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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. I've got an idea that no one will agree with: in a large real-time computer they have parity checking (or used to) so that every 1s and 0s word is checked to make sure it has the right number of 1s and 0s. In the PC computers this doesn't (didn't) happen, so you can lose some digits and funny things start to happen. Windows NT server for example. The only fix is to reload a clean version of your operating system. As yours is Win 7 I would say update your computer and Windows.
  2. I think he meant the earth as a shield against RF interference.
  3. (In the old days) it used to be standard practice to rotate the wheels [at every service I think]. This helped the tyres wear evenly including the spare. Last service and problem I had with the CRV, (water in the break pistons causing rust and front discs sometimes staying in contact with the pistons) I bought some new tyres as well, they said come back in 10000km to check and rotate the tyres.
  4. Yep, we'd really like you to avoid any of these bars.
  5. Soi 6 they'll take good care of him I hear OR Jonthiem beach road is the Aus and Nz restaurant/bar. Big neon sign hanging out to the street. HHH runs .. Great place to meet eveyone .
  6. As I'm just new on this forum I didn't want to rush in with the way I would do it. Sorry for late reply.
  7. One of the Thai guys on a Sealion 7 BYD forum posted this pic. It is a bolt sticking out near the accelorator pedal. They said it was common with all Sealion 7s. I can't believe that.
  8. If you were installing 3 phase solar, would you go for 1 x 3 phase inverter, or 3 x 1 phase inverters. I do have 2 3 phase water heaters but I don't have any 3 phase motors, so was thinking the phase difference would not be important.
  9. They only had the 3 shot version when I had it, but would expect by now it would be 1 shot.
  10. I caught the train to the nearest station then walked after flying down from Isaan. Maybe the easiest round trip way from Pattaya would be to hire a Taxi or Grab. As someone already said, make an appointment.
  11. Tried the Brave browser?
  12. Banglumrat on Sukumvit. Years ago. I'd say they still do it as a good money spinner.
  13. My family is in the Rag Trade in Pattaya, very busy, but if you PM me with what you want I could contact them and if all OK you could meet them.
  14. Anyone installed 3 phase solar? I'm still tossing up whether to do this myself as a project or get an installer. I would like to contact people who I could get advice off. I know there are people on the Electrical Forum who always help, but would be good to contact others on this forum who have DIYed it. Thanks.
  15. Sorry for this small distraction, @JBChiangRai do you have a 3 phase supply?
  16. When carrying such blades you should be doing under 100km/hr, not watching a video and smoking while talking to your Gik.
  17. I've been reading a few (all) Thai Sealion 7 FB pages lately and 1 sort of complaint only -seems the front collision camera is an add on, but the Sealion 07 is installed (well I think that's what I read). Everyone happy.
  18. So you have 3 phase or single phase? If you have 3 phase, is it happening on each phase. If the problem has started in the last month (stronger, variable direction winds) could be bamboo ot trees breifly touching the power lines. PEA will get round to it. If the problem has been going for awhile, get someone to check the tightness of your meter box connection, especially the neutral. Starters
  19. Brilliant. Can you share the connecting circuit diagrams? What's the cable run length from you panels to the house?
  20. Not my sick Buffalos. Wonder if there are any sick Buffalos left in Thailand? Must be hundreds of fixed ones.
  21. I have to draw up some electrical plans for my solar system install. I think before Crossy said Tiny CAD was a reasonable program to use. I will use my Windows machine as it runs large CAD programs. Tiny CAD or other recommendations?
  22. That should be 32A. My PEA installation is 3 phase 15/45. What are your thoughts of squeezing 32 to 40A out of my system if the pool pump and EV charger are in at the same time. I think OK. I will buy the BYD 7 kV charger from Lazada or Shopee.
  23. I have asked on that forum as well. Decided on a 7kW/23A single phase charger. Just waiting for any responses on brand recommendations.. There are many brands on Shoppe and Lazada. Great forum and knowlegable people on Electric Vehicles in Thailand forum.
  24. No I don't think so. If you have 3 phase many motors then you probably would need to balance the phases. Me with 15/45 supply can probably use up the 50A per phase (but the neibours would have a problem). My genset is single phase, feeding 3 phases when the mains power fails. No problems except the neutral current is not 0 which it would be in a typical 3 phase set up. Thailand is 3 seperate phases, red and neutral, blue and neutral etc. I've 2 3 phase multipoint water heaters only as 3 phase. 😉
  25. I think I would just use the 7kW 32A single phase charger and not worry about the 3 phase connection. I think that if you use a 3 phase charger, say 22kW then the car will determine the charge rate, so it may be 7kW or 11 kW or 22 kW depending on what the car inverter decides. Only my thoughts, no references to this. To me the (old school) thoughts are that the current is limited to 32A per phase.
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