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Everything posted by kennw

  1. On one such occasion at a tourist place in Samut Prakarn I asked why I was being charged more than the Thai person also waiting to buy entrance tickets, and yes got the answer that Thais are poor and farangs rich, so I pointed out that I was driving an old Toyota while the Thai person was driving a new top of the line Mercedes Benz. The silence was deafening but I still had to pay up at the high price
  2. An Australian passport states "this passport remains the property of the Australian government". recovery of no-payment of a bill should use legal methods.
  3. I totally agree with this poster, I totally agree with this poster, and the logic in the Thai article is wrong. Australia had planned to buy 8 new subs using Diesel fuel, the new subs will use nuclear fuel, NOT nuclear weapons. Since the subs would have about a 40 year life why would anyone want to be locked into a hydrocarbon fuel when the world is hell bent on moving away from it. Australia's coastline is vast and stealth is the best way of monitoring it, as it currently does. Nuclear subs will do the job so much better, No need to surface to charge batteries, return to port for refueling etc.
  4. In the situation you describe the developer would have the majority of votes and thus control.
  5. Hey! foreigners dont set the price, look at many of the organizations that own the golf courses and their approach to pricing, start with hospitals.
  6. One shot Astra Z Bangkok second shot booked next month
  7. Time to reform and restructure the economy, make it much less dependent on tourism, focus on real education, value added industries.
  8. Maybe they will try to put some sense and responsibility into the BB DL testing before granting it. Currently the road manners of some BB riders is discraceful and dangerous to others as well as themselves. If they have a death wish OK but dont affect others including those sitting pillion
  9. She obviously never caused a problem to raise attention so please show some compassion.
  10. Agreed and double that for many motor cyclists particularly the "big bike small brain riders"
  11. Better you look at the private hospital costs that most retirees have to use, Walk in the door Baht 300 "service cost"
  12. Hardly a constructive comment, and do you think they have not been making changes already, 90day, TM30, bank statements, no more Embassy letters re income, minimum bank balances, we are the low hanging fruit.
  13. 80% of road accident deaths are motor cyclists, Thats where they should start, Helmets, road law enforcement (red lights?) one way streets, big bike speeding, weaving in traffic, on roads where bikes are banned, need any more?
  14. An common among these "big bikes" the number plate is tucked way up under the seat where it cannot be seen.
  15. The un-vaxed are the means by which the virus mutates because they enable it's transmission. And we, the vaccinated then have to start worrying about if the/a newer variety will overcome our protection.
  16. I for one hope you cant live here. Get vaccinated unless you have a serious medical reason not too.
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