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Everything posted by sambum

  1. "...............in an effort to boost tourism.................." And there we have it in a nutshell! (P.S. I thought last week they were complaining of too many tourists in Phuket?)
  2. Bad Boys in? Thought the Gov't would have learned from previous experience?
  3. I'm afraid that our past "exchanges of views" has not been pleasant, so this "exchange" is now finished, and you are going on my "Ignore " list - I thought you were on already, to be honest.
  4. The good thing in all of these posts is that they're leaving the Brits alone!
  5. Are you capable of compiling a post containing more than one sentence?
  6. Seems like the Russians are taking the "Bad Boys" mantle from the Brits. Think the Brits have been engrossed in the footie - "It's coming home!" 😂 (If they get beaten by Spain - AN will no doubt have a few headlines about "Brits on the rampage"!
  7. And different types of alcohol can have different effects! I knew a guy who could drink beer all night and be a real "fun" person, but one gin and tonic - wanted to fight EVERYBODY!
  8. (or sushi), or even being bi-polar, can have totally unexpected results if one has never tried it before. I must admit, if I was to eat Sushi i.e. “sour rice” (the rice is traditionally moistened with rice vinegar), there would probably be "unexpected results" - probably in my nether regions!!! However I have never heard of anybody going on a "ramming" spree because of it! (OK, here's one 🙂 )
  9. In a startling incident that shook the quiet streets of Pattaya last night, a Japanese tourist, later identified as Mr. Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi, unleashed mayhem following an alleged altercation with his girlfriend. At approximately 9:30 PM, local authorities were alerted to a disturbance involving a vehicle ramming into objects and other cars along Soi Bua Khao, a popular night-time locale. So make your mind up, would you class Soi Bua Khao among the " the quiet streets of Pattaya"?
  10. Yes, just look at all the "quality" Russians in the headlines almost every day for various "quality" performances!
  11. "This has all been caused by K Anutin & his henchmen............" Hear, hear! The man has no business being in politics - his diplomatic skills are zero, and 9 times out of 10 anything he says is questionable at best. Plus, everybody should know by now that the reason he pushed for the legalisation of cannabis was not for the general well being of the country, by increasing tourism, but rather to enhance his own investment in the cannabis production. The man is totally shallow, and can be read like a book!
  12. "He provided public health concerns, such as the alleged potential for a drop in IQ and ongoing public apprehension, as reasons for the quick action." "Alleged"? By who? It is also "alleged" that drinking and driving can cause accidents, but are they proposing to ban alcohol? "Ongoing public apprehension" There was plenty of public apprehension about whether a convicted criminal should have his sentence reduced to 1 year from 8 within weeks of his return to Thailand, but that didn't make any difference to the decision. Another load of bureaucratic b******t!
  13. I wonder if when they arrive in London(for instance) the girls will be telling the guys that they must have lots of money because they can afford to fly there? Or if they will be charged at least twice as much as "Brits" to get into London Zoo?
  14. More toys for the boys - oops, sorry, "important passengers"!
  15. But it's funnier when you do! 🙂
  16. Correct - I have tried both, and LSD could give you a mind blowing trip "up" or "down", and after one trip "down" I never took it again! I did carry on with the cannabis for quite a few years though with no ill effects (apart from the occasional "whitey"!) Comical true life scenario:- Guy lying on the floor in my flat having an aforesaid "whitey" says:- "Call me an amblumance, mate - I don't feel so good" His mate says "OK, you're an amblumance!" (Shrieks of hilarity from the other 3 or 4 of us indulging in "the munchies" (Items in inverted commas can be explained on request! 🙂 )
  17. It cost a few OAP's 30k baht each for an illegal beer back in the days of Covid - 10k to the court and 20k to the cops for not shopping them to Immigration!
  18. Yes, they will have to have a myriad of Committee Meetings first - the first one to decide when the second one is going to be!
  19. Strange that cannabis didn't tempt you but LSD did - both substances being illegal?
  20. And that hasn't happened before in Thailand? Stage Right - enter the King of turnarounds - Anutin who is not looking very happy - I wonder why?
  21. " No legal charges were issued against them or other foreign couples involved in previous incidents in Phuket." So it's OK in Phuket but not in Chiang Mai? Sounds like Immigration are involved somehow due to the different interpretations? 🙂
  22. "..........it will be 100% my fault." Are you married to a Thai lady perchance?
  23. "The impact was severe enough to knock him to the ground." Wow, that must have been some hit! Not surprised that he was "hurt" and also surprised he's still in one piece!
  24. What are you on about? Macro, Tesco Lotus, and Big C are all in Thailand - not the UK And they don't say "Melly Klismas" in the UK!
  25. Not exactly a music lover are you? I often go to Macro, Tesco Lotus, Big C etc., and the music is never too loud! In the USA they call it "Escalator Music" and in the UK we call it "Musak". What I do object to is the "Melly Klismas" music starting in September/October!
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