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Everything posted by sambum

  1. "I saw a evidence......." and I don't know what I'm talking about! 🤣 I think it's past your bed time! Night night!
  2. You didn't see the 'smiley emoticon' then?
  3. If the Brits have a very close relationship with Thai Immigration, then where is the "reciprocal agreement" between Thailand and Britain/UK regarding annual increments to pensions? 🙂
  4. He's dressed no differently to thousands of other tourists here, which is why he would probably have gone unnnoticed had it not been for someone/his girlfriend reporting him to the police for assault - "A woman scorned ......."!
  5. ***WARNING - TROLL ALERT***!!!
  6. Yes,unfortunately, he won't have to deal with the loud, ignorant, rude types with no manners! He'll see the outstretched hands of the diplomats with the smiling faces! (If he's lucky!)
  7. I was in Tesco Lotus yesterday, and a Russian seemed to be complaining loudly that ONE apple that he had brought to the cash out till from the fruit and veg dept didn't have a price on it!
  8. Yes- so she's a "grass"! Your point being?
  9. When I said "Then change the headlines", for the 2nd time - I didn't expect you to do it personally, and I hope I have now made my point clear. And again for the 2nd time, although the post is not about cannabis, I was answereing a question that clearly was referring to cannabis shops i.e. "So opium dens and magic mushroom pizza shops will be the same. Do you really think so?"
  10. When I made my comment about the headlines it wasn't levelled at you personally - it was at the people who write the headlines! And my comment about cannabis shops was in reply to Dinsdale who said:- "So opium dens and magic mushroom pizza shops will be the same. Do you really think so?"
  11. In LOS anything is possible! Did you think 5 years ago that they would be selling cannabis openly in multitudes of shops across Thailand?
  12. Then change the headlines to be more representative of the article! Th marijuana shops did!
  13. I'm not confused - far from it, and anybody from the UK who reads your post must agree with at least part of the content. I do agree regarding the politicians - IMHO opinion, the mess that the country is in - from the Prime Minister (Rishi Shunak) to the Mayor of London (Sadiq Khan) is due to the fact that decisions are made without considering the benefits, ( pun intended!) in favour of making decisions that might not offend some "members" of the British public. The "Nanny State" is a reality where thousands of immigrants are so desperate to get there that hundreds of them have died over the years in the attempt to cross the Channel from France to the UK - another 5 have died today. However, the article is about somebody getting their car stuck in the sand in Phuket, and the consequences, so we are maybe going a bit "off road" with this discussion!
  14. Yeah, in a different country, different road conditions, different weather conditions , DIFFERENT CAR! At least no one was hurt or injured - as could quite easily have happened if the conditions had made him VEER off in a different direction. And I have lived here for nearly 20 years and seen idiotic driving at its best/worst, but I don't know the full story - or do you, and the fact that it didn't affect anyone else is irrelevant, and to call him "total loser" is IMHO inappropriate when you don't know the facts. To digress slightly, I had a guy overtake me on my motor bike today on the way to my local Tesco Lotus, (Topless "Farang" on a "Big Bike with no helmet -you know the type!) who had his right hand indicator flashing as if he was turning right (as you would expect!) But no, he VEERS left causing me to brake suddenly, and he cuts in front of a car who is also turning right - causing him to brake suddenly, and accelerates rapidly to the LEFT, while his indicator is still flashing RIGHT! Now THAT is a loser who should end up facing a hefty fine, but no, it ain't gonna happen because "The Plod" are nowhere to be seen, and if they were, it would involve taking witness statements, checking CCTV cameras that "no work", and who gives a f**k anyway - it's too hot to get upset - "Chill man" - TIT!"!
  15. Agreed, but nobody was "off roading" on the beach! He hit the beach by accident. If he'd "skidded off" the other way, the consequences could have been far worse - "sorry I've got a bit of sand under the car" or possibly a head on colllision with a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction?
  16. Oh, I would not have known that - thanks for sharing! 🙂
  17. Yes, it's like when a "know nothing about cars" person takes the car into the garage and the mechanic shakes his head, "tuts" and has a sharp intake of breath that you realise it's going to be expensive!
  18. "Salt water damage'? It was on the beach, just off the road - not in the sea!
  19. "Additionally, the tourist has been instructed to compensate the car rental company with 20,000 baht for the damages incurred." Sounds like a rip off - the car doesn't appear to be damaged in any way - no collision - maybe got "scratched " by the sand?
  20. So instead of "I do" he said "Neigh"? ("Nay" as apposed to "aye" - for those not familiar with Scottish terminology, or House of Commons parlance!))
  21. I remember reading many years ago about an American who wanted to get married to his horse because "they both loved each other so much"! And they say some religious sects are weird!
  22. Sorry - misunderstanding - having a bad/senior day!
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