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Posts posted by sambum

  1. I am not too sure what education is needed?

    It's really common sense and nothing else.

    No explaining or educating will change the behaviour.

    Theyre all as bad as each other Thais included.............I mean look at the driving..........common sense, education........nothing will change that behaviour either.

    I look at it this way Lump of inanimate metal gets moved by lump of biological material end of story. Al this crap attached to " sacred" stuff..............its just stuff and in a million years it wont be there.

    And the way it's going - neither will we!

  2. 7 bottles. All consumed in one day? That seems a hell of a lot to me. More convincing might be he consumed that many bottles over a period of time longer than 1 day.

    From the original post! I do wish people would read posts and replies before making theirs!

    "Withoon told police that Johan had been staying at the hotel for seven days but he had never gone downstairs for meals and he had not paid his room yet."

  3. Obama aims to show Islam, Western communities can coexist

    I think that there is plenty of evidence around the world, that shows Obama is talking out his @rse.

    Religion has been the cause of much violence over a few centuries, but one thing stands out like a sore thumb today - Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Buddhists all manage to co - exist (for the most part) without the need bomb and burn each other's houses or churches down. Fire a few Muslims into the mix and bingo! Instant Bonfire Night! And Obama is obviously doing his best to secure votes from all religions! P.S. I'm neither a Democrat or a Republican!

  4. Another dead foreign alcoholic found dead in a hotel room. Happens every day in Thailand. More foreign alcoholics per square mile than anywhere on Earth.

    As I have said many times to mates who have no death wish, why do so many ferlung over here top themselves. Is it that they have been sending money to their one and only ,only to find their one might have more than one. Go to the next bar along the way , find your true love.

    Absolute "Conspiracy Theory"! (Come out JD!) Nothing at all to indicate that he "topped himself" - nothing! Nothing at all to indicate that "he had been sending money to his one and only" - nothing!

    The only indication is that he appears to have been drinking rather heavily (7 bottles of whisky in 7 days, plus beers) so I would hazard a guess and say "dead drunk".

  5. i got robbed january 12/13..all i remember is i went to katsiree bar soi bukhao...i was alone...2 ladies spoke to me and came and sat at my table...

    i went for a piss..came back..thats all i remember....i got back to my room...above 7/11..opposite chaba hut...

    the room had been turned over....i lost 3 gold wedding rings...2 seiko watch galaxy 5 phone...cash and bank cards..

    done the police report...and thats it

    i have no idea how i got from the bar where i went or how i got home....for sure i do not drink a lot as i am diabetic...so the most i would have had is 2 chang beers...

    i am back in the uk now....if any one sees these girls photo on tv or any where can you pm ..me and get copies for me...

    i have the poice email to contact them...if i find out any thing

    many thanx

    Mate sitting back and waiting for the Thai police do actually do something is a waste of time. Go to the station and check these women out and see if it is them at least.

    I would be annoying the stuffing out of them, even offer a reward if you want some action....

    Sorry, but the moment I read 3 wedding rings I lost interest - is that not illegal?

  6. sambum

    Posted 20 minutes ago

    BigC, on 16 Feb 2015 - 08:46, said:snapback.png

    First of all, I am not "venting my anger", and agree that we should respect their ways and their laws, but only if they respect my rights as a resident, tourist, "farang" whatever you care to call me. Does respecting "their ways and their laws" mean that I have to cough up for the costs in an accident that wasn't my fault purely because I am not Thai? And finally, we are not on Facebook, we are on Thai Visa where we can freely voice our opinions (to a certain extent) on things that happen in Thailand - not the rest of the world.


  7. If an accident does happen, and it happens to a farang, no doubt the old Thai "anti logic" will raise its head - "It was the farang's fault - if the farang had not been there in the first place, the accident wouldn't have happened". And similarly, if the accident happened to a Thai, and the speedboat driver was a farang - "Same, same".

    Sounds like warped, racist, farang anti Thai, bs to me.

    Not at all. it's been said to me many times before, by my long time (8 years) Thai girlfriend and others, if anything untoward happens. And basically, it's all come about because of the fact that for the most part, the average farang/ tourist has more money than the average Thai ("Otherwise they wouldn't be able to afford to be here in the first place".) Take a typical scenario where a Thai and a farang have a "coming together of motor bikes" and the police are called. Odds are that the Thai has little or no money, but the farang has a few thousand baht about his person (in case of emergencies.) Who do you think that the police will try to blame for the accident? No prizes for the correct answer, as I personally know of a couple of cases where this has happened, and the police have altered the "evidence" to suit the circumstances. (Not saying that it happens in every case, but is certainly another of the "tea money" scams (50% cash to the police, 50% cash to the Thai) Funny how the problem goes away if the farang has a Thai driving license, and the Thai doesn't? Once again - happened to a friend of mine, so don't give me "warped, racist, farang anti Thai bs"!

    You're 20 years out of date and have no idea how wealthy middle and upper class thai people are. Seems to me the average farang only has more funds than those on minimum wage in Thailand or the average bar ho from bumpkin land.

    I don't understand what your first sentence has to do with my post! 20 years out of date?The fact that there are wealthy Thais is irrelevant (The wealthy Thais would probably not be riding a motor bike anyway) What I am saying is that in the majority of cases, if there is a motor bike accident between a Thai and a farang, the farang will in most cases get the blame.

    Because we are in a foreign country and we should respect there way and their laws

    I just don't understand why most of you are still here unless you just use this page to anonymously vent your anger

    Funny I don't see these style comments on face book where people find it harder to hide behind a screen

    First of all, I am not "venting my anger", and agree that we should respect their ways and their laws, but only if they respect my rights as a resident, tourist, "farang" whatever you care to call me. Does respecting "their ways and their laws" mean that I have to cough up for the costs in an accident that wasn't my fault purely because I am not Thai? And finally, we are not on Facebook, we are on Thai Visa where we can freely voice our opinions (to a certain extent) on things that happen in Thailand - not the rest of the world.

  8. Why isnt this main news headlines ?

    Shot by two guys ... bar owner and the helper..

    Turkish chap is not drunk and is shot by first almost certainly the owner hes arguing with and then when he crawls to the street the other guy pops him again.


    Hes an Expat, he had no gun, this is a cold blooded murder, middle of the daytime, end of story.

    " Police later found from the video footage that the revolver belonged to Kabin and it was put into Polot’s hands in a setup as Kabin did not realiz that Polot was also carrying his own pistol."

    Cold blooded murder, yes, but he was, (according to police cheesy.gif ) carrying his own gun, and he was apparently also quite well known to be a sort of farang protector/mafia type character,so if this is correct, IMHO, no big loss, and the justice system will deal with the bar owner and the other guy appropriatelycheesy.gif

  9. If an accident does happen, and it happens to a farang, no doubt the old Thai "anti logic" will raise its head - "It was the farang's fault - if the farang had not been there in the first place, the accident wouldn't have happened". And similarly, if the accident happened to a Thai, and the speedboat driver was a farang - "Same, same".

    Sounds like warped, racist, farang anti Thai, bs to me.

    Not at all. it's been said to me many times before, by my long time (8 years) Thai girlfriend and others, if anything untoward happens. And basically, it's all come about because of the fact that for the most part, the average farang/ tourist has more money than the average Thai ("Otherwise they wouldn't be able to afford to be here in the first place".) Take a typical scenario where a Thai and a farang have a "coming together of motor bikes" and the police are called. Odds are that the Thai has little or no money, but the farang has a few thousand baht about his person (in case of emergencies.) Who do you think that the police will try to blame for the accident? No prizes for the correct answer, as I personally know of a couple of cases where this has happened, and the police have altered the "evidence" to suit the circumstances. (Not saying that it happens in every case, but is certainly another of the "tea money" scams (50% cash to the police, 50% cash to the Thai) Funny how the problem goes away if the farang has a Thai driving license, and the Thai doesn't? Once again - happened to a friend of mine, so don't give me "warped, racist, farang anti Thai bs"!

    You're 20 years out of date and have no idea how wealthy middle and upper class thai people are. Seems to me the average farang only has more funds than those on minimum wage in Thailand or the average bar ho from bumpkin land.

    I don't understand what your first sentence has to do with my post! 20 years out of date?The fact that there are wealthy Thais is irrelevant (The wealthy Thais would probably not be riding a motor bike anyway) What I am saying is that in the majority of cases, if there is a motor bike accident between a Thai and a farang, the farang will in most cases get the blame.

  10. If an accident does happen, and it happens to a farang, no doubt the old Thai "anti logic" will raise its head - "It was the farang's fault - if the farang had not been there in the first place, the accident wouldn't have happened". And similarly, if the accident happened to a Thai, and the speedboat driver was a farang - "Same, same".

    Sounds like warped, racist, farang anti Thai, bs to me.

    Not at all. it's been said to me many times before, by my long time (8 years) Thai girlfriend and others, if anything untoward happens. And basically, it's all come about because of the fact that for the most part, the average farang/ tourist has more money than the average Thai ("Otherwise they wouldn't be able to afford to be here in the first place".) Take a typical scenario where a Thai and a farang have a "coming together of motor bikes" and the police are called. Odds are that the Thai has little or no money, but the farang has a few thousand baht about his person (in case of emergencies.) Who do you think that the police will try to blame for the accident? No prizes for the correct answer, as I personally know of a couple of cases where this has happened, and the police have altered the "evidence" to suit the circumstances. (Not saying that it happens in every case, but is certainly another of the "tea money" scams (50% cash to the police, 50% cash to the Thai) Funny how the problem goes away if the farang has a Thai driving license, and the Thai doesn't? Once again - happened to a friend of mine, so don't give me "warped, racist, farang anti Thai bs"!

  11. If an accident does happen, and it happens to a farang, no doubt the old Thai "anti logic" will raise its head - "It was the farang's fault - if the farang had not been there in the first place, the accident wouldn't have happened". And similarly, if the accident happened to a Thai, and the speedboat driver was a farang - "Same, same".

    ah but if the farangs weren't here paying for rides in the speed boat then the boat wouldn't be there either....

    I see your point! However, in this instance, I see no farang in the speed boat - just an idiotic driver, and if I was a farang in the speed boat, I would "have a word " with the driver! And to bring up an old chestnut, if the "dumb" farangs hadn't invented the speed boats in the first place........?

  12. Haven't been able to open the report page. Everybody must be looking and checking browsers.

    Take it easy folks, don't want to break it before it gets going.

    I use google chrome and it will not open page as it says unsupported browser..???????

    Same problem!!!!

    Do you people not read the original post? :-

    BANGKOK: -- Thai Immigration has confirmed to Thaivisa.com that it is now possible to make your Notification of Staying in the Kingdom over 90 Days online! Currently the system only works with Internet Explorer but it will be possible to do your 90 day report with other browsers soon.

  13. I think it's an absolute waste of time and totally unnecessary! i can understand it for those " few farang " that live quite a few KM away from an immigration office but most of the farang that i know of live close to an immigration office and hardly live " busy lives " that they can't visit the office personally.I just think its " pure laziness "

    Are you the " lazy type of farang "....?

    F.J wai2.gif

    Or maybe they don't like dealing with certain Immigration Officers?

  14. No amount of whinning and complaining can change the Chinese Tourists. They are the people from the countrysides and mountain areas of China. It doesn't matter how long they existed for they will never know how to be respectful and mindful of other people. To them, the only respect they know (it is in their blood) is the sharp edge of a sword. The Chinese are the only race that does not know how to say "excuse or sorry".

    " The Chinese are the only race that does not know how to say "excuse or sorry"." I would like to add the Russians that I have come across to that statement.

  15. "Murphy also reiterated that the United States does not take sides in Thai politics. "As a friend, we simply want Thailand to succeed. Thailand's success and return to democracy is success for Southeast Asia and a success for global challenges. We are not taking sides at all," he said."

    Now I'm really wondering. I was told by many here that the USA snubbed the Thai government, clearly took sides, denounced a junta, etc., etc.

    It's called "diplomatic" speak!

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