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Posts posted by Rigby40

  1. 5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Interesting. I'd guess you do represent the thoughts of most Trump supporters. Sadly, what Trump has promised was only to get elected. He's a con man and many fell for it. Like you, they are upset with the "establishment " and fell for Trump's BS hook, line and sinker.


    Trump is in this for Trump. He could care less about the masses. Except for when they clap for him on stage.


    You say you don't like a phony politician. Well, Trump is the worst of the lot. Cross him as a friend and you are gone. As you probably already know.


    As for the political grid lock, it was no different for Obama. Same BS. A problem that needs to be changed. Let's get a politician in there that promises to deal with this. And then delivers. Not just hire relatives and billionaires to make it worse.

    When you say I fell for his BS, you haven't shown me how that's true in regards to the issues I support him on and the things I like about him.

    •The wall is still yet to come and I certainly wasn't under the impression that it would go up in his first year.

    •I was happy with his plans for a temporary immigration ban

    •More illegals are being deported , there's now a huge movement of supporters against sanctuary cities and they're feeling the pressure

    •He's still politically incorrect

    •He continues to call out the MSM

    •Planned Parenthood is set to be defunded

    •Trump is nowhere near as phony as Clinton or Obama, I disagree big league here.


    Please show me how, of the issues I support him on and the qualities I like about him, I fell for his BS. If you can provide an argument detailing how I am not in fact happy with the points made above and how I was duped into this state of satisfaction(of which you're about to help me break out), thus far, then we're getting somewhere. Until then it just sounds as if you're projecting your own dissatisfaction and contempt for Trump onto me and his supporters.


  2. 10 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    That is because for one on here he runs with the signature (and they are sensitive souls).

    "Your facts stop where my feelings begin"



    Put your money where your mouth is and show me one post where I've attacked anyone for copying and pasting something.

    I'll be patiently waiting for you to come up with the post lest you make yourself look like a total a**.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


    Tell me Rigby40, reading the post above yours here, what good exactly do you see in Trump?


    I am at the point of exhaustion with Trump. If the American people do not see fit to simply close all businesses and block the streets until this clown is removed from office then they deserve him. Simply do not go to work, nobody. Trump will be gone within a week.

    I can type it again but it's going to be the exact same thing. Maybe you missed it, a page or two back.


    And don't expect the majority of the American people to throw a temper tantrum like a little baby :passifier: because they didn't get their way and close all businesses and block the streets. I've met some very reasonable people who don't particularly like Trump but have gone about their business, like adults do.

  4. 1 hour ago, dutchisaan said:

    You are a real Trumpeteer, save a penny and lose a buck!

    I understand where you are comming from. You worked your whole life, saved some money and hate it when the IRS comes along for your share. "Man, they use my money to help poor people with abortions" and it was there bad choice to get pregnent, so <deleted> them!

    How can you be so shortsighted? Only think about the now and not about the future? But than you are not standing alone on this, your hero also has a problem to see farther than 3 minutes.

    Keep defending your hero, but at least try to come up with a good reason, like,......... sorry I can't come up with one, but than I'm sure you will fill me in.



    The last couple of people I interacted with in this thread actually had something to say, questions to ask and I assume acted with the intentions of giving me a different perspective on some issues.

    Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from them?

  5. 3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    So you don't want your x amount of tax dollars going to pay for their abortions but it's okay if you x+ amount goes to pay for their childrens' various needs?

    I don't want to derail this thread further so if you want to continue this conversation via PM that might be more appropriate or keep it here, it's up to the moderators at that point. Having said that the way I see it, the welfare state does more harm than good so I'd like to see it stripped down 'big league'. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Well considering that Planned Parenthood serves a lot of poor women, it actually is a money saving measure to finance their abortions.  Even in the unlikely event that  all government benefits were cut off, someday those kids will be attending schools funded by taxpayer dollars.

    Yeah I totally get you in regards to the economic issues involved. That's actually the only reason I'm pro-choice. As long as we have a welfare state I will probably always be pro-choice, to cut down on welfare recipients because kids aren't cheap and some people just aren't ready for kids financially which is understandable.

  7. 5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Under existing law, no federal funds are allowed to be used for providing abortions by any agency including Planned Parenthood.

    That said, I can't see why you, as a supporter of choice, would oppose that if it weren't the case

    17 states still allow it, including mine.


    I don't want my tax dollars going to someone else's poor choices. I don't have a big problem if they pay for their own abortions.


  8. 2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Fair call.  I do believe we've yet to see him accomplish anything.  But for sure has lied and treated others terribly.  Oh, I guess he did accomplish selling over 100 Billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia to help with their proxy wars in Yemen and Syria.


    What Issues of his do you support?

    Yeah I was turned off by his weapons deal with Saudi. Also, when he bombed that airstrip in Syria it shook my faith in him but it turns out that despite everything the naysayers said he never went further. Had he actually gotten us involved in a real war with Syria, that would have been it for me(AMERICA FIRST!) You have to remember that he's supposed to represent his constituencies interests why would we continue to support him if he goes against our interests? I'll be the first one to drop him like a hot potato should he go against my interests. Also realize that for a majority of us, our interests ultimately lie in the future and betterment of the United States of America, not the Republican party(many of us are independents including myself), not Trump or anyone else.


    Off the top of my head here's what I support:

    The wall, tighter immigration(if not a complete temporary pause in immigration) from Muslim majority countries, more deportations of illegals(criminals first priority, don't mind keeping ones with ZERO criminal record), he's politically incorrect(political correctness is demonstrably dangerous), he speaks his mind(for better or worse!), he gave a huge middle finger to the establishment media(you'll find that we're sick and tired of the MSM have been for years YES that includes Fox News for a lot of us), defunding Planned Parenthood(I am PRO-CHOICE but I don't want my tax dollars going to someone's abortion) and he doesn't seem like your typical phony politician, the type of guy you could shoot the s*** with, you know 'relatable'.


    One thing I will concede to the anti-Trumpers(and even some of his supporters) is that they said it would be too hard for him to pass his policies due to lack of cooperation from establishment dems and repubs. We're seeing this happen right now in regards to the immigration ban.

  9. 19 minutes ago, thaihome said:

    Indeed, LBJ may have said that line (http://www.snopes.com/lbj-voting-democratic/) but he also realized that after signing the 1964 Civil Rights Acts (and the later 1965 Civil Rights Act) that he had likely driven virtually every white supremacist into the Republican party for a very long time, which is exactly what got Nixon elected in 1968 and why, except for Carter in 1980, the formerly "solid Democratic south" has voted overwhelming Republican since. 


    To blame the racist legacy of the Southern Democratic Party now fully embraced by the Republicans for your "conversion " from a liberal to a conservative is flagrantly dishonest. 


    Trust me, learning about the racist history of the democratic party was only a part of my conversion. The real catalyst and bigger reason was modern day liberals.

  10. 1 minute ago, Crowes said:


    I would argue the left has far more racists and bigots on their extremes than anything the right could muster.

    Very true. My conversion form liberal to conservative really sped up, so to speak, when I learned that Democrats founded the KKK. And that line from LBJ "‘I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for 200 years" disgusted me to know ends for multiple reasons.

  11. 1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

    I was replying to an a** who made a bigoted racist post. So go and be sick of your PC world where you're

    People with moderate conservative values are not called those things. Right wingers with hateful values are called those things. So as you were sick and tired of it along with the other Trump supporters you know exactly where you stand and it is not moderate conservative. If you are sick and tired of being called those things then alter your behaviour.

    Wrong again bucko. The Left has labeled anyone who merely doesn't agree with their values(or narrative) as sexist, homophobe etc as a way to tar and feather them thus delegitimizing their concerns.

    And what 'bigoted racist' post, may I ask, did I make? Go ahead, I'll be here waiting but won't hold my breath ; ) 

  12. 7 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

    It's a story alright; a story of a man's regression from Dr Jekyll to Mr Hyde. From "Feeli'n the Bern" to "BURN IT ALL DOWN!!"

    I saw through all of Bernie's socialist BS and I didn't want to feel the Bern that Venezuela is currently feeling or the Bern that many socialist Western European countries are feeling when you give all that power to the state 555555555

    "It may be an unwise man who doesn't learn from his own mistakes, but it's an absolute idiot that doesn't learn from other people's."


  13. 7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    So it's a moderate conservative value to dress up in Nazi uniforms and hold parades is it? It's a moderate conservative value for groups to "pray out the Gay" (one of Pence's only ideas), so the way you and Trump want to make America Great Again is simply to return to the days when you can call blacks ni****s and c**ns whenever you like, call Gays homo's and queer's, touch up 14 year old girls without fear of recrimination, pay women less and more preferred don't allow them to work just keep them in the kitchen and looking after the 8-10 kids you have because it's a sin to waste sperm in the end of a condom. And to throw into your recipe of bigot soup lets put in a handful of discrimination. If they are not white they are blacks, slant eyes, gooks, Jewboys, Yids and every other DISGRACEFUL way our predecessors used to treat other human's. The real way to make America great again is to gather up Trump and all his supporters and throw them in the middle of the Pacific. 


    The Vacuum was not "caused by the left", the Vacuum was caused by right wing fascists pushing non educated poverty stricken whites into a bigot army that are now currently foot soldiers for Trump and Bannon. I am simply staggered that seemingly educated people such as yourself fall for this utter crap. What Trump does is NOTHING to do with MSM, they just film him talking. Look at HIS interviews and Rallies. He is a lying SOB and if you cannot see that you are lost beyond hope and people like you bear a direct responsibility for the people that will suffer due to this mans sociopathic policies.


    I will get off the fence now.

    Dressing up in Nazi uniforms? I have no idea what you're talking about. Let's assume there were some conservatives who did this. So? They have nothing to do with mainstream conservatism. To paint all conservatives this way is as idiotic as painting all Mexicans or conservative Mexicans the same way because of their Nazi dance shows. YES in a small part of Mexico they do hold Nazi dance shows, youtube it. 


    As for praying out the gay, I would think there are Christian conservatives who believe in this. They can pray out whatever they want, it's not going to work either way. I'm so sorry that Christians praying to an assumably imaginary god has triggered you so badly.


    I don't know anyone who wants to go back to the days of calling black people those words. But hey nice strawman. Don't forget to take it down and pack it away when you're done beating it up. Have fun.


    Boy you're all over the place. Touching up 14 year old girls? What the heck are you talking about?? 


    We want to pay women less? Oh boy, sounds like you fell for the wage gap myth. Wouldn't it make more business sense to then just hire only women? Why don't most business owners do this? Hmmm…..


    There's no point in addressing the rest of what you wrote. It's just a bunch of drivel from someone clearly foaming at the mouth with no real coherency in their writing. You might want to wipe off your keyboard.




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