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Everything posted by sambum

  1. Oh dear! Mr Anutin might have to find another way to expand his wealth - maybe the Building Trade?
  2. "Now a huge number of people have applied for licenses to grow their own, so the police will be obligated to arrest and convict them. " No, they apply for the licence BEFORE they start growing their crop (theoretically!)
  3. You are totally correct in your last sentence, and IMHO (as I have said in another post) there are 2 reasons for this - to make himself more money and to promote himself as the "good guy" in the run up to the (eventual) election.
  4. Of course, but that would would have meant a few dozen more committee meetings, and Anutin wouldn't have had time to oversee them as he was too intent on planning his future finances!
  5. I agree with your post, and it's just another example of this Government being the "Hub of Turnarounds". Regarding your last sentence, this has been said many times before. Unfortunately, there will be nothing done regarding that particular situation until the RTP actually do the job that they are supposed to do, and that will not happen due to the pathetically low wages that they are paid, which in part has led to the level of corruption that can be seen from top to bottom in that particular organisation.
  6. I think a lot of people have now forgotten that Anutin has put his foot in his mouth many times, in addition to his anti farang comments in the past. His reasons for promoting weed are twofold - one to make him a multi millionaire rather than just a common millionaire, and secondly to put himself over as the "good guy" politician that understands young people and their "hopes and dreams" in the run up to the next election. God/Buddha forbid that this clown becomes PM!
  7. "For the most part, I find these people boring when they go into their own little bubble when under the influence,............" Maybe they go into "their own little bubble" because they find you and your attitude about "self absorbed stoners" boring?
  8. A few years ago (70's) some of my friends came by some "skunk" for the first time, and one of them ended up flat on his back on the floor with a "whitey". (For the uninitiated, not a racist comment, but in a state close to unconsciousness!) Some one asked if he was alright and he groaned back "Call me an amblumance!" - so someone said in a slurred voice, "OK, you're an amblumance!" Oh, Happy Daze"! ????
  9. Before the Ukraine conflict, I found that Russian tourists were, (for the most part) loud, rude, ungrateful, and arrogant - especially the families. I have noticed recently, however, that probably because of the war in Ukraine, that Russians now appear to be a bit more mannerly, and aware that there are other "peoples" in the world apart from them! (I am assuming they are Russians because of their accents - they may be Ukrainians for all I know!)
  10. A bit like "There is no prostitution in Pattaya" ????
  11. "...............which has helped fund the cost of the broadcast right." Should that not read "........which has helped fund the cost of the broadcast, right?" ????
  12. "It's just a game..........."? Nonsense! :- “Football is not a matter of life and death... it's much more important than that.”― Bill Shankly Just joking - I agree with you about these overpaid prima donnas kicking a ball about for vast sums of money!
  13. I think it will probably cost him an arm as well as a leg! Unless the doctor who has taken up his case is doing it "pro bono" - call me cynical but ????
  14. "A few years ago the doctors were not able to deal with my sinusitis..........." Last time I was at school, the letter "s" at the end of a word meant plural - yes?
  15. ".............each person making 800 such payments in the course of a year." Didn't realise Thai people made so many payments! Maybe slightly off topic, but we bought a brand new car last year from a T****a showroom/dealer, and it came with a 5000 baht gift voucher to use for their accessories. We opted for a dashcam with an extra one in the rear, but we were told by the showroom that it would probably cost 7000 baht! Anyway, we had to hand over 2000 baht cash before they would order the items, and when they came and were fitted (by an outside supplier) the bill came to 5680 baht, and they asked my wife (as the car is in her name) to pay the additional 680 baht "as the boss had gone home for the day and had taken all the cash to pay into the bank", so they would phone the following day to arrange the refund. (I now smelt a rat!) Needless to say, we got no phone call, so we called into the showroom a few days later, and "the boss" (who spoke no English whatsoever, and I speak very little Thai) said that they had given the 2000 baht to the people who had fitted the camera(s), and he was having difficulty in getting it back! However, he said that when we took the car in for its 10,000k service, he would knock the money off the cost of the service charges! I threatened him with a letter to Head Office if we didn't get the cash within 3 days, but the "missus" was now getting upset with me for making threats! In the end I just walked away, and said "Ridiculous!". Moral of the story - "Once you hand cash over to a Thai, you ain't ever gonna get it back - no matter what!" (No doubt there will be a few suggestions made on here ranging from demanding he "open the safe" to "opening his wallet", but hey, I'm a farang, and the situation has got to be my fault!)
  16. Sorry - I am no fan of Anutin, ("Auntie A"?) but you should make yourself aware of the defamation laws in Thailand, as I think you may be referring to this guy ( With a few more names, he could be named after the members of a football team!) :- Thamanat Prompow,[1] also known as Thammanat Prompao,[2] Yuthaphum Bophlom,[3] Manat Bophlom,[3] and Patchara Prompao,[3] is the former Deputy Minister of the Agriculture and Cooperatives Ministry of Thailand.
  17. ".............in Thailand, if the police say you're guilty of something, at the very best it just gets expensive." How right you are! A while ago, in the bad old days of Covid restrictions, I heard of a guy who was sitting at a table at the other side of a narrow soi from a bar when it got raided by the BIB for illegal drinking. He got roped in with the others, and to make it "brief" (pun intended) he was going to plead not guilty, and the official court interpreter told him that if he did , he would be remanded in custody for a week at least, he would have to get a lawyer (at considerable expense) and when he came back to court he would be found guilty ("guaranteed") and get twice the punishment that the "guilty" pleaders got! So he decided to plead guilty!
  18. Lou put the bait out and you bit! Put him on "Ignore" and I'm sure you'll feel much better for it!
  19. See my post above yours - it's being unknowingly forced on you! ????
  20. "Its addition in food needs to be carefully controlled and explained to tourists. Some don't know it is going in food and get a nasty shock when tested after flying home". So it's being put into food and the customer doesn't even know about it! I find that hard to accept! ????
  21. He said that the government and the Tourism Authority of Thailand had made great efforts to promote tourism this year and their 10 million target for 2022 can be reached with 7 million already achieved according to unofficial estimates. (Items to note are shown in bold text and underlined!)
  22. And the King of U Turns, Anutin will not be doing so this time! Why? Probably because he has a few baht invested in marijuana production and distribution - a legalised drug lord!
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