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Everything posted by sambum

  1. And talking about imported goods, what happened to the reduction in import taxes and duties on imported wines? I haven't seen any difference at all in the prices on the shelves, or is it going to take "a couple of years" for the suppliers to sell the stocks that they have already paid the taxes/duties on? 😉
  2. "This egg face guy" I like that! 🤣
  3. " .......the political elite have scant disdain for their own people too" I presume you mean "The political elite have scant regard for their own people too" but I get your drift, and agree with you.
  4. There is nothing wrong with a Deputy PM for Thailand having Thailand as his main priority, but there is no need for him to blatantly make it known by his actions and statements that he has no regard whatsoever for the foreigners that his own Government is trying so hard to entice into this country to spend their dollars/pounds/euros. It's almost like saying "We want your money, but we don't want you, so come here, have your holiday, and then b****r off back to where you came from. And those of you who live here are not welcome, but we wil take your money, and if we can squeeze even more out of you by taxing the money that you spend here, we will do." Just part of our plans for an "Even More Amazing Thailand"
  5. I was denied a loan for a roof repair in the UK by my bank because although I was a citizen I was not a resident. Although I had sufficient fund in 2 accounts to pay for the repairs, it would have left me a bit short in the event of an emergency. The point that I would like to make is that they seem perfectly happy to take my monthly pension payments, but loth to lend me money! Just as a matter of interest (no pun intended!) this particular bank came bottom in a list of UK banks for Customer Service - both in Branch, and Online. And for those smart Alecs who say "well, change your Bank then!" might I refer you to the post that I am replying to? 🙂
  6. "I don't particularly care if he personally dislikes foreigners or not. its his prerogative" I do particularly care if a prospective future PM of this country, (where rules and regulations regarding visas/extensions are constantly being changed and overcomplicated) obviously does not want foreigners/farangs here. Does that not ring warning bells for you? And I think that to remind people of Anutin's anti farang sentiments is not a bad thing - sometimes people can forget the mistakes of the past after the perpetrator "changes his suit"! Although we personally can do nothing about it, it does no harm to keep people aware of what someone is likely to do if given the opportunity. And just a reminder, from a recent post on here which I believe you are quoting above:- ("his current statement which is simply in line with Thai labour laws"):- . "In a bold move, Deputy Prime Minister Anutin Charnvirakul orders the arrest of foreigners operating cannabis outlets illegally in Thailand." Nothing about Thais operating illegallly, so we can see where his priorities lie!
  7. The words that come out of Anutin's mouth are reported by the media, right? So his words are all part and parcel of the "targeted media campaign"!
  8. I have to agree with HappyExpat57 on this one. I smoked a bit of "weed" in the 60's/70's, and remember Moroccan Black, Lebanese Gold/Red etc and the type of "buzz" it gave me. However, one day somebody turned up with some "Skunk" one day, which was "nit noi" higher in THC content, and I was almost "tripping"! A point that was made by the late great musician David Crosby in one of his interviews. (For the record, David Crosby - of the Byrds, and Crosby Stills and Nash was heavily involved in all kinds of drugs during his life from "weed" right through to heroin) In the interview he said that the only drug problem he had in the 60's was getting ENOUGH ! But he also said that "the stuff that the kids are smoking these days would have blown my head off - they should make it illegal!" He said it jokingly, but he did say he was serious about the possible hallucogenic effects of the "new breed of weed"
  9. I know you were talking about the UK, (well, I assumed so,) which is why I said Government Minister without being specific to any country. Basically what I was saying is that you expect better standards from those that have been selected to rule the country - whether it be the UK, here, or Outer Mongolia! I, and many others, (Thai as well!) think that his "dirty farangs" tirade was out of order, and he obviously just does not like farangs, as is obvious by his latest scourge in Phuket of foreigners and marijuana shops. The worrying thing is that some Thais will blindly follow his anti farang sentiments, and the media in particular seem to be having an "anti farang" campaign on the go at the moment, thereby giving the younger Thais in particular an excuse to treat foreigners with contempt and sometimes open hostility. ("Because that's how Anutin would say/do it") I mentioned in a previous post of the change in attitudes of the younger Thais working in supermarkets, and I put that partly down to the likes of Anutin and his comments. I wonder how his working relationship is with TAT whose job seems to be to glorify the number of tourists and farangs that THEY have persuaded to holiday here, while he goes out of his way to denigrate them? Buddha help us if he ever gets to be PM! Regarding my comments concerning the defamation laws, I merely put that in as an example of the "double standards" we encounter here sometimes e.g. Anutin and his ilk can say whatever they like about "farangs", but if we mention something unfavourable about Thailand, we can get "hung, drawn and quartered" for it! And yes it is their country, and we "aliens" have no say in the way that it is run, and if we keep our heads down, everything will be OK, but that kind of defeatist attitude is one of the failings (IMHO) of the Thai people in general - look what happened to the MFP at the last election? But that is for discussion under a different thread, which has already been covered I believe?
  10. ".........some have been forced to resign over a few ill chosen words" Which is why one would expect a better standard of rhetoric from a Government Minister. This country really is becoming a sort of N.Korea/China if you can not criticicise the accommodation where you choose to stay. What's the point of having something like Trip Advisor if all the negative comments are not allowed? I have also been here for a fair length of time (20 years) and like yourself, have come through it "unscathed", but surely that doesn't mean that if you like something, (e.g. hotel) you are free to sing its praises to all and sundry, but if you don't like it you have to "button it"? e.g. if I don't like your style of rhetoric, and I criticise it on "Social Media", then you can sue me? So TAT in particular should be singing the praises of Thailand, but warning all tourists that you can say how much you have enjoyed your stay, but don't complain about anything that you didn't enjoy, i.e. "damaging to the image of the country" or there is a risk that you might get arrested?
  11. No, not fragile, but possibly some people think that his comments were not something that you would expect from a Government Minister. And in this country of contradictions, you can get jailed and/or heavily fined for criticising the standards of service and food in a hotel?
  12. "But the cigarette pίgs will go to war with you if you ask them politely to refrain from doing it." I am an ex smoker (up to 2 packs a day for 50 years) an I can honestly say that in my experience, most smokers are the opposite to what you portray above. Personally, I don't mind someone smoking next to me - as long as it is not in a restaurant, or they deliberately blow smoke in my face - which has only happened once to me! There is a saying where I come from in the UK and that is that "there is no one so anti smoking as an ex smoker - and he'll let you know it "
  13. "As a courtesy to other people all smokers should be discreet and smoke in private areas away from people who do no wish to inhale second hand smoke." And I think for the most part, they do. Now as for the "Get that filthy stuff away from me - get out of here" ex smoking brigade - I don't find them courteous at all!
  14. I agree, but unfortunately not likely to happen.
  15. "Let the Thai people decide ." Like they did at the last elecion? Hmmm?
  16. Of course he's outraged - and nothing to do with moral grounds either! His Bank manager and investors in his "business" are not going to be best pleased at this latest "U Turn" in Government policy! Personally, the message I would give to Anutin would be "Now you know what it's like to be on the receiving end of a "U Turn" - "Som nam na"!!!
  17. "Police in Phuket reported that the CCTV cameras at the site were not working, leaving the accident unrecorded. Several businesses nearby offered their CCTV footage, but the police declined. Moreover, a source close to Lucket mentioned that the van driver was not required to undertake an alcohol test post-accident." I smell a rat! Or a brown envelope? Or "it's only a farang" or ....? Too many choices for my hot frazzled brain to take into account - think I'll just stick with the "rat" theory!
  18. More like somebody making daft decisions because they have lost the "POT"? Somehow I smell Thaksin working behind the scenes here?
  19. This is gonna affect poor old Anutin's bank balance dreadfully -Boo hoo hoo! 🙂
  20. "Already explained" Thank you for that!
  21. I think the 2 cops on the left in the photo agree with you!
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