thief and maybe you dont understand that when you are convicted under Thai Law or any other countries law, you are expected to pay the penalty.
  3. How many of the deaths were motor cyclists, what percentage. And what percentage of the drunks were motor bikes/cars etc
  4. Then you are defeating the basic reason for Thailand having a "Retirement visa" option, it is financially beneficial for Thailand to boost it's financial reserves base. Why else should they allow you to retire here.
  5. Fuel anxiety would be real for me, would hate to be directed off my planned route just to find a charging point, and the sitting around for ages waiting. Plus would have to do it so damn often. City runabout ok but why not use the BTS/MRT?
  6. Yes he can get on with it in Jail where he has been legally sentenced.
  7. She is the leader of the PT party, of course she has responsibility to uphold the law and ensure it is equal among all Thais.
  8. Yes please stick to the topic, or go to one of the gossip forums to post it.
  9. Taiwan producer of 80% of the world's chips, watch what happens when USA gets it own production up and running. Loyalty, protecting democracy? The denial of funding to Ukraine give you the answer.
  10. So much for the USA reputation and often promoted bastion of democracy. Why should any Asian country side with the USA for its security now? The door is now wide open for China. And its trade deals.
  11. Some time ago I asked a major hospital on Sukhumvit for an indicative price for an appendix operation, the answer, "Its up to the doctor" and you know what that means. TIT
  12. As the President of the thai Hotels assn said, nothing has changed in 20 years, I guess those in "power" like it that way.
  13. Agreed, research the "power" behind King Power, TIT
  14. So then you would have to get a retirement extension.
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