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Everything posted by sambum

  1. "Police arrested two Thai ladyboy thieves for gold necklace theft in Pattaya after one of them was caught pretending to hug an Indian tourist and stealing his necklace worth about 60,000 baht." Maybe the editorial staff of AN could save themselves some time in the near future by doing what I just did? i.e :- "COPY & PASTE" Or maybe just "Thai ladyboy" - "Gold necklace" - "Pattaya" - "Indian tourist" and " ******* baht"? And fill in the blanks ( - ) as required?
  2. Correct - The so-called “Bangkok Hilton” is usually associated with the Bang Kwang Prison in Nonthaburi
  3. "I didn’t use the toilet for a month because I was so embarrassed." Taking constipation to a new level!
  4. "Speaking to media later, she confessed that she had panicked when another car drove too close to her vehicle, causing her foot to hit the accelerator." Not another car in sight, but maybe out of view, so she must have travelled a few meters with her foot on the gas. Strange excuse though? And it makes a change to have CCTV that is working!
  5. "I reckon the old guy has a brain disorder, dementia or alzheimer's. A geriatric, in Thailand, doesn't speak a word of English or Thai.The guy is asking for trouble.Get A Thai interpreter, CHEAP 💲💲💲 Another bloody cheap Charlie being a nuisance. I've noticed we have quite a few nuisance foreigners here on this thread looking back at my received comments. 😂 I'd say many are cheap Charlie's to. 😎" Complete and utter troll like comment - substitute yourself for "the old guy" and read your post again - full of unwarranted assumptions with no proof whatsoever 😞
  6. Yes, it's happening frequently recently.
  7. Erm? What difference does his age make? He wasn't riding/driving the motor bike!
  8. He probably wouldn't know the difference - I wouldn't!
  9. He is reported as an Israeli because he is an Israeli - in the same way as the press seem to revel in leting us know that a Brit is the subject of the article - usually when it is a "Brit Behaving Badly". You don't often see articles about the good work that Brits (and other farang nationalities) do to help the community e.g. cleaning beaches etc, when it is really the Thai Council's responsibility. But, yes, his nationality should not matter - just another instance of a rogue taxi/tuk tuk/motor bike taxi rider damaging the image of Thailand. How come we rarely hear the results of the police investigations of these criminal activities, but always a photo op for half a dozen BIB when a foreigner is apprehended for a wrongdoing?
  10. What numbers? You seeing things? 🙂
  11. It's like blaming alcoholism on beer! There are weak beers and strong spirits, and strong spirits lead to alcoholism, so let's just ban all alcohol (Especially that gut rot stuff you get "Ooop North" called "lao khoa" - it's lethal!) A work colleague of mine joined the Police Force in the UK and the "expert" giving the cadets a lecture on drugs said "The chances are that anybody who smokes marijuana will eventually become a heroin addict" And these pearls of wisdom from a supposed expert! That's why I take any comments re marijuana and its side effects from so called "experts" with a pinch of salt!
  12. Why on earth change the name to that tongue twister? And what's the betting that after all the changes, people will still refer to it as Hua Hin Airport?
  13. Sorry, but you miss the point which I regrettably did not make clearer. I was alluding to the Thai Government supposedly wanting me to pay tax on my pension that has already been taxed in the UK. Apologies for any misunderstanding!
  14. Why would anyone "WANT" to go to Russia?
  15. Yes, in certain circumstances - like trying to collect taxes on monies that have already been taxed? (Which may or may not be just hearsay!)
  16. "Deputy Prime Minister Anutin Charnvirakul announced a formal study will be conducted before any changes to cannabis's legal status" How long do "formal studies" take? I foresee many, many meetings ahead - enough time for Anutin to swell his coffers by quite a few million baht - whatever the outcome!
  17. ".........parents’ first names, email address and phone number" Bit difficult - they're both dead! 🙂
  18. "the SHIN is wearing off Thailand for me. Pretty sure it was a typo, but nice result! 🙂
  19. I think you misunderstood my reply - "I think you hit the nail on the haead" = "I agree with you!"
  20. "Feel safe as my orders always under 1500Bhat."? Somehow think you are not reading the article correctly! Here is the headline for you to read again! :- The Finance Ministry is set to present a proposal this week to revise the Revenue Code, imposing a 7% value added tax (VAT) on all imported goods valued under 1,500 baht.
  21. "Hopefully the money goes to where its suppose to go in the end." "Nail ------ Head"!
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