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  1. I see, so that would be a normal safety feature of the inverter. So the trick would be to never draw more from the inverter (on its own) that it is rated to deliver without the grid? Do you like the brand of inverter you have?
  2. Thanks. Why do you sometimes regret not having 3 single phase inverters? Is it to do with the 3 phase inverter tripping if the phases are not balanced? Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I just wondered why you chose that brand inverter and why you didn't install 3 single phase inverters. I have seen some reports of trouble with a combined 3 phase inverter if the phases are not balanced.
  4. @cokwise off topic, but, I'd like to pick your brain a bit about your 3 phase inverter installation. I hope to install a 3 phase inverter ++ this year. I will need some help and was hoping with help from this forum I could do it. I don't see a place to PM you for some questions. How can I contact you (that's if you don't mind).
  5. Well she didn't return with me cause I'm in Aus. 🙂
  6. Wifey just picked up our new car. 🙂
  7. Some people got passport stamps made near China Town which did cause a small problem.
  8. Meeting in Pattaya?
  9. I've got a worster one than that.
  10. I am using a rent a car and I needed my phone GPS (as the rent a cars doesn't have them). I plugged in my phone to the USB car female plug, turned it on and also the car entertainment unit and Android Auto came up on the car screen. I connected and my car gps (Google Maps) displayed on the car screen.
  11. I agree. I looked at it this way: Our old car is 12 years old, still good but at 250000 km things will start to go wrong, so buying a new car that will hopefully be trouble free for another 10 odd years will probably be a good investment. I also (more for wifey) a greater acceloration in the car for those times she misjudged a bit and needed more passing power.
  12. Car being detailed. Wifey picks it up next week. Exciting.
  13. A long time ago the Japanese bought up an easy way to reduce the pollution from those black smoke blowing trucks in Bangkok. All trucks should have their exhaust pipes vertical, like ending above the cab instead of horizontal to the ground. This was not going to solve, but reduce the problem. They also did extensive studies with a fully automated traffic light system, instead of a few police pushing buttons. Non of their extensive research findings were implemented.

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