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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Nearly 70 yrs ago...would you really want a picture of a 90 yr old?
  2. Yeah it's great. 🙂
  3. Did you try turps? Try it on a bit of glass stained silicon first in case I'm wrong. I'm fairly sure my son used turps to remove excess silicon filler around some kitchen skirting board. Covered the board with that blue masking tape, filled the cracks and then whiped off the excess. Worked a lot better than soapy water. At least I talk to you even after some of your disturbing (to some people) posts. 🙂
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 16/100 My Time 196 seconds  
  5. Me toooo this year. I will either get Sonpan or try myself, but big job. 🙂
  6. @atpeace My electrician friend is on Facebook. Speaks good English, named Sompan. Give him a call. Can say Carl recommended him.
  7. @atpeace if you are in Isaan I have a Thai electrician/solar friend who who has done some electrical/alarm work for me before. Also given me a quote for solar installation. He lives in Udon but does work in Pattaya and around Thailand. I can give you his contact if you want. Also installed Solar systems. You have to get an electrician who has done these things, not someone who says they can do it. 🙂
  8. Redfern I used to work there at the Radio/TV communication and telephone exchange site when I was a trainee. Also went out with a Chinese girl who lived in the police whitey no-go area in the streets near the railway station. Horrible fighting, drunkenness, wife-beating, bashings, breaking everything all night. Weren't a lot of nice people living there and I don't think it had anything to do with relocation. Anyway I may be wrong, but enough of this unwinable conversation.
  9. @Crossy In this picture, is the box 'Home Loads' water heaters only connected to the grid?
  10. Woomera they resettled the people because the British were dropping large nuclear bombs in the Marilinga area. The Blue Streak rocket was test firing and they really didn't know where it was going to land so the area was cleared. You said whitey never paid for land and I gave you examples where we do. I don't know what NFI Carli means. 🙂
  11. My thoughts are to go with an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) as mentioned. I don't have solar yet (this year I hope) but I do have the grid supplying power and a diesel genset for when the grid fails. My ATS senses a power failure and before the house fans have stopped rotating switches to the desiel genset. I suppose you could call it seamless and you forget the ATS and genset are there until a power fail. If we go away and there is a power fail, we don't come back to defrosted fridges and worst of all 'hot beer'. Pumps and irrigation systems keep working. Also if it is hot and we have our air-conditioning on in the night time, you don't have to get out off bed to throw a knife switch in the dark. I went a bit over-the-top with out ATS and bought an industrial grade one that has a small manual crank handle if needed. An ATS is better than a knife switch for changing over power in my opinion. 🙂
  12. We do. Where I used to work on Yurri Island or Millingimbi, the land the school is built on pays rent to the Traditional Owners. Waste water system, aquifier water pumps, council infrastructure, accommodation, all pay rent to the Traditional Owners. 🙂
  13. We are (as a nation) ashamed. We do apologise. Shoot thems.
  14. Well that's not how I use the word. I use it to mean me and most foreigners.
  15. I'm not sure, but the recent navigation of Chinese warships around Australia has bought out patriotic feelings in Australians that could influence sales of BYD. Seems BYD is targeting Aus with many models. Bad timing by the Chinese navy me thinks.
  16. Can't you use a VPN to download it?
  17. It's because these people haven't lived in Thailand for over 30 years and never learnt to speak Thai and never lived in other parts of Thailand except Falang parts. 🙂 It's only an insult if you say ' look at that f....ing Farang'.
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