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Everything posted by sambum

  1. As long as Uruguay you should be OK! (Sorry, I'll get my coat on the way out!)
  2. You are right - even though Koh Samui has been self govrning since 2012. But being part of the "Phuket Sandbox" package might just sway it as I can't see people wanting to spend half of their "Sandbox" holiday in one resort where they can get a drink with a meal and the other half in a resort where you can't!
  3. It was the Police "purge" that led to 3 pensioners in Samui being jailed and heavily fined for having a drink in a bar!
  4. Good final point. Until Thailand opens FULLY to all vaccinated tourists without all these tests and and forced stays in exorbitant Government approved hotels, there will be no sudden mad rush to come to Thailand, in spite of what TAT are bound to say shortly. Where I live, the bars and restaurants were allowed to open normally for a while before Delta 5 varaiant came along, and I think it is safe to say that at least 50% didn't bother because the lack of tourists made it financially unviable to pay staff wages and all other overheads, I saw a guy in one large bar "ring the bell" to buy everybody in the bar a drink because he was the only one (he had to buy 2 or 3 ladydrinks, but I think he was glad of the company!)
  5. Not exactly clear whether he was charged for the gun offences in Samui either, according to the report but what is clear is :- "The 33 year old man, who has previously been described as a wealthy cryptocurrency trader................."
  6. "This message, sorry, the message in this post was identified as junk. We'll delete it after 10 days". Actually, why wait, I'll do it now!
  7. Are you implying that Thai people are uneducated?
  8. Maybe one for a Mod to answer - does the +21773 score refer to total replies to your posts or total replies in favour of them? Hmmm? And don't ask answer this question yourself!
  9. Really? I am surprised - If you misquoted something I can understand it!
  10. Pedantic! This has exactly what relevance to the post?
  11. I entirely agree with your comment re speeding, which is why I was amazed when, in a country with one of the worst records in the world for road fatalities decided to INCREASE the speed limit on some major roads! Still - TIT!
  12. And to what are you referring when you say "know nothing of"? I've been drinking alcohol for more than 60 years now - are you saying I know nothing about it?
  13. I never said that you did!
  14. From a survey in "Discover" Magazine 2017:- "Then we come to alcohol, which was listed as a “soft” drug 42 times, and as a “hard” one 3 times. This was surprising to me, as I didn’t expect to see alcohol listed very often in either category. Most people don’t consider alcohol a “drug”, although of course it is one, and if I had to name a “soft drug”, alcohol wouldn’t come to mind." However, I do agree with your point about how much is taken!
  15. I was - and I have no intention of planning an anti Government protest group???? All I am saying is that closing bars and banning alcohol consumption in restaurants is a rather convenient way of preventing people from "congregating" or forming protest groups. And the fact that not many anti governmet protestors have been caught shows that it's working! ????
  16. Nope! It is after all a "democracy" is it not?
  17. A flawed argument in that everybody who has a drink does not necessarily get drunk!
  18. The friends that I lost had actully moved away to London from my much smaller hometown, so I did not really have any control over what they were doing, with the exception of one who died in my home town, but neither I nor my otyher friends were aware that he was "on the hard stuff" - we just thought he was smoking a lot of pot. I did point out earlier that the use of "soft" drugs does not necessarily lead to the use of "hard" drugs, but I am not denying that in some instances it does. In my younger days, I smoked a lot of "pot", but never once felt the need to stick a needle into my arm, even when there was no pot available, but obviously some of my friends did. Anyway, I do believe that the post is about "Alcohol" so thing are getting a bit off topic!
  19. Such a system needs policing!
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