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Posts posted by sambum

  1. The two suspects have not even been caught and interrogated and they have concluded the motive to be political. Isn't this abetting the real motive.

    The 2 "suspects" won't be caught - end of! These bombings are merely a ploy to give the PM a valid reason for keeping martial law in place. If the 2 bombs were meant to cause real damage in terms of death and destruction, they could have been more appropriately situated.

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  2. "Police officers initially told the press that the explosion was caused by a malfunctioning electric transformer."

    "Pol.Maj.Gen. Sombat Milintachinda, head of the EOD team at Pathumwan Police Station, confirmed to Khaosod that the explosives were homemade "pipe bombs.”

    Why don't they put their brains into gear before making statements?

    In the case of the most recent " suspicious" death on Koh Tao, the family was immediately told that the victim had died of natural causes, only for that to be later retracted and changed to "suspected" drug overdose. In the case of the Frenchman that "hanged himself" it was immediately classed by the police as suicide in spite of the fact that his hands were tied behind his back, so then that was retracted to be amended to a "suspicious" death, and then changed back to suicide. In the case of the 2 murdered backpackers, there were a multitude of statements that were later retracted - too many to go into.

    As previously suggested, in the current climate, why don't the police chiefs order their officers to report every death/incident as suspicious until proved otherwise? Or at the very least say "We are still making investigations, so can not comment at this time".

    I understand that in the incident at Siam Square, if police had said that bombs had gone off, it may have caused panic, but I stand by what I state in the above paragraph i.e. no comment is better than untrue comments because the story of the boy who cried wolf springs to mind!

  3. No good, chief, just telling them.

    Catch some of them taking bribes, punish them and then what you say will be heard by the others.

    Unfortunately, bribery and corruption has been flourishing for many years in the RTP.

    Fortunately, the new government is here to change things, and they will.

    Give them time.......

    Pay them a decent wage and then this would'nt be happening. How is a young policeman expected to live on Bht8000 per month and no police housing. The whole situation is ludicrous to say the least. Pay them a decent wage and they will value their jobs, the riff raff will quickly fall by the wayside and Thailand might just get a decent police force.

    Couldn't agree more - especially in Pattaya or Bangkok where young girls are raking in several times that amount a month for a "night shift"! And with the minimum of training too!

  4. 9 years is not enough.....He's got away with murder....literally!!

    Once again! TIT and money talks! 500,000 baht each for her 2 children, and 400,000 baht each for her parents = a Grand Total of 1 million, 800 thousand baht (1,800,000 baht) I wonder what his sentence would have been if he was living on a pension and had no savings? Probably would have been the death sentence.

  5. Situations like this arise by the mis-management and cosy arrangements over the years then when it gets out of hand the authorities don't know how to handle it. if tough action needs to be taken they don't have what it takes to get on with it.

    Then the US Embassy should send someone to visit and talk to the threatening parties.

    Yeah, that'll cut it! How about napalm, drone strikes etc?

  6. Nobody informed the family that she died of natural causes - they worked it out and decided themselves as it is so obvious to them what her cause of death was!!

    BTW I never claimed anything, I just stated facts and her family's opinions.

    If someone drowns after a boat capsizes they still have to do an autopsy on the body.

    Apparently someone did inform the family that she died of natural causes - I don't know who, probably some British Government official who was just passing on the information that he had been given, but guess where the information came from - your friends the RTP! Who apparently have now changed their minds yet again (What a surprise!) and are saying that it was a drugs overdose.

    • Like 1
  7. Here's a message to the Mayor of Koh Tao

    Put your own house and islanders in order first. Look at some of your dear local lowlife scum that publicly post photos of the Ghoulish antics and war weapons culture. Its not difficult to do, you obviously know who they are, why not ask them to remove this filth from their facebook pages. This is just one of the numerous actions you can take before accusing the British press of bad publicity which in my view is well deserved.

    Hey as AleG will no doubt point out, these are nice young kids just having a bit of fun.

    Of course! Nothing negative ever happens on Koh Tao! giggle.gif

  8. It's good to see the mayor angry. He screwed up months ago and now he's paying the price. I can't seem to upload to this forum some screen shots of chat to potential tourists, but I am glad to have done my part in persuading friends TO NOT VISIT KOH TAO OR KOH SAMUI Some are quite unaware of what happened in September, so I am all too glad to warn them of its dangers. I tell them to come and enjoy Thailand, but stay away from Koh Tao and Koh Samui. They listen. Believe me, they listen. They go to other islands or just stop in Bangkok before heading to Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos. I tell them to enjoy Thailand, but don't step foot on these places.

    I'm glad to have done my part in keeping decent people from those crap-holes.

    I can't recall any sudden upsurge in suspicious deaths, or murders or suicides on Koh Samui. Please explain your reasons for linking it with that other cesspit.

  9. English girls and boys me feel love to try exotic races for pleasure and I see many of them like to get smashed before the session so the drugs may be in relation to the hunt for pleasure in the hotel room, if they could learn to enjoy without drugs and alcohol be safer for them but sometimes I feel they dont want it but they do want it and so they may be confused peoples

    Sorry, I know English isn't your native language, but "they dont want it but they do want it and so they may be confused peoples"

    And so say all most of us!

    OH Realy??? So you see these people and they get drugs? So where do they get them?????? From you??????

    I suspect more than a few people were confused by your statement, but even if it were only myself, I don't like your insinuation that I'm a drug dealer, and have reported this fact to the Moderators.

  10. English girls and boys me feel love to try exotic races for pleasure and I see many of them like to get smashed before the session so the drugs may be in relation to the hunt for pleasure in the hotel room, if they could learn to enjoy without drugs and alcohol be safer for them but sometimes I feel they dont want it but they do want it and so they may be confused peoples

    Sorry, I know English isn't your native language, but "they dont want it but they do want it and so they may be confused peoples"

    And so say all most of us!

  11. Why do so many posters think every time some one dies it is foul play?

    Several years ago, when i lived in Prakonchai near Buriram.

    A french man who lived near me , was found dead in his bathroom .

    He lived alone . Doors /windows locked from inside.

    He was found in the shower DEAD fell in shower struck head.

    No foul play nobody else involved just a tragic accident.

    And when he was found, did he have extensive head injuries, or just one?

  12. Deaths of Farang residents are in the news far to often now. You used to never see anything like this. Not to mention all the tourist that are dieing in tour bus, or Van crashes and swimming and boating mishaps. Thailand is truly becoming a dangerous place for Farangs and Thais alike. Its not like the old days where Thailand was probably the safest country in the world.

    I think that due to modern technology (e.g. the internet etc.) there is now more media coverage of all news, and sometimes to say "You never used to see anything like this" although probably true does not necessarily mean that there has been a vast increase in these type of accidents - it's just that they were not reported as often. Which is probably one of the reasons why the RTP are under so much fire as they are now more under the microscope than ever before, but unfortunately they do not seem to realise it - either that, or they don't care. (take your pick!)

    And when you talk about the old days when Thailand was probably the safest country in the world, exactly how far back are you going back? Must have a good memory, or you are VERY old!

  13. It has reached the point where reporters must have a template for reporting the news.

    HEADLINE: Mystery over death of (Nationality) (Gender) in Thailand.

    (Victim Name) (Age) was found dead (at his apartment, in front of bar, on beach) in (city name) yesterday.

    (Victim Name) is understood to have died from (extensive head injuries, death by asphyxia, drowning, suicide).

    A complete investigation has been completed and foul play is not suspected.

    *** Is it just me, or am I seeing these ...like ... every day now?

    Pretty much correct apart from the bit about "a complete investigation has been completed"

  14. You'd think that following a spate of suspicious deaths, and the subsequent international media interest, that somebody upstairs at Police HQ would write a simple memo to police officers: Treat all deaths as suspicious until proven otherwise. Seal-off all potential crime scenes. Search for and collect ALL evidence not just that which supports the most convenient theory. Investigate before reaching conclusions. Do NOT spew unsupported theories to the media.

    However simple it might be, it's probably not going to happen. Thai's in general, and it would seem Thai police officers in particular, suffer from a condition known as 'ility-blindness': credibility, responsibility, accountability etc.

    RIP John Brett, thoughts with your family and friends

    Couldn't agree more! Why do they have to cause suspicion and mistrust by putting out such a statement? To say that he appeared to have died from "a head injury" after a fall would have been sufficient, (especially as it had happened on 2 previous occasions) but to say that he died as a result of suffering "severe head injuries" after a fall is bound to cause questions to be asked.

  15. If anyone is the least bit interested in what really happened this is part of a local report of the incident .... Apparently a British fellow while parking his bike knocked a Helmet off another bike. A Frenchman from the Bar next door came out to investigate as it was his Helmet. The Brit apologized for the accident which was accepted, and both men shook hands. At that moment the Frenchman's friend came out thinking his mate was in a bit of bother and was quite loud and animated in the process. The Brits friends similarly came out to see what all the commotion was about, and push came to shove before a couple of punches were thrown. There was no such thing as a British Gang, just a silly misunderstanding ....

    Finally, someone speaks the true events. Thank you.

    As if that makes it any more acceptable.

    He didn't say that it was acceptable, he was merely explaining what is probably the more likely explanation for the altercation. Or are you trolling?

  16. Good post with a lot of truth in it. A bit off topic, but yes, I remember the "halcyon days" of the 60's , but unfortunately you can't turn the clock back. One of the main problems these days is not alcohol, (that has been around for centuries), but addictive drugs like heroin and "yabba", where the user will do almost anything to get their next "fix". And yes, I "experimented" with drugs when I was younger (pills, pot etc) but our generation were more interested in having a good time than kicking the s**t stuffing out of somebody.(And 4 to 5 on to 1 is not exclusively a Thai thing, by the way - it happens every weekend in every town centre in the UK - it's just that over here if a farang gets into a dust up with a Thai, then there are always a few Thai bystanders who will bale in to help out their fellow countryman, no matter who started the misunderstanding)

    P,S. I would suggest that frank83628 finds his feet first before suggesting what TV admin should or shouldn't do!

    Thanks sambum, I'm aware we can't turn the clock back but I believe we don't have to do that and I'm also aware it's not just Thailand, it's more the fact I together with others live here.

    In some parts of Sweden where I lived before I moved to Sweden, there were a change, a radical change when it came to crimes and unprovoked violence, mostly because the citizens had enough of it.

    I do think and believe it's a choice as human beings we have to make, the increased violence and crimes isn't just dropped upon us like tidal wave.

    We do have to stand together and make our voices heard so the ones that are violent or criminal don't stand unchallenged, regardless if we put ourselves in the line of fire.

    Sorry for being out of topic.

    Unfortunately, although we live here, we are (theoretically anyway) "guests" in a foreign country, and any changes here would have to be facilitated by the Thais themselves, and their mindset is drastically different to ours, as you will know! We can certainly make suggestions, and point out the changes that have occurred in other countries, but you will always be up against the "What does he know, he's just a dumb farang!" brigade, and more importantly, the corruption that is so prevalent here lends itself to people with money being able to literally get away with murder! (In Sweden (and Norway) you had a problem with crime and unprovoked violence, but not so much in the way of (police) corruption. Hence, I fear that you are facing a losing battle, and at the very least an uphill struggle, as even farangs with money are able to buy themselves out of trouble. But I do share your concerns - however, I do not think that we, as "farangs" have the answers here.

  17. I didn't claim the list to be a complete dossier on every single murder of tourists in Phuket for the last ten years.

    You claimed that Koh Tao is more deathly than Phuket based on "statistics", I say you based that on hot air, because you have neither provided statistics for Phuket or Koh Tao to support your claim.

    We are not concerned about the last 10 years - we are concerned about events over the last year, where the list of "accidental" deaths on Koh Tao seems disproportionately large for the size of the island, and the investigations into at least one of them has been shown to be amateurish and unprofessional to say the least, but of course you wouldn't care to admit that - would you?

    I see, you want to support the notion that Koh Tao is more deadly than Phuket but you don't want to look at actual facts?

    No surprise.

    For what is worth, I don't think either one is statistically worse than the other or any other tourist destination in Thailand.

    Then why are you quoting figures from the last 10 years supposedly showing that Phuket has a higher murder rate than Koh Tao? And you haven't answered my question!

  18. Howcome for two guys that have been beaten up there are no bruises etc. The guy supposedly had his front teeth knocked out yet no cut lip or bruising. Strange. No?

    Spot on mate those teeth weren't knocked out recently..

    Correction! "One of them had lost his front teeth". Possibly as in "lost and can not find"?

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  19. Interesting case for the BIB to exercise their professionalism on. giggle.gif

    A ' 'British ' crashed his motorcycle, a British what ?

    Now, with 4 constituent countries to choose from this is a job for Super Sleuth, oh sorry Chalerm's out of favour.

    British Person. The motorcycle was probably not british.

    Obviously. If it had been British, it wouldn't have run. whistling.gif

    It certainly couldn't have reversed into the Frenchman's motorbike even if he got it running. I think some Harley's have a reverse gear though. Perhaps it could have been pushed in reverse.

    It does sound like there is more to this story than we are been told. Brits do have a history of gang fighting but generally in equal amounts to both sides.

    Wrong! You're thinking about the "Mods & Rockers" days of the 60's! Have you been down a British city'town centre street on a Friday or Saturday night recently?

  20. It's almost like the army want a civil war to begin, create the conditions where a junta is is seen as needed for the forseeable future and then keep it there for years to come

    Are you fair dinkum? By ridding the country of a whole of government, by this I mean both sides, which contained many inept and corrupt politicians, your are asking if the army wants a civil war? I am afraid that the people of Thailand are a lot smarter than you and now know how they were being bled. So what if the Junta remains for a number of years? I do not care as it has not effected me and given that martial law is still in effect and is keeping certain ones from rearing their ugly heads. Is that bad or conducive to wanting civil unrest? I think not but then maybe you have a different view.

    I'll ask you, as I have many. Has the coup affected you or anyone you know in any way? Have the killings, bombings and thuggery stopped? Are there people now starting to be held accountable for their misgivings.?(outright thievery) Has the bitterness and bickering ceased? (only on one side) Is the country getting on with its daily routine without major interference? Were the farmers paid after being lied to many times?

    Who are now going about threatening the peace and harmony if someone is impeached or gaoled for their wrongdoings? Who continues to believe they are above the law and are not answerable to anyone? Who threatened to burn down Bangkok if they could not get their own way? Who brought in thugs to disrupt and maim and kill their opposition because their rallies were not to their liking? Who tried to push an amnesty bill through in the early hours of the morning. Who was it to benefit. Who re-issued a Thai passport to a convicted criminal after it had been cancelled by the previous government? Who is still attempting to divide the nation?

    Answer truthfully (which a certain lot have trouble doing) and you will see who wants the people to turn against each other and it ain't the army. Tell me, why is it that a number on here are so blinded by the BS that is being espoused, when a nation of Thais can see what has happened and have readily accepted that it has occurred for the betterment of them and their country. It is only a certain group who cannot accept that this is the start of a new beginning for this country and its people but want to continue with their little snippets in a hope that it will, in the end, divide and start the civil unrest that you continue to bay for. Thank god that it is only the minority and that intelligence is in the forefront.

    I will answer truthfully that the coup has affected my way of life very little. Taking into account the "steps in the right direction", and occasional unwise choice of words, the only downside that I can see up to now is that one is not allowed to voice your disagreement publicly about any actions or decisions made if you feel so inclined.

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