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Posts posted by sambum

  1. Please ... as if the family has the right to tell a foreign country whether or not to investigate (autopsy) if a crime (murder) occurred in their own country. What a bunch of disrespectful nonsense making such ignorant speculation of this poor women who just lost a daughter when you cannot even use common sense about laws. All this further compounded with the spreading of another very a moronic Facebook comment suggesting a hotel door cannot being opened by staff, as this one was, if locked from the inside.

    A young girl dies who was taking medication including pain killers and benzos while drinking as well as buying an expensive antibiotics in the days before dying. All indications from the witneses, the scene and medical examinations to date indicate no foul play and the mother has stated very early on her daughter died of natural causes. While it would seem her use of the word "natural causes" may not be the medical definition, it seems very clear what she meant.

    There is absolutely zero reason, outside of far fetched theories, to suggest foul play and MANY factual reasons to point to there being no foul play. For God's sake let them conclude with the medical results and show the mother just a basic bit of respect and privacy at least until she gets her daughter back and cared for. While you and others want to play social media detectives for your own thrills, this women lost a daughter whom she knew and loved and this kind of wild idiotic unfounded rumor spreading serves absolutely no purpose except to satisfy some self feelings of inadequacy .... this women is no difference than the family of the actual Koh Tao murder victims who made clear such nonsense internet posting was hurtful to them. A big difference however here is there is no murder investigation ad a murder has not even been confirmed and there isn't anything to indicate any foul play ... except for what the morons on Facebook will come up with as the continue to feed each other to be convinced this was a murder.

    While you may actually think people are stupid, there is nobody who can read the OP who isn't aware that lack of semen and lack of there being any sign of attack doesn't prove there was not foul play but rather just makes it less likely especially combined with other facts we know such as the medication, her door being locked from the inside and her valuables not missing. So, why mention this unless trying to promote it? And why mention overdose or natural cause when the report doesn;t suggest or mention either unless you are trying to create a subtle false argument that these are the only other two alternatives just as you try to state the mother is either "very naive" or the daughter had a a life threatening illness before she traveled. Really, while either might be truer is this the only two options?

    This is just a bunch of nonsense with the clear design to manipulate other emotionally driven non-critical thinking people to get on another conspiracy band wagon. There is a whole world that exists outside the one of fantasy detectives land on social media that is filled with actual facts and logic and plausible theories that you don't need to lower your IQ to be part of.

    Unless foul play is proven or even realistically suspected to be involved, none of us have any right to know the details of this girls life and death and this is the way it should be. Bullying and hindering authorities with nonsense theories and lies spread on the internet to release information that will be selectively believed and the rest used to fuel the needs of Social Media Detectives is a disgusting game to play when real people whose lives have already turned upside down are involved.

    Apparently you have the toxicology results already? How do you know what is in her system? Were you there to see her ingest them?

    "Conspiracy theory"?

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    No different than Koh Samui with British want to be Gang, Mafia Thugstrer Drug dealers and not just a couple but Many many many...They have become as annoying as the Russians.

    Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about. How many people die in England per year in drug related issues and gun related issues. Then look at your own country.

    I have been coming to Koh Samui for more than 15 years and living here for nearly 8. I am a regular drinker at a few bars in the middle of town, and I have never seen a fight yet! Heard of them certainly, but never actually seen one, so I agree with Tezzap on this, sscsamui doesn't know what he's talking about - maybe he's got vested interests in Koh Tao and trying to divert some trade to their Gang,Mafia,Thugstrer(?) Drug dealers? (Ooops - sorry, conspiracy theory!)

  3. A group of guys attacked someone. Why are their nationalities so important in this assault?

    To be honest, I think that both the nationalities of assailants and victims are usually quoted in cases like this. However, you do not often see 'Thai gang' beats up .........man. The point being that when it involves foreigners, "name and shame", but Thais wouldn't do that - would they?

    By the way, I am British, and the cliches that could be applied to this lot are uncountable ,but suffice to say that they would be better off taking their attitude back to the streets of the UK, and good riddance. But hopefully before they go, some Thais might do what they wouldn't do, right?

  4. Let's see, Koh Tao, two murders of foreign tourist in the last ten years, what's the number for Phuket over ten years, you say you've seen statistics, but don't produce them. Never mind, happy to oblige:

    Quick search, one example per year:

    August 2005 A British man has confessed to the brutal murder of his girlfriend on the Thai resort island of Phuket

    16 March 2008 - 20 comments Swedish national Hanna Charlotta Backlund, 26, was found murdered at Mai Khao in Phuket on Saturday.

    PHUKET, Thailand (8 May 2009)— A Swiss woman was found dead on a beach in Krabi where she may have been strangled and robbed.

    Aug 15, 2010 An American tourist was killed on the Thai island of Phuket after a British man allegedly picked a fight with him at a bar, followed him back to his hotel and stabbed him to death, police said Sunday.

    August 2011 PHUKET: Phuket City Police have confirmed to the Phuket Gazette that two Swedish men have been arrested in connection with the stabbing murder yesterday of Maksim Schantz.

    June 21, 2012 POLICE are hunting two killers who knifed to death a 60-year-old Perth travel agent in a bag-snatch gone wrong on the Thai holiday island of Phuket last night.

    August 2013 PHUKET: An American was stabbed to death early today in a bar in the Thai holiday province of Krabi because he refused to stopped singing

    April 26, 2014- PHUKET: Chalong Police have arrested at least one Myanmar national in connection with the killing of French tourist Fabrice Boigeol, 37, who was found slain in his rented Phuket bungalow on April 18.

    And so on and so forth. I guess that's the reason you just made claims about statistics without actually substantiating your allegations.

    Of course that's just tourists, Phuket Wan (that can't be linked) lists two murders of foreigners in the first half of 2014 only.

    For what is worth: "Crime statistics compiled by the Phuket Provincial Police reveal 45 murders and 310 cases of manslaughter on the resort island in 2009"

    Look at the current stats its got for actual tourist murders, not talking about ex pats, locals or accidents I mean actual tourists who have been murdered

    Thank you for the confirmation of some tourist murders in Phuket between the years of 2005 to 2014.

    Krabi is not Phuket so we'll leave both of those out.

    The 2 Swedish men arrested for the stabbing murder were not tourists nor was the victim they were expats

    The expat in Phuket who killed his girlfriend was not a tourist he was a bar owner

    So that leaves a total of 4 tourist murders in Phuket from 2005 to the present

    How many tourists in Phuket that period? 36 million about?

    How many tourists in Koh Tao that period? 1.8 million tops

    Now do the maths again

    I didn't claim the list to be a complete dossier on every single murder of tourists in Phuket for the last ten years.

    You claimed that Koh Tao is more deathly than Phuket based on "statistics", I say you based that on hot air, because you have neither provided statistics for Phuket or Koh Tao to support your claim.

    We are not concerned about the last 10 years - we are concerned about events over the last year, where the list of "accidental" deaths on Koh Tao seems disproportionately large for the size of the island, and the investigations into at least one of them has been shown to be amateurish and unprofessional to say the least, but of course you wouldn't care to admit that - would you?

  5. actually longstebe..some have actually accused and used names…thats slightly more than just a discussion, i would have thought those comment would /should have been removed by admin to be honest

    ps, i am calm,

    If you mean being calm is to insult maybe half of the posters, not my opinion of being calm and if you knew anything about psychology then you would have known about provoking and insulting stems from an upset mind, so please, spare me the BS.

    It's pretty clear you are upset, but I really don't get it, shouldn't you be more upset about the RTP than the posters here speculating? I mean if you really cared what's going on in Thailand.

    In my opinion, the only thing most posters here want is to exclude any wrongdoings concerning her death, but when The RTP keep messing things up, less and less people believe the official story.

    Anyone speculating about natural causes in my view have lost their brain cells, the question is NOT how she died, the REAL question is what are the RTP going to do in order for us to believe them.

    They either don't live in Thailand or actually live on the island KT with vested interests.

    Of course the reason of Christina death is important, but only for her family and friends, for us, the need to feel safe where we live.

    This is how it is, like it or not, I live here in Thailand but not on Koh Tao, I live in Phuket, I have invested in Thailand and I do care about my investment, but for the long term.

    If these irregular deaths starts to occur elsewhere in LOS in a too high number and regularity, I will probably lose my investment, but I can take it, as long as me and my family are Ok and I will move out to a safer country.

    I couldn't care less what happens with the people in Koh Tao but I do care about safety in Thailand, not for anyone else but myself and my family.

    Sounds harsh, doesn't it, there's just one snag with my reasoning, I have a great heart, at least I think so, I would never wish another person harm, not even my enemies, although I don't have many.

    Unnatural causes of deaths are too many here in LOS and I know alcohol contributes to most of them, but the other ones not involving alcohol or drugs are way, way to high in numbers anyway, compared to most countries.

    Another thing is I have two daughters and another son and I know them too well, they would like to go to Koh Phangan or Koh Tao for full moon parties, my oldest is soon too old to go and my youngest is too young at the moment.

    Even if it's a fools dream, I still have a dream that Thailand would be safe for young girls and boys to experience what I did in my youth, party, travelling alone, meeting different people with different culture and backgrounds doing so, sleeping on the beach and be safe to do it all, without fear of being raped, beaten up, robbed or killed.

    And my daughters and son will probably have children of their own, which makes it again, crucial we have a society we can trust and feel safe, at least as much as we possibly can and don't give up the dream to have a wonderful life.

    That way they would grow into people with tolerance and warmth towards each other, yes I know, some are born bad and they will destroy some of that, but I truly think my generation have more tolerance and love within, than any other because we could hitch hike, party all night, have a one night stand or not, and survive, not even being involved in a fight, which was actually VERY rare to happen, whether it was Barbados, Spain, Greece or Sweden.

    Of course things happened when I was at that age but like I said, it was very rare.

    Who wouldn't want that, the only people I know wouldn't are the ones benefitting from the violence, robberies, scams and whatnot.

    Know one thing, the benefit committing a murder or rape based the need to feel superior, even domestic violence is based on that.

    I have simplified the reasons but in majority, it's damaged people with VERY low self esteem committing most crimes.

    I don't have any proof but surely, do I need any, just read some of the literature that exists about the subject, or the references that exists in physiatry classes all around the world.

    Google, Yahoo are wonderful tools finding references about this subject.

    I'm a dreamer, I was born that way, but I truly believe people can make wonders sticking together against atrocities and try to do the best they can with their lives, if you don't believe in that, too bad but in that case I KNOW more than you, because I have experienced it.

    Before any of you disillusioned guys out there starts picking my words out of context, please read again and try to use sensitivity what I try to convey with my posts, if that's not enough, read again and I'm sure you will find your own truths about yourself at one point.

    If people would analyze their own thoughts and hatred posts, they might realise something about themselves and probably most of the time it's all about yourself, your short comings, your bitterness, your lack of friends, your failure in life.

    With "your" I don't only mean you, I mean us all.

    Good post with a lot of truth in it. A bit off topic, but yes, I remember the "halcyon days" of the 60's , but unfortunately you can't turn the clock back. One of the main problems these days is not alcohol, (that has been around for centuries), but addictive drugs like heroin and "yabba", where the user will do almost anything to get their next "fix". And yes, I "experimented" with drugs when I was younger (pills, pot etc) but our generation were more interested in having a good time than kicking the s**t stuffing out of somebody.(And 4 to 5 on to 1 is not exclusively a Thai thing, by the way - it happens every weekend in every town centre in the UK - it's just that over here if a farang gets into a dust up with a Thai, then there are always a few Thai bystanders who will bale in to help out their fellow countryman, no matter who started the misunderstanding)

    P,S. I would suggest that frank83628 finds his feet first before suggesting what TV admin should or shouldn't do!

  6. and ok, the german girl didn't like the ways the body was moved…what is her experience of seeing dead bodies being moved ?if she is a nurse, medic or doctor then fine, if not, does she know a wrong or right way, i would imagine she would be upset at hearing of a death and any site of a dead body would be disturbing in its self.

    you also have to remember this is thailand and not Europe, death is not treated the same, i have never seen dead bodies shown on the news back home but here they are. it just a cultural difference.

    Yes indeedy! Mutilated dead bodies are not obscene, but a pair of bare boobs is?

  7. Come on, let the conspiracy games start.

    Anyone cared to read some news that may not be so favoring for a murder conspiracy?


    Christina 'had felt unwell'

    It appears from her Twitter feed, that tragic Christina had been feeling unwell in the days before her death.

    She wrote in one post: "Great, just as I finally make friends I have to shell out £60 for antibiotics and now can't afford to go out with them. <deleted> everything."

    On Saturday she remarked how "two weeks of solid drinking" had left her feeling unwell.

    Thanks for this eye opener for the TVF keyboard warriors. It looks more than a suicide considering the facts. But I'm not trying to make any assumptions.

    Sorry for going off-topic, but what kind of antibiotics (and how many) cost £60, especially in Thailand??? [Even if she's including the other meds in that sum, that's a hefty bill]

    Some imported meds here are very expensive. Nexium (Esomeprazole - an anti reflux tablet) can cost more than 100 baht each, so if you have to take 2 tablets a day, a week's supply can cost you nearly 30 British pounds.

  8. Being fair, nobody is saying that this girl died of a chest infection - nobody knows yet how/why she died.

    All the police are saying is that it was not murder. (This in spite of the fact that there had been no examination/autopsy!) So how do they know it was not murder? Maybe they should have said "At this stage, it does not look like murder"? At the risk of AleG, JTJ or JDinT labelling me a "conspiracy theorist" (Oh no, not those dreaded words again!) it could be natural causes (heart attack etc) accidental overdose, or she could have been given a Mickey Finn - at this stage nobody knows, yet once again the Koh Tao/RTP apologists are in self denial that there could be anything amiss.

  9. No point in posting a link to the report in the Daily Mail UK since it's banned in Thailand, but her mother states she died of natural causes.

    In the image taken from the news report which came from her Twitter account she recounts 'lying on a sunbed with an alcopop and a bucketload of Tramadol'.

    Mixing Tramadol with alcohol and certain types of antibiotics can prove fatal according to this Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tramadol#Interactions

    Why she would be taking Tramadol in the first place is difficult to imagine considering it's a strong painkiller, but given the easy access to pharmacutical drugs in Thailand, she probably wouldn't experience any difficulty getting hold of it.

    Seems that she was abusing pharmaceuticals, and alcohol, on top of a chest infection. Not a good combination.

    Sounds like someone who didn't care about herself or how her actions impact others. I have taken antibiotics here several times and the first thing the pharmacist says is "no alcohol" as I believe it negates the medications impact. But when you are 23 and know better then I guess you do what you want. They say only the good die young. I guess the stupid do as well.

    Correct about the fact that alcohol negates the effect of antibiotics, but some doctors say that it is OK to have a couple of drinks with them (depends on what antibiotic it is) However, Tramadol is a strong painkiller, and like Ibuprofen, can cause vomiting/upset stomach if mixed with alcohol (Paracetemol does not have the same effect) If she was taking Tramadol AND Valium with alcohol, then that is indeed a dangerous combination, and could have caused her death. However, there are still questions that need to be answered (In spite of one poster already being convinced that it is an open and shut case - right AleG!?) Why was she naked? If you are feeling unwell, especially with a chest infection, you tend to "cover up" and maintain a foetal position and hope to sleep/sweat it off. And probably the thought of having sex was the last thing on her mind, so why not check if there had been recent intercourse? Secondly, as already mentioned, what was the maid doing checking on her room so early? Either she was told to do it by someone, (Why, if there was no signs of a struggle or robbery?) or she hadn't paid her bill, which seems unlikely, or she was concerned about the the girl's welfare. While I personally think that it was a tragic accident, that does not mean that I would close my mind to other scenarios, especially in the light of recent events. There are certain posters on here that are hell bent on trying to preserve/resurrect the image of Koh Tao as being a tourist paradise, and by their refusal to admit that there is something awry, and steadfastly believing everything that they are told by the RTP, merely shows that they are guilty of what they accuse the majority of posters here of, if the opinion doesn't fall in line with their line of thinking.

  10. Lots of wild speculation here, based on what? Koh Tao is a wonderful place and maybe if tourists lose interest, it will be even more relaxing to vacation there. I've noticed that people die everywhere in Thailand, every day, from various causes and some are very nasty deaths. In a nation of 63 million, with millions of foreign tourists, the statistics are pointing to 'not much chance of being killed in Thailand' - as say opposed to Mexico or Brazil. From what I see first hand, from the general behavior of a percentage of foreign tourists, there is a larger amount of 'risky' behavior. Risky can mean lots of different things but personally, I don't expect to be able to behave as if there are no 'limits', while on 'vacation'.

    Mexico and Brazil, they are your risk assessment comparisons?

    Lordy, lordy, lordy........

    Actually, there's little risk(IMO) because of many other factors. Mexico and Brazil are 2 of the worst in the world, yet millions still go there and escape death. Koh Tao (again IMO) is way down at the other end of risk. People drown, have car wrecks, commit suicide, take drugs and alcohol together and then go swimming in places they aren't familiar with. All the years & years of Koh Tao having 0 tourist deaths have no meaning?(statistically) I'd rather go to Koh Tao any day, than Tijuana, Sao Paulo, Los Angeles and many other places. Your behavior governs a large portion of your personal safety - after that we are subject to chance and sometimes just coincidence. The Thai police aren't any more responsible for your personal safety than they are the average Thai. I'm not implying that you are one of these expat complainers, since I don't know you but I know that many seem to want everything just like some imagined vision of 'back home' i.e. same-same but different. Confusing, to say the least.

    All the years & years of Koh Tao having 0 tourist deaths have no meaning? (statistically)? I think that is a ridiculous statement! If (and I stress IF) there is/are killer/killers loose on Koh Tao, then the fact that there were no tourist deaths before the current "spree" is irrelevant. The very fact that suddenly there are a lot of "accidental" deaths in a short period of time implies that there is something "underhand afoot"!

  11. jspill, on 22 Jan 2015 - 19:55, said:
    Alwyn, on 22 Jan 2015 - 19:21, said:

    You're the one that was making the AC bar posts when the two kids got murdered aren't you? I think I asked if you were posting on behalf of those animals at the AC bar? Guess this answers that question

    All these Koh Tao apologists have some form of vested interest in the island, covered in other threads.

    jdinasia - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/775562-british-police-examining-koh-tao-murder-probe-to-return-to-uk/page-11#entry8663016

    islandlife - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/788835-french-man-found-hanged-in-koh-tao-with-his-hands-tied-behind-his-back-foul-play-suspected/page-29

    JohnThailandJohn too if I recall, can't find a link I'm sure others will confirm.

    You forgot AleG

    AleG was quite indignant when I said that he had business interests on Koh Tao. However, I didn't really pursue the matter e.g. possibly friends with business interests there (JD, JTJ, Islandlife etc) because to be quite honest his blind defence of ANY suspicious happening on KT makes me wary of anything he says anyway!

  12. A women gets sick and dies in Thailand, nothing to suggest any foul play ... this to many posters is proof positive of foul play. Run to facebook pages and and other conspiracy based delusional social media posters to get up on the latest conspiracy theories and start spreading them fast in numbers because it will not be long before the non-nutters start pointing out the reality which includes her own tweets before her death about being ill after two weeks of solid drinking and needing to spend around 3,000 baht for antibiotic treatment.

    Nothing to suspect foul play by any reasonable person but too many posters know better and know reasonable thinking doesn't help promote their internet detective skills or spread their hateful insecure agenda.

    Wondered how long it would be until you surfaced with your comments regarding "conspiracy theories"!

  13. I see the usual Bangkok bashers are out in force - I usually don't say this, but if you don't like it, you are free to go elsewhere and leave those of us who live here in peace.

    As for whinging about litter fines - try doing it in Singapore where the police will certainly fine you, or for that matter in Australia when a gestapo officer notices what you are doing - you may get arrested, or fined, or both.

    On the one hand we have the posters here complaining about litter fines and being targeted (yes, people who throw litter should be targeted), and yet we also have those saying that the city is dirty - again, I say go travel around Asia and do some true comparisons - India for example, or even Philippines, Indonesia, etc...

    If the truth of the matter is that the litter police are really targeting farang, then maybe the farang need to stop dropping litter - it may not be "fair" (diddums), but as you are presumably older than 5, you should be adult enough to handle that, and realise that this is the world, and not everything is fair - get over it for goodness sake, and just enjoy the place, or enjoy leaving it if that's what you prefer... we don't mind.

    Greer: you have some valid points but they do not really address the problem.

    It is a money making scam of sorts that is perpetrated upon the foreigners...never the Thais.... who also smoke and drop their garbage and cigarette butts everywhere .

    Why do they not have the same sort of enforcement operations in other parts of the city where Thai people are far more prevalent than any foreigners.

    That is a self answering question...but still needs to be asked...at least for the ignorant.

    The fine is 2000 baht...why not only 200 baht....or why not a warning and ask the foreigners to pick up the butt and discard it in the litter bin.

    We all know why because the scam is a money making operation for the last 20 years....repeat 20 years, as in 20 years of extorting money out of foreigners for the mistake of dropping a butt on the ground.

    Why do they not post signs everywhere warning people to not discard their cigarette butts on the street.

    That would be the civil thing to do.

    They do not do that because there would be no lucrative money to be made that way.

    Why do they not have far more trash bins and or bins to discard the cigarettes butts into.

    Because that would not be a money making lucrative way to make money off of foreigners.

    There is a better approach to solving the problems ...but that would not make them money.


    There are many signs warning you that the fine is 2000 baht for discarding cigarette butts on the street, and if you do so and get caught - "a fair cop!". However, I take your point regarding trash bins. I was walking down Sukhumvit about 3 years ago and was smoking a cigarette. I must have looked for a trash bin for 5 or 10 minutes to no avail, and in the end, looked round, couldn't see any police around, and put it down a drain.

  14. I was two times extorted (paying at least 1000THB more then officially) that I will only get 15 or 30 days instead of 60 days I should get officially...

    This is madness, and I simply don't accept it as true.

    How can you say "1000THB more than officially" when officially it's always zero charge.

    Tell us which border you have experienced this, I have been through just about every border and airport many time in the last 14 years and it's never ever been suggested that there be any fee at all.h


    I also have another story, which I posted here. I entered the land border at Nong Khai last year. I should clearly get 30 days but the officer told me that he will give me only 15 days but if I paid (I think it was 500 Baht) he will give me 30 days.

    You should read the Visa Section to read more stories like this. I met a nice belgium couple 2 week's ago. They are both retiring in Thailand. He told me horror stories of Koh Samaui Immigration. Officers demanding money and just called it a "new rule"

    I believe it. The Samui immigration are literally a boil on the face of Thailand. They are the most heinous offenders. I was once asked to provide a new cell phone for all 9 of the employees to get a visa. They are infamous worldwide for this kind of nonsense. Immigration is out of control, basically. Likewise, the police. Do not pay either of them a bribe. Go to another immigration office. Tell the police or the security guard NO! Absolutely not. I wonder how many Thai people have been asked to pay the 2000 baht "butt" fine? I wonder how many said absolutely not. Probably most. But, I doubt any were asked to pay. The probably with Thailand is the utter lack of accountability. Shame on the general for not addressing that.

    I remember a couple of months ago someone reported on here that they had tried to renew/extend their visa at Samui Immigration a couple of weeks early, and on being refused, stated that there was nothing in the Immigration Rules to justify their refusal, and was told by the Immigration Officer "We make our own rules here"!!!

  15. They target Koreans who are usually heavy smokers and Arabs, too. I've seen these rent-a-cops fine unsuspecting tourists along a stretch of Sukhumvit. I'd hardly call this harassment, though. It's littering and it comes with a fine. I believe spitting, dropping cigarette butts, and littering are among the acts which can be legally fined along that small stretch. This is a crappy article. and should be ignored. Much hype over nothing.

    As stated above - read the full story before declaring your opinion!

    • Like 1
  16. "Pol Col Chutrakul said he was sceptical about the high number of complaints and suspects the officers involved are either "fake policemen" or from another police station.

    Many of the reports, however, include stories of foreigners being taken to Thong Lor station and extorted by officers there for tens of thousands of baht.
    Since speaking to Spectrum, Pol Col Chutrakul has been transferred out of his position at Thong Lor, shifting to a new post in Ang Thong province last Wednesday. He denied the transfer had anything to do with the media criticism of his officers."

    In a word, " B******s!" Codswallop!"

  17. In reply to AleG Post No # 267.

    I'm sorry - I thought you mentioned in an earlier post that you did have business interests in Koh Tao, as well as friends in the RTP? I must be getting confused with JD or JTJ or some other member of the "Glee Club" as you are collectively known by a few posters here.Anyway, we have been warned by the moderators to stop bickering (I can't believe you didn't see that - had to get the last word in eh?) so I'm afraid that is the last comment from me to you on this thread, so no more posts please - I won't answer them. Have a nice day!

    You called me obtuse, Willy Eckerslike implies I'm a troll and I am the one bickering? rolleyes.gif

    Your inability or unwillingness to answer a simple question is duly noted.


  18. In reply to MORCH Post No #136 dated 12 Jan:-

    Good post, and it does show a great deal of thought has gone into it. I especially agree with the point that to try to eradicate Islam entirely is a lost cause. However, yes, let them get on with it in their own Middle East Countries, but if they want to come to the "West", they should accept our rules and regs. As many leaders have said already - "You are welcome to come here, but you have to integrate into OUR society, not the other way round" Unfortunately, these leaders do not seem to have the backbone to back up what they say - hence the situation where you have Muslim "clerics" preaching hate on the streets of London without fear of repercussions. Many years ago when the coal miners in the UK were making protests about the pit closures by the "Iron Lady", they were given short shrift by the government, and the police and Army soon put paid to them. Why not do the same when these disenchanted Muslim extremists preach their messages of hate against OUR society? Can you imagine Christians being allowed to do the same in some Middle East countries? This is one of the most undesirable effects of free speech, and one suggestion to remedy that would be to say "When Christians are allowed to protest on the streets of your predominantly Muslim Middle Eastern cities, then you can protest on the predominantly Christian streets of our Western cities, but until then, we will treat you in our countries, the same way as we would be treated in yours!"

    P.S. I am not sure whether I agree with your final sentence!

  19. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Congrats to TV for posting this.

    A guy tries to take care of a problem and simply can't possible do it with any privacy whatsoever.

    Nice goin'

    He's a grub & deserves exactly what he gets.

    Eventually we will read about his death, but not soon enough.

    In 50 years time people will remember him but not you. Not bad for a grub. I know you will flame me back but that is the honest truth. You are a nobody. He was a somebody.

    So you got him dead & buried already, or just realise he is a "has been"? (Actually to me he is a "never was" but that's just my opinion)

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