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Everything posted by sambum

  1. "People need to plan holidays in advance......" The most important sentence in the whole post, and one that appears to have gone right over the heads of the Government and those at the helm of TAT. They make changes in restrictions, and expect the results to happen overnight with the result that we are constantly battered with optimistic forecasts from TAT e.g. "TAT expects xxx million tourists next month" when even a kindergarten child would realise that to go on holiday means making plans in advance, and for instance, extending the length of visas is only one thing that would be visitors take into account in their preparations. They have to book holidays from work, (taking into consideration their co workers holiday requirements), book flights and hotels at the most competitive prices etc etc - none of which are likely to mean an increase in next months tourist figures!
  2. Every time I see the word "expects" it seems to go hand in hand with "more tourists" (especially when it comes from TAT or their compatriate agencies!)
  3. I don't think the Military need to carry out another coup - are they not (unofficially of course!) in charge already?
  4. "Thailand’s National Communicable Disease Committee..................." Basically, they held a committee meeting to decide "we'll keep an eye on it". Ah, what would they all do without "Committee Meetings"?
  5. Being fair "A member of the Medical Council of Thailand" doesn't necessarily mean an expert, only that he's a paid up member! In the same way as being an Army general doesn't necessarily qualify you to be Prime Minister of a country!
  6. Erm? "That is in the WESTERN world"? What part of WORLDWIDE do you not understand?
  7. "Dirty unwashed farangs" again! How long do we have to wait for an apolgy for this latest slur? And the spokesman should really have emphasised that " Most cases worldwide so far are among gay and bisexual men" Also, I am totally confused by this sentence:- "This comes despite the fact that the disease can't be transmitted via sexual contact."(??????????) Just another ploy to whip up fear and uncertainty among the populace, and is bound to do give the push for more tourists a much needed boost (NOT!)
  8. "They seek him here - they seek him there .........."
  9. "The economy will expand by 4.2% in 2023, on top of forecast growth of 3.3% this year, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha told a press briefing ..........." Think someone should have a word with him about lottery numbers! ????
  10. And you think that the reason for that is due to the fact that he hasn't been here, or that the media have been "warned off"?
  11. When it came up in my Inbox as "Red Bull Hei.......", I thought, "No they haven't actually ARRESTED him have they?" But surprise, surprise (NOT!) it was just another reminder that there is no intention whatsoever to bring this spoilt brat to justice. Sickening!
  12. I heard of a case a few months ago where some farangs were arrested for drinking illegally, jailed overnight, taken to court and fined 10,000 baht each, and given a year's probation. This in itself seems a bit steep, but they were then taken back to the police station and told that they were going to be taken to Immigration the next day to have their passports stamped, or they could pay 20,000 baht each and be free to go!
  13. Defnition of jok - correct Definition by Westerners of "Big Joke" - also correct.
  14. Someone has already suggested that possibly this child has a habit of "losing" or "forgetting" notes, but this is still no reason for being treated as he/she was.
  15. No, I think the point is that a teacher treats a student/child/kid like a carrier pigeon!
  16. I empathise completely - I only know what day of the week it is by knowing that a certain day of the week is Quiz night at our local - weekends as I used to know them don't exist anymore!
  17. My interpretation of "sheeple" is nothing to do with left or right wing politics. I think that basically it means people following the crowd, without regard to where they are going, or why.
  18. I didn't mention the word "woke" - I was replying to someone who did. Maybe off topic, but I was merely making the point that discipline in schools (in the West in particular) has deteriorated over the years. More on topic is that I think that stapling a piece of paper to a kid's shirt as a message to his parents is not a sign of good discipline!
  19. "long term trauma or any other distress" is a relatively modern concept dreamed up by members of the woke west, as is the "counselling" required to address it" Correct - I get p**d off with all these miscreants and drug addicts that excuse their behaviour by saying that they "need help" and the pussyfooting magistrates/judges who believe them!
  20. As a kid he never wore a seatbelt probably because there weren't any, and smoking was more socially acceptable in those days - before it became known as a health hazard.
  21. The main words in this post are "used to". Times have changed, some things for the better, some not. We used to have corporal punishment at my school in the 50's, and the children/youths were better behaved then than they are now. I got the cane once not for misbehaving, but basically to make me "try harder" My marks had "bombed" due to inattention in class - the cane got my attention back all right! Some people say that the abolishment of corporal punishment was a good thing - human rights and all that, but my ex wife's first job was as a teacher and she thoroughly enjoyed it as the kids were pretty well behaved, but after leaving to have our family, she returned to teaching as a supply teacher a few years later, (after the abolishment of corporal punishment) and said she wasn't teaching any more - she was keeping the kids from running riot! And this behaviour extended beyond the classroom with the resultant lack of respect for authority of any kind becoming commonplace, and anti social behaviour became and is a big problem. You could say that discipline begins at home, but if there is no discipline once the kids leave the house, everybody's hands are "tied" and the streetwise kids of today realise that, and as the statistics show, they are literally getting away with murder!
  22. Right uniforms/ wrong uniforms? Some of these kids' parents are probably finding it hard enough to pay to put their kids through school as it is without having the additional expense of extra uniforms.
  23. So the child is in essence a "carrier pigeon"? Hope he/she got an extra helping of seeds for tea!
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