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Everything posted by sambum

  1. Love the headline! I have a mental image of hundreds of people in a "frenzy" in Khao San Road and "laughing their heads off" having partaken of the "laughing gas"!
  2. And the Brit was only "a lead" which led to the Aussie involvement.
  3. What makes you think that "Australians" are "Brits"? The only reference to a Brit is :- "His arrest stems from previous events involving a British man who sparked an investigation in November last year after a mishap with a gun at a Phuket nightclub. The British suspect, who accidentally dropped a firearm in front of the venue,................." The reast of the article (for a change) seems more concerned about Aussies:- "Immigration Bureau officers have detained an Australian man in Pattaya amid allegations of involvement in his home country's crimes and mafia gang connections in Thailand. Parallel incidents include another Australian man's arrest in Phuket in March for overstaying his visa and attempting to dodge a hospital bill following a motorcycle accident. Moreover, another Australian was detained the same month for stealing a motorcycle from a Koh Samui rental shop and travelling with it to Koh Pha Ngan." Are you so anti Brit that anybody with white skin participating in criminal activities in your mind is a Brit?
  4. Another one that TAT has attracted that they'd rather they hadn't! 🙂
  5. Thank you very much for that! I haven't had time to "trawl through" it yet, but I will! One thing that immediately jumped out at me was :- 16. Reciprocal social security agreements are not entered into solely with a view to paying annual uprating increases to UK pensioners living abroad. They are not strictly necessary for that purpose as uprating can be achieved through UK domestic legislation… So this b*****t about "reciprocal agreements" is exactly that! The way I read it is that R.A.'s (Reciprocal Agreements) are not the reason for the annual increments not being paid - that is just an excuse trotted out periodically when the subject is broached again.
  6. From the Gov.UK website today (4 June 2024):- "British passport holders arriving by air or land can enter Thailand without a visa (visa exemption) for the purpose of tourism for a period not exceeding 30 days." From this article:- “From 1 June 2024, British passport holders arriving by air or land can enter Thailand without a visa (visa exemption) for tourism and short-term business engagements for a period not exceeding 60 days. If you intend to stay longer (for work, study, or other reasons), you need to obtain a visa before you travel. Come on, which is it?
  7. The way the results of the last "democratic" election were swept aside and pushed under the carpet is nothing short of disgusting. It's almost as bad as letting criminals hold posts as politicians, although some might argue that in a country as corrupt as Thailand, that is what is needed - someone who knows the ropes and the dodgy dealings. I am sure that Pita has learnt his lesson about the "dirty tricks" that can be, and have been used in the past, and will use this knowledge to his and the MFP to their advantage.
  8. This has been noted a few times before - hence the "anti farang" sentiments and behaviour from many Thais - especially the younger ones.
  9. Nah - he just borrows them nd forgets to give them back!
  10. Are you saying that you can tell them in advance of your return date to the UK? I would have thought that they would only begin to review your case when you actually returned to the UK? Otherwise, you would have multitudes of people saying that they are going to return on a certain date, but don't actually do so - for one reason or another!!!
  11. Probably working on a few more promises which can be broken! 😡
  12. I am aware that, at the time of the previous general election, the Labour party had included unfreezing of frozen pensions in their manifesto (I think that is correct). I therefore responded to my MP as below : Dear Mr xxxxxx, Thank you for your response. It is, of course, disappointing. At the time of the last (I believe) election the Labour Party promised to unfreeze pensions for those pensioners living overseas in countries that do not receive uprating. I have to ask why that promise has changed ? Why are we no longer deserving of this ? The fact that some pensioners are still receiving the level of pension that they had when they left UK many years ago is, to be fair, disgusting. You say that this "this is a difficult issue". I would have to disagree. It's a very simple issue. Make pension uprating the norm for all pensioners, no matter where they reside. What could be simpler than that ? We have paid our dues in UK, many of us, including me, for more than 40 years, and now we are penalised ? Why ? You say that moving overseas is voluntary decision. That is so, and so is my choice of who to vote for. I'm sure that the implication is clear. Regards, Tony M The MP has not responded
  13. I have mentioned this before on here but I was at a Management Training Course many years ago, and the lecturer said that the biggest reason given for being averse to change was "But, we've always done it this way!" Can be applied to many situations!
  14. Bet you're a joy to be with at Xmas! Yes, we "make no demands on the NHS until things go pear shaped" unlike the many thousands of people that make demands on the NHS every day - including thousands that have contributed nothing to the system. You could say that we are actually saving the NHS money by living abroad, and because we have paid N.I. contributions all our working lives that we are subsidising these thousands of migrants, but in your eyes that's "tough sh*t" I suppose? You appear to be one of these "I'm all right Jack" type of people, and I hope that one day you find yourself in need of help, and those you turn to say "tough sh*t"! Wonder how you'll feel then, Shylock?
  15. Similar reaction as Andy Murray gives when he's said to be Scottish when he wins and British when he loses I suppose!
  16. Sorry - 2 posts got crossed somehow, but you are correct - the Isle of Man is not part of the UK, which probably explains the discrepancy between the State Pension payments, but the poster from there has already explained that.
  17. I think she will receive her current pension for a period of time (3 months?) and after that time she will get her new pension which will be backdated to the date that she arrived back in the UK.
  18. Yes, I am afraid it is lost on me! I got my information from a Government website, and Of course it has - the Isle of Man is part of the UK/Britain is it not?
  19. I can read perfectly well - pity you don't explain yourself more clearly! What EXACTLY is your point?
  20. You may be right, but the writer of the post is from the Isle of Man where apparently they have a higher level of Pension than the rest of the UK.
  21. Thank you for the explanation!
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