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Everything posted by sambum

  1. Finally - an overstayer that is a criminal, which justifies the millions of baht and man hours spent on catching "innocent" OAP's living out the last days of their lives in a decent climate
  2. And Pit Bulls are still legal - in spite of the fact that they are acknowledged to be probably the most dangerous breed in the world.
  3. “Recently my neighbor told me that my dogs have been chasing people on bikes. I was surprised, my dogs don’t even own bikes.”
  4. I like it! "Corrie" instead of "Eastenders"! I wonder which accent the Thai kids would find harder to understand - Mancunian or Cockney?
  5. Did I not read somewhere that the standard of education in Thailand is "abysmal" - especially in written and spoken English (which, like it or loathe it - it is accepted Worldwide as a "second" language) So to remedy this shortcoming, they reduce school hours to "incorporate more practical and tech-based learning." Marvellous!
  6. "................go quietly and you can keep your ill-gotten gains,........." The problem is that he doesn't need his "ill gotten gains", having such a wealthy wife, which is why he is unlikely to go quietly, and I think you are right about leaving the dirt with lawyers. It leaves the hierarchy in a difficult position - for once they are on the back foot, and can't buy their way out of trouble. As a previous poster has said, he ain't gone yet!
  7. Pol Gen Surachate said the money he spends comes from his wife Sirinatda, the daughter of Bancha Panitchapong, a billionaire transport and property tycoon in Songkhla, his home province. The daughter probably has a rather large bank account in her own right.
  8. "Mr. Panthong Loikulnan of the Customs Department mentioned that standard airport X-ray inspections can miss narcotics concealed in luggage." Ooops! What a giveaway! However, to be fair, "In response, Thai officials are now implementing more stringent measures to prevent similar incidents." Would that be to check all luggage? 🤪
  9. On their official website (Gov.co.uk) even the British Government say that conditions in Thai jails can be "harsh", so I think one can assume that life in the UK may be a bit more tolerable for him - especially at that age! ("Honest, guv, I'm a changed man - It all happened so long ago during a depressed period of my life. I was on drugs and couldn't control my emotions")
  10. Extract from this article:- "...........leading to his detention and highlighting an ongoing issue of foreign nationals flouting visa regulations in Thailand." Friday, 7 July 2023, 14:16"Within the next three months, the number of overstayers should be reduced to zero, as they are more likely to engage in criminal activities, which can adversely affect Thailand’s tourism industry, Pol. Lt. Gen. Pakphumpipat said." Note that the article is dated Friday 7 July 2023, and today is Monday 24 June 2024! Maybe he was a tad optimistic!" They say 'owt"! "Overstayers are more likely to engage in criminal activities" - Gob****e! they are more likely to just keep their heads down and avoid the law. Is Pol. Lt. Gen. Pakphumpipat still in the same job? Can't seem to find any articles about him since July last year. He has maybe had his 15 minutes of fame 😁
  11. "Unclear where the fake product was actually prodiced (produced?) and packaged and by whom." ".........distributing fake Xanax pills across the dark web from makeshift labs in the West Midlands, UK." Still no explanation from you on that one. Pfizer's concern would not be patent protectionism but rather having their particular brand associated with a sub-standard and potentially dangerous product. I did mention that in another post to another reader:- ".....(and don't tell me that it is because they want to safeguard their reputation!)
  12. Is it important? Do you want to "gawk"?
  13. Who are you to tell me that I "have no idea how many millions of lives are destroyed through illegal drugs?" And get off your pompous high horse telling me to "put my brain into gear before make (making?) anymore (any more?) stupid comments like that". It has a LOT to do with Pfizer losing money - why did they take 5 years of time and money investigating this affair? Think about that while you're drinking your cocoa (and don't tell me that it is because they want to safeguard their reputation!)
  14. Part of the article says ".....distributing fake Xanax pills across the dark web from makeshift labs in the West Midlands, UK." Seems pretty clear to me!
  15. Please note that I did say "over/under the counter" Re counterfeit or pirated, and laced with other dangerous substances " Of course pharmaceutical giant Pfizer would say that wouldn't they? They're not likely to say that they were exactly the same ingredients as their product, but selling for half the price!!!"
  16. "...................improve faith in the safety of Thai tourism." I wonder how long it will be before we see another headline:- "Pattaya"........."Ladyboy"..........."Indian".........."Gold necklace" ....... type story?
  17. "Chief of Pattaya Tourist Police Takes Steps to Strengthen Tourist Safety on Walking Street" Not again - Copy and paste please!
  18. I can get Zanax over/under the counter at a local pharmacy, but the price rocketed a few years ago. When I asked why, the pharmacist told me that "some kids were abusing them", so the price had been increased to deter them.
  19. Of course "pharmaceutical giant Pfizer" would say that wouldn't they? They're not likely to say that they were exactly the same ingredients as their product, but selling for half the price!!!
  20. So Mr Troll - you admit it? In your case, you'd have to be thrown back as not worth the effort of gutting and cleaning - mind you seeing that might be an experience that quite a few people would enjoy going by the usual reaction to your posts.
  21. "I didn't know what I was doing your honour - I was on drugs!" "Oh, that's OK then - go away and see a Drugs Counsellor and don't do it again or you'll be in VERY SERIOUS TROUBLE!!! have to do 10 hours of Community Service! Next!"
  22. Same here - I think lots of City Centres in the UK have the same problem. In my little City, the main street is blocked off to traffic on Friday and Saturday nights, and is as you say about Carmarthen, "like Dodge City was like in its heyday". And like 'em or loathe 'em, the Police have a very difficult job to do in these PC days - put a hand on some trouble maker's shoulder, and say "Pack it in lad" and they get a mouthful of abuse, and possibly a case of "assault" brought against them. In the "good old days" there was a "hard as nails" Police Sergeant who used to walk up and down the Main Street with his "night stick" at the ready, and there was very rarely any trouble from the drunks - unfortunately he wouldn't be allowed to get away with it these days!
  23. "Was the attacker on cannabis or something ?" Another trolling comment? If you'd said Yabba, or Meth or "drunk", it would have had more credence - Cannabis users are not usually violent - in fact normally the opposite.
  24. TAT wanted them - now you got them - Som nam na!
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