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Everything posted by sambum

  1. "However, a significant number of drivers and vehicles remain unregistered, sparking demands for stricter regulation and enforcement." So get the RTP to do their jobs! (Sorry, that popular topic of brown envelopes has just sprung into my mind for some reason!)
  2. "Other people make so much noise too with their TV's in shops, in the cars, and at home, restaurants, and just name it. and the RTP is doing nothing. When do they ever in domestic disputes? But I think they would have a difficult job curbing the type of noise that you complain about, i.e. "with their TV's in shops, in the cars, and at home, restaurants, and just name it."
  3. ".............the government is reviewing a long-standing nationwide ban on the sale of alcohol between 2 pm and 5 pm, which has been in place for 52 years." Now THAT is more likely to have a beneficial effect on tourism, than allowing people to drink in airports on Buddha Days. How many tourists arriving at their destination whether it be Bangkok or London, hang around the airport after they have collected their luggage? I would have thought - not many - people just want to get to their hotel or accommodation after a long flight! There may be a few who have a few drinks before hitting the Departure Lounge, but the prices will deter quite a few of those. One of the most negative comments about Thailand that tourists will take back home with them to pass on to friends and family is that you can't go into a supermarket/711 and buy drink in the afternoon, so IMHO getting rid of that absurd (52 years old!!) law is well overdue.
  4. Yes, some poor girl was raped and killed by a rail employee who had a history of drug and alcohol problems (He raped her then threw her off the train) So what did the Rail Company do? Ban drink sales on all trains thereby punishing the passengers! Yes indeed - TIT!
  5. Correct! "Waiting for Godot"?* * Waiting for Godot (/ˈɡɒdoʊ/ ⓘ GOD-oh[1]) is a play by Irish playwright Samuel Beckett in which two characters, Vladimir (Didi) and Estragon (Gogo), engage in a variety of discussions and encounters while awaiting the titular Godot, who never arrives.
  6. I can foresee quite a few "passengers" going to the airport in order to get a couple of drinks on "Buddha Days"! But maybe not at the prices they charge!!!
  7. So maybe standards have slipped since I was in my 30's - 40 years ago? I did say "many years ago"!!! (I haven't read the link, but it appears to be dated Oct 2020, 3 - 4 years ago)
  8. I had a go once in Greece many years ago and loved it - but they seemed a bit more safety conscious there!
  9. Looks a lot taller than 5 metres to me!
  10. "A distinct lack of "finger-pointing" evidenced in that photo. Have they stopped teaching that as the preferred method of determining who the guilty party is ?" Yes - I'm missing that too! Possibly because there's no evidence to point at? I'm sure they could have found SOMETHING, if they really wanted! "And WHAT is with those frakken pop-up ads now appearing repeatedly. Every time someone new takes over the site it goes downhill a bit further." Yes - and being constantly asked (every time I move to a new page) to remove my ad - blocker! NO! NO! NO! But you still get all the pop up ads anyway!
  11. "More accidents on the roads........." Due entirely to use of cannabis? "More fines for cannabis use........" Obviously more people using - more people get caught and fined. "...lots of youngsters would. rather be stoned than working" That has always been the case, whether it's drink or drugs. I think that lots of youngsters who have just finished more than 10 years of full time education want a bit of freedom for a while before getting a job. I know I did! "A lot of stabbing due to people owning (owing?) money for cannabis." And you know this how? Could it not be due to people owing money for heroin, cocaine, meth, or other reasons not related to drugs - maybe gang related, "turf wars", or even sales of mobile phones (I'll pay you next week!) etc etc etc "If the doctor prescribes fantastic." ??? I presume you mean that it is fantastic if a doctor prescribes it, but not so if it's bought "on the street"? And your penultimate sentence "LOS has survived without it for many years" is laughable. It should read "LOS has survived using it illegally for many years" (And will continue to do so if it is recriminalised) Too many people lambast cannabis (without proof or knowledge) as an evil drug that causes a myriad of problems, which is not normally the case. And when a Police so called Drugs Abuse Expert lectures a class of cadets and says "Anybody who uses cannabis will end up being a heroin addict", it is no surprise that that people go around spouting about the dangers of cannabis, when in actual fact, they are minimal compared to alcohol and other drugs.
  12. You seem like one of those rarities amongst dog "owners" in Thailand by virtue of the fact that you do keep your dogs under control, so well done there. However, as you say in your last sentence, too may Thais do not take responsibility for their animals, and when they get into trouble ( the dogs!) suddenly it's a stray. There are far too many of these out of control "strays", and if someone gets bitten on the ankle while trying to avoid them, (by running away if necessary) then IMHO that animal should be put down immediately. All very well saying "stand your ground" or "face the Alpha male down", but the point remains that these animals are dangerous, and should not be allowed to roam loose. I know this is Thailand, and they do things differently here, but differently does not mean better, and that is the problem. Thais are not suddenly going to become responsible dog "owners" when for generations their "pets" have been allowed to roam free and form packs and alliances that can become a problem to people. My own opinion on how to solve the problem has been mentioned before but is drastic. Any dog that does not have a collar that is roaming loose should immediately be taken "out of circulation", and euthanised - depending on the circumstances. Any dog that does have a collar and is roaming free should be impounded, its owner contacted, and punished accordingly, as the mantra of "dog lovers" seems to be there are no bad dogs just bad owners. So, theoretically, every dog should have a collar containing its owners contact details. No collar - no owner - impounded or euthanised - simple (in theory!) And the responsibility for ensuring that the above "remedy" is enforced should be on the local councils/RTP shoulders. But it ain't likely to happen because it would cost money, and would come very low in priorities on any council's budget, and after all Thailand are a nation of animal lovers are they not?
  13. I self identified as "Grammar Police" as that is the accepted description "on here" for someone who corrects the grammar and spelling of other people's posts, but theoretically, you are correct - maybe I should have used the term "Spelling Police". Now, excuse me for being asking so many questions but as I said earlier, sometimes the writing in the posts confuse me, so could you explain "Pardon my pandancy,...", please? I did try Googling it but apparently there's no such word! Pedantic maybe? I'm only joking - I know what you mean, but I just felt that if we were correcting each other.......? Shall we just call it a day, before the Mods do?
  14. Yes, sir! By the way - as you're in teaching mode, you should really answer questions that are put to you - not just ignore them e.g.:- "...... at least attempt to be accurate." Could you explain where I was inaccurate? Just to increase my "self awareness". "Try focusing on the facts and content of people's messages." I do try, honestly, but sometimes the poor spelling and grammar confuses me e.g. "whom who don't even know" Maybe I should try harder, Sir?
  15. ".........all while remaining generally useless, at least attempt to be accurate." Got to give you a "Confused" emoji for that one 😕 And I didn't think that spelling correctly was a particularly "useless" talent to have, nor that "spelling errors and grammatical errors are entirely different aspects of writing"? Whoops, here's another one 😕
  16. And it sounds like you're one of those big macho guys that has one or two Pit Bulls for company.
  17. "Anyway, the radio station said Italian." By the use of the word "anyway" obviously you're implying that you believe the radio. "It's what I heard....." on the radio? "Geeze some people have too much time." "Pot - Kettle"? Anyway, all this is becoming rather "confusing" - "Italian", "Belgian" - who are we to believe? Enough for me - the guy's a prat anyway!
  18. "I've got more important things to do,......." Yes, I'm sure you have - like listening to the radio? 🙂
  19. Some/many people do not put their school or University on their profile So the Radio Station is bound to be correct? - ha ha
  20. Grammar Police here - it's not a "witchunt" or a "witchurt" - it's a "witch hunt"!
  21. From his Facebook page:- "Former Managing director at mezelf No schools/universities to show From Eeklo, Belgium"
  22. "It's a pittance." Correct - probably spends that on a day's dog food and a drink or 3.
  23. You obviously haven't been bitten by an out of control dog! If it's had a blast of spray in its face, it's not an attempt to blind it - it's a "come near me, or anyone again growling and snarling, you'll get another dose of this" Another point to bear in mind is that dogs can smell fear and if you are backing off in fear, it is just as likely to "have a go" as it is to go away.
  24. Finally - an overstayer that is a criminal, which justifies the millions of baht and man hours spent on catching "innocent" OAP's living out the last days of their lives in a decent climate
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