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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. That black Start Stop box is probably the battery holder, if so you will see a little divot in the side of the black box where you can prise it open the install batteries.
  2. That display is part of the rowing machine or an addition to the rowing machine you bought? If it's part of the machine, with the head batteries installed or charges, pushing ON should make the display light up. Then maybe pressing the up or down arrows steps thru the menu so you can select the time or distance rowed. Machine should be rowable even if the display doesn't work.
  3. Cutting out booze, stopping KFC, should feel results in a week.
  4. Though B30,000 per farmer does sound appealing. Wifey polishing up her gumboots. ????
  5. I would like to convert my mountain bike to a motor assisted battery powered bike. I was thinking of a mid drive kit. Anyone done it please?
  6. You may not get fault codes to the scanner if you have a computer (ECU) fault. As you are not going to fix it yourself, the local Honda dealer will sort the problem. Could be up for a high labour cost if they have to replace the fuel filter, ECU, or some exhaust sensors, but hopefully problem is plugs and leads.
  7. My Bangkok Bank app won't let me in now either. Just happened 2 days ago and they said there can only be one account per person now. I use my wife's username on my phone.
  8. Maybe at the end of the day it comes down to what the contractor is familiar with laying. Those 8" cement blocks are heavy and if the bricklayers are not used to them it could be a problem. They need the 10mm (if I remember) mortar joint etc. With vertical reabar they can be filled with concrete for a super strong construction. When layed, render on the outside and finished render on the inside. To get the same insulation properties with QCon you would need 2 rows of blocks and an air gap. (My guess). Even trying to lay the QCon blocks as per the manufacturers instructions, we still had cracks.
  9. What size are the large blocks, you got a picture? Those large 8" cement blocks are a good thing. Not used the Thai ones but in Aus they are used extensively.
  10. Honda visit would be a first move I think. If you want to do it yourself then you definitely need a code reader. For a trip to Aus I bought a $3000 Jazz, that developed an intermittent problem with loss of power and engine cut out at random times. After failed fault diagnosis at auto electricians, I bought a scanner and car workshop manual and eventually chased the fault down to an intermittent faulty computer. Bought a second hand one and that fixed the problem. In the meantime I had replaced the plugs and leads, ERG, other sensors, fuel filter etc. So get a code scanner and PDF manual from the internet. A tip that it could be the computer (if the problem is intermittent) is that no codes are present when the engine stops. If you need to replace the computer, you need to remove the airbag therefore have to visit Honda to reset the airbag warning light.
  11. Last month my sort of Aussie dermatologist BIL visited us in greater Isaan. Seems like Europe (somewhere) had a lot of special anal infections that bumgunning Asians don't get. So Bumgunning (less that 2 bar) is very hygienic. ???? AND when you go to you favourite massage gal, she doesn't have to remove the dag's. ????
  12. No you're wrong again. I love his intelligent contributions. He's usually correct; no a good guy, good advisor. Bit better than you. ????
  13. Sometimes (many times?) these tv/everything electronic small shop repairs people are brilliant. Took my old microwave to a small village shop and fixed. Also autotransformer in the stabiliser and an old TV and old monitor. If you find a good back yard shop, they are brilliant.
  14. carlyai

    Tony's Gym

    Tony was/is definitely a real person. I joined his Gym with lifetime membership for B9000 discounted. Was great. Special aerobics classes 3 times a week and also aqua classes. Got my moneys worth I think. Saw Tony live once after part of his 3rd Rd gym lost its roof and he was helping with structural damage removal.
  15. Why not take a Thai to whisper the colours? Upcountry where I am many Thais got the colour test wrong but the others helped. The tester got angry but passed the lot of us, even though some didn't have a clue of the colour. It was just: red, yellow and green.
  16. Wrong. The reason Farangs (non Thai) cannot own land in Thailand was to stop the Chinese owning land. Long time ago.
  17. carlyai

    Tony's Gym

    Well it's a lifetime membership and no doubt Tony would honor that.
  18. I have seen lightning strike a tree in a gully about 50m away from a 500' geodesic constructed television tower. All protection will help but... Also voltage stabilisers on the incoming mains may also help. We had a planned PEA (not sure planed and PEA go together) outage and when they reconnected the power, I think they forgot the neutral. Blew up lots of village TV'S etc. We had a brown smell coming from the stabilisers going into orbit, and soiled underpants but apart from that all OK.
  19. Tell he/she/it/trans not to make a Crrrooooaaakkk or they will be snake food. Always happens to our croakers.
  20. Nice looking house. Depends on the builder you get, but a tricky roof, so need a good builder.
  21. You can buy QCon ready made lintels.
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