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Everything posted by sambum

  1. Yes, I quite agree - nobody among the Superpowers seems to want to lay the blame at their door (for fear of "reprisals" - lost trade etc.) Everything you buy in the Supermarket for a start!
  2. And I sympathise with people who do not recognise light heartedness when they see it - even when you put a smiling emoji at the end of the post!
  3. Check how much prices have increased in the UK! I blame it partly on all the money that was spent paying people to stay at home during Covid (Furloughed) The money had to come from somewhere - now it's payback time!
  4. As usual, a "nail on the head" post! I especially like ".....as good as the word of a snake oil salesman,....." 🙂
  5. Joking apart, it just shows what the Thai "elite" think of the mentality of the average Thai person, when they expect the "man in the street" to believe such bull****! Reminds me very much of "The Watchman's" (Prawit) pathetic excuses re his hoard of expensive watches - borrowed from a friend and he can't give them back because the friend is now dead"! Pfft! (We never did hear who the dead "friend" was, and I presume he still has his "collection"!)
  6. If you actually read my post in the way that it was intended, you wouldn't be up on your high horse spouting statistics - get a life!
  7. "Comfy" is what the exchange rate was when I first came here about 20 years ago - 73 baht to the British Pound. Don't think we'll see that again but 50 would be nice ! 🙂 And stupid me for telling the Brit Gov that I lived here - now my pension is frozen at 2015 rate 😞 Double whammy!
  8. Very droll! "Rhetorical affirmation" (OK - I had to Google it too!)
  9. I presume that "Confused" doesn't do humour or sarcasm?
  10. Can someone please have a word with the new British Labour Government to do something about the number of Thai Baht I get for my British Pound which seems to have gone into freefall since they got in? 😀
  11. And tourists IN and foreign long stayers OUT?
  12. "Anutin is being quietly lined up for the PM position,...." I do honestly hope not - for the sake of the country and the sake of the farang ex pat community. There'll be a few on their way out of the country if that happens (and not just the dirty unwashed ones - without their masks!) The man is no diplomat, that's for sure, and even as Health Minister, he showed his lack of knowledge of even the current legislation regarding his own job when he was refused admission to an important meeting of leaders in Europe because he did not have the necessary vaccination certificates! 🙂 And his penchant for U turns makes any decision he makes questionable at best, which would not sit well with other countries representatives or leaders. For instance, should he (Buddha forbid!) become Prime Minister, I wonder what would become of the Government's cannabis policy, bearing in mind his personal financial investment in the trade?
  13. "No apps or even wifi on my phone. It's a telephone for goodness sake. Calls, SMS and photos only." Correct! Somebody scammed my credit card a while ago in a hotel in Bangkok. Although I named the hotel, I heard nothing from the Credit Card Company, but they did refund the amounts, one of which was a top up on a mobile phone, and the other for a "ringtone" on the same phone. Paying for a "ringtone"? Some people are just plain daft! 🙂 (The best mobile phone I ever has was an old N***a that did phone calls only - which is what a phone is for and cost about 800 baht) Also never got any "unsolicited" calls!)
  14. "In related news, authorities in Thailand are set to take decisive action against the illegal use of e-cigarettes, emphasising the need to protect children from the health risks associated with vaping." And what about the health risks associated with smoking tobacco? Ignored, but tell you what? Why not put the price up, so that The Tobacco Authority of Thailand can make more money from sales, and the Government can make more money from taxes? Apparently vaping is supposed to be a way to help you break the habit of smoking tobacco. Hmmm? Wonder why it's banned? 😦
  15. Not "Ex Scottish footballer" or "Ex British footballer" then? Well done!
  16. "Anticipates" a record 2.2 million arrivals next year, buoyed by a new 60-day visa-free scheme. However, a shortage of aircraft in Russian airlines poses a challenge, according to the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). In 2025, TAT aims for a 7.5% increase in revenue, targeting 39 million foreign tourists and 205 million domestic trips. Funny how the words "anticipates", "aims for", "targeting", "record" and "39 million" all seem to go hand in hand with Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). Doesn't it give you that lovely warm feeling inside?
  17. Which are as old as the hills! Running horse and 2 halves of a coconut shell springs to mind, along with kazoos, penny whistles and canned laughter.
  18. And in the UK in 2023:- In September 2023, following a series of severe and fatal attacks in the UK, it was announced that ownership of the XL Bully would be banned in the country by the end of 2023."
  19. Unless you're in Cambodia and they stick in your throat!
  20. "............implementing precautionary measures such as visible warning signs and secure enclosures around the property." No warning signs that I can see, a piece of rope/string looped around the bottom of the gate that could easily be chewed through, an a U shaped piece of iron that could probably be freed by shaking the gate! Thai style security!
  21. No, the solution you are proposing should be a last resort! You know how long it takes to get things done in Thailand and in the meantime these incidents keep occurring, while you are "taking it up with the Headman", and if you get no response, "take it to a higher level", where you would probably get the same lack of response.
  22. No, I would kill them, and let someone like you take it up with the headman!
  23. No, the solution you are proposing should be a last resort! You know how long it takes to get things done in Thailand and in the meantime these incidents keep occurring, while you are "taking it up with the Headman", and if you get no response, "take it to a higher level", where you would probably get the same lack of response.
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