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Everything posted by sambum

  1. Do you not think that all of the above "facts and evidence" that you refer to will have been investigated already? They are not going to publish all those facts just to suit a particular individual. However I am sure that if you are so interested in the case, they may be available on request. The fact that he's "done a runner" says a lot! And "This could be (a?) statement from (a?) delusional indivisual (individual?) living in a fantasy world." smacks of victim blaming to me! Most of us will have all heard the "boy cries wolf" scenarios as regards women crying rape, (World Heavyweight Boxing Champ Mike Tyson and Miss World contestant?) but from your tone, you are implying that she made it all up, (with no evidence!) which from the information we have been given seems highly unlikely.
  2. A bit like killing a policeman on a motor bike and dragging his body for several yards, and then claiming it was somebody else "wot dun it", and then disappearing from the country?
  3. And does an extension based on marriage to a Thai national come under the banner of "resident families"
  4. Reading this and the post prior to yours, it would appear that everybody's reaction to the virus is different. My wife and I have both had 3 jabs, and I tested positive at a routine doctor's visit for a stomach complaint. I had no symptoms over the next few days and tested negative a few days later. My wife originally tested negative but was positive the next day, and went down with the usual flu type symptoms for 2 or 3 days, and was then negative but was left with a bit of a cough for a couple of weeks. I am elderly with a heart complaint, so I guess the vax helped keep the symptoms at bay - who knows? But according to most medical opinions, you are better vaxed than not if you are vulnerable.
  5. "A top Thai government agency has revealed that the number of young people under 20 now using the drug has doubled since it was decriminalised in June." Now I presume that will come as a HUGE surprise to the Minister of Health!
  6. Yes, Liz Truss could fit in well with the current Thai Government - especially when the Minister of Health openly promotes and "legalises" a product that was illegal, and "can be" a health hazard in some people, but in which he has personally invested a lot of money. But as you say - TIT!
  7. Yes! When a supposedly "social" Pit Bull Terrier attacks and kills its owner when they are sleeping in the same bed (no sarcastic comments, please!) and is then taken to the temple to apologise to the corpse, there is something very, very wrong!!!
  8. I think you misunderstand my point! What I am saying is that there is nothing on the checklist about a letter from the Bank, so how do you know that you have to have one? Last year, I had to go back to the Bank and get a letter for Immigration, and as it was on a Friday, by the time I got to the Bank, it was too late for them to produce the letter for me, and consequently could not get it done until the Monday. However, it was too late to get to Immigration that day, so I had to go on the Tuesday. I was then told that the statement which I had acquired from the Bank on the Thursday to take on the Friday was now "out of date" as it was only valid for 3 days, so I had to get another one, and another letter, which meant ANOTHER visit to the Bank! This year I acquired the statement and the letter the day before I went to Immigration, but was told that this year the bank book update (that had previously to be produced within 3 days) now had to be produced on the same day that I made my application, so once again, ANOTHER visit to the Bank the next day! So you realise what I mean by "pedantry"? Fair enough, at your Immigration Office, you have been meeting those requirements for the last 8 years, which is no problem if you know what is required (i.e. what is on the checklist). But when it does not appear on the checklist at all, and then they change the timings of the requirements the next year, it all becomes a bit frustrating - and costly, as each letter costs 100 baht, each statement costs 200 baht, and each visit to Immigration can cost 500 baht each way in a taxi! I suppose, they could be even more choosy by asking for the letter, the statement, and the Bank book update all to be produced on the same day as the application, but that would be a bit much to ask - wouldn't it? ????
  9. A bit off topic, but a bit like the usual Thai "sledgehammer to crack a nut" approach! Remember alcohol being banned on all the trains because of the horrendous behaviour of one of their own employees?
  10. Sorry, but I rarely have dreams, unfortunately! ???? However, for your information, from September 21, 2021 :- "Thailand Plans to Cut Import Duty on Wine and Spirits by 50%" (Also planned was a 50% reduction on the duty on cigars!) Customs Director-General Patchara Anuntasilpa was quoted as saying that about 30% of alcoholic beverage and cigar products will be covered by the planned tax cuts.
  11. A friend of mine was denied entry to the USA for the very same minor drugs charge. (Possession of marijuana) He put "None" on some paperwork, and was dragged off to Immigration at the airport and grilled for a "very serious crime"!!! And put on the next plane home to Blighty!
  12. Of course not - he thought that once restrictions were dropped, tourists would flood back in their millions with not a thought about whether people could afford it!
  13. And for the benefit of small business owners! Elections coming up?
  14. Yes, I have also seen some idiots in Immigration "shouting and carrying on" which to be honest doesn't get you anywhere, and I once heard an I.O. tell a "Do you know who I am" type who was using foul language to "go back to your United States of wherever" and quite rightly so. But I have also been party to ridiculous requirements from Immigration that are not even noted on their "Extension Checklists", so how are you expected to have the correct paperwork in such cases? For instance, where I live, for a marriage extension you have to have a bank statement for the previous 12 months (when you are going by the monthly income route) which is on the checklist, but it does not mention that you also have to have a letter from the Bank to verify that the balance in your bank book is correct! Last year this letter (and the statement) was valid for 3 days, but this year the letter (which is not on the checklist) has to be acquired from the Bank on the day that you make your extension application at Immigration! And your bank book has to be updated on that day too - which is also not mentioned on the "checklist". Just a couple of instances of "pedantry" to frustrate the genuine applicants!
  15. Or maybe you get too stressed out by the nonsensical requirements/requests of Immigration that seem to change every time you need an extension? I heard of a guy that had to go to Immigration EIGHT times before they gave him an "Under Consideration" Stamp! (Each time involving a lengthy wait to see the I.O. dealing with his case, and a lengthy trip to get there from his house!)
  16. A bit like the rigmarole required for a Marriage Visa (Sorry - Extension of Stay based on marriage to a Thai National - just before somebody points it out!) The photos taken with Thai Immigration Officers at our house required to prove that I/we are living in the same house that we took photos of and gave to Immigration when submitting our application for an extension for the 3rd time- accompanied of course by a Khor Ror 2 (?) to prove that we were still in the same marital status that we were in last year - and the 2 years years prior to this one! As a previous poster put it, Thailand seems to be the only place where you have to report to Immigration that nothing has changed since last year, whereas other countries you have to report when things HAVE changed!!! And 90 day reporting is another similar farce!
  17. The end of the first paragraph says it all - putting overstayers and criminal gangs in the same category:- "going after foreigners on overstay and criminal foreign gangs." And in the meantime, what is the latest on "Boss"?
  18. Whatever happened to the proposed reduction in taxation on imported wine? To great fanfare, it was supposed to happen months ago, but imported wine is still incredibly expensive in Thailand. I guess the "Big Two" decided that they would rather have people drinking their product(s) (But I don't see wine there?) and put pressure on the Government to ensure that it didn't happen. Consequently, it was just quietly swept under the carpet in the hope that it would be forgotten about?
  19. "If people still do not agree, the law can be cancelled entirely." And which people will be "polled" to see if they agree or not? They could always add it to the ballot paper of the next election, which will be "open and fair" ???? so everybody will get a chance to vote on this contentious issue!
  20. "Unfair criticism of Thailand’s immigration is unacceptable...." Why bother starting the sentence with "Unfair"? Most people that I know would probably agree that:- "Criticism of Immigration is unacceptable" (By Immigration!)
  21. "The edict will protect local wisdom,.........." ???
  22. Not just history! Show a group of Thais a map of the World and ask them to point out where Thailand is, and surprisingly few will be able to do it!
  23. I am sorry but I generally do not like Russians! Most of those that I came across here pre Covid I found to be ill mannered and arrogant - especially the families. For example, I have stopped "holding doors open" or letting mothers with children ahead of me in queues as it does not seem to be appreciated - more often getting a scowl in return - certainly not a smile or nod of the head in thanks! Also when they ask for directions, they seem to expect that you should know, and you have wasted their time if you don't! (Forget about any "thank you anway" gestures!) The last time I saw anything about Russian tourists in Samui, it was a report and video of a young Russian "lady" screaming, shouting and physically abusing a Thai who told her she had to pay 50 baht to visit a certain tourist attraction - it turned out that the Thai in question didn't own the attraction in question - but that's not the point! There are good and bad in all nations, but usually you find that groups of families are usually better behaved. Unfortunately, my experience has been that most Russian families seem to think that they deserve better treatment than others, and become "grumpy" when they don't get it. Just my experiences - I am sure there are people out there that have different stories to tell!
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