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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Where you been, thought you had retired. Great advice as always. ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Send them to Pattaya, I've got a lovely house I want to sell. ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. My firstTKR didn't go well, as I said before, because the patella was too tight. Just 2mm the Dr said when they took it out again after shaving that much off the patellar button. After the op I woke up with one of those knee stretching machines, so pain on pain. Out of the mob that had TKR with my specialist I was the only one with a problem and that included some with double TKR at the same time. Major scar tissue which the physio had to keep breaking 3 times a week. He would roll a towel up under my ankle, say 'are you ready' then slowly push my knee down to the bed. The force got stronger until my knee was straight on the bed. Kept doing it, with breaks until I'd had enough. I could feel the tearing under my knee and after weeks he finally said he had done as much as he could. My sister who took me to physio said she would never ever have a knee op after all my screaming. ๐Ÿ™‚ About a year later I had an arthroscope and the Dr said there was scar tissue everywhere, which he removed. Even with this last revision Dr said still lots of scar tissue before he fixed the kneecap. Same renowned specialist. I asked him why and he said he didn't know. Said some people have trouble. Surgery went well. For rehab, after the 1 week hospital rehab, I exercised in the pool every day.... walked and walked, rode a stationary bike, as well as bought a skate board and used that to bend the knee as much as I could stand, every day.
  4. I had a Spinal Chord Implant (SCI) for back problems. Several years ago. My pain doctor said he was putting off knee surgery to wait for the stem cell therapy. Things are rapidly progressing but I am not sure if they have perfected it yet.
  5. Sorry, trouble editing at moment. Picture after second revision and now (about 1 year apart). I worked on rehab extremely hard. Many many older (near 80 yrs) people riding bikes etc after TKR.
  6. You can buy big bags of salt from Global House, I'm sure they would be cheaper than a pool shop. My pool chlorinator has a low chlorine light which helps. Try and filter your water before you fill the pool, if you can't, it will take a few days to clean up, but just be patient. Mine is app 100,000 L with a 2 Hp pump and skimmer boxes, so I'm not sure of extra water requirements for an overflow pool. I built the pool myself with local farmers, so wasn't confident to take on an overflow build. ๐Ÿ™‚ During the wet season the Ph tends to go up so you need Soda Ash or similar and acid. Just follow your pool installer advice and they should balance it all up for you. I'm in Isaan so maybe a little different maintance schedule that Pattaya or similar big city. I vaccume once a week (local farmer B350).
  7. I've never thought about measuring the temperature of my piss, bit kinky. ๐Ÿ™‚ So you don't get offended, I apologise for this post. My pool is still cool.
  8. Trouble is some tears (like mine) cause the knee 'catching' as you walk and a feeling that the knee gives way.
  9. There's a world of difference between a menicus tear and TKR. If you get the right doctor they can repair the menicus. If you are older they may not repair it, just cut the bits out that may be causing problems, which the did with me. I've also had a TKR and not fun. I was one of the unfortunate ones who had a big problem with mine and am on my second revision and it's a lot better now. Seems the patellar button was about 2mm too big (I had a new knee cap as well) and I kept getting lots of scar tissue. I'd still have the other knee replaced as better to be able to walk than not due to the pain.
  10. I'll go with Crossy's idea and place some green heat shrink over the cable I decide to be earth in the outside Consumer Unit. At the moment I'm not inclined to re-wire the run with correct colored wires and as SWMBO is replanting along the driveway I need to finish it or it will be difficult to get my ladder safely against the driveway wall. One of my Thai friends just fell of his ladder, busting his knee and toes and last month Wifey fell of the ladder last month and had a big infection and stiches in her leg.
  11. Years ago the electrician ran some wires to outside driveway lights. When I'm not there he never runs earth wires. As these are metal lights I have always been going to run an earth and finally getting round to it. There's a bit more to the story, but I've found for most of the run (about 20m) there are red, black and white wires. So instead of running a new earth cable I'm going to use one of the existing cables. He was using red and black to some of the lights and red and white to others. I want to use white for neutral, black for active and red for earth. Does this seem the best setup for the wires I have?
  12. Just some problems I have notice here. 1. We have 3BB internet and True phone SIM card. I have noticed that when I watch the same TV program on 3BB and True, 3BB will intermittantly drop out but the program on TRUE is fine. So there is an intermittant problem with 3BB. If you can, do the same test and see what happens. 2. Also watching TV from Aus, one TV on an old computer goes to buffering and many times between ads and program, program drops out and have to connect to the TV program again. Does not happen on TV program without adds. But, another feed using a later version box, doesn't drop out, so I suspect the old computer is the problem. 3. I can measure 100mbps at the WiFi router, but not at the TV inputs. Lower but usually OK. If I connect a coaxial cable from the router to the TV read 100Mbps. So it's best to hardwire from the router to your TV points. Don't rely on your WiFi signal, as when something happens if you are hard wired, you know the router speed is the same as your TV input speed, just takes that out of any problems. (I've been going to do it for years but still one of those jobs left for Ron.) I suspect with most of these problems it's speed (bandwidth) but difficult to communicate with Telco companies unless you have something concrete to show them. I think that with speed problems, the receiver (router), says to the transmitter (3BB etc) send again, maybe send again etc, then signals get all confused and signal to the router drops out. The only conclusive was to find an intermittant problem would be to monitor the signal and hand shaking signals on a Storage Cro or a program to capture all the handshaking signals. You can go into your computer and set up a continuous PING and see what's happening.
  13. I think it could be their 90 day report upgrade. Mine got rejected to. Rang them up and they said they never received it, do it again, then all OK.
  14. Hello, Well the roll-a-door was another stuff up. Initially there were 3 of us all building and we decided to get these 10 doors from China. Orded them all but then two of the guys had issues about money, so, after months that all fell thru. Then got a mob in Mukdahan, Mukdahan Shutters to do the job. The boss wasn't there at the time so the office girl took the order. Horrible job. Went back and complained and they sacked the girl as she moonlited with her unkle, not the real shutter mob team. Same happened with my Q Con blocks for the shed. Drove the 100km to Roiet to QCon suppliers and ordered the 100mm blocks (normally 70mm if I remember) from the store manager and their installation team. Wrong blocks arrived, so sent them back. Q Con installation mob arrived and were drunk for 3 days. After some blockwork I had to sack them as well, then I did it myself with a couple of the local farmers. Back to the Roll a doors after my winge. I think there are good doors and company in Bangkok when I checked, but that was years ago, may be better now. China is still an option for well constructed cheaper doors, but the freight and port marfia is a problem. Make sure that you have enough head room to install the tracks for the door to slide under the ceiling. Good luck. As well as this DIY forum, the Electrical Forum is excellent. Crossy from the electrical forum is a world ex a pert. ๐Ÿ™‚ Also plan to install solar.
  15. He can't be a Cunning Linguist as that's me ....that's my HASH name. ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. Yes but you do get warnings on TV. I've been thru 3 coups. TV's programs stop and they play military music. There are no police around...all hiding. After the programs return with a warning for all tourists to go back to their hotel. In Cambodia you know because on dusk you see guys on motorbikes with AK47s and you can hear the gunfire.
  17. Thank you. I see what you mean. I'll get another roofing 'expert' to replace the ridge cap. The project was a horrible building job done by other 'exerperts'. I ended up getting rid of the building mob and finishing it off myself, but the frame and roof were already completed. I completed the rest of the walls, windows and doors and electrical wiring. Head builder now retited to the Moonkhood. ๐Ÿ™‚
  18. Just thinking more about it and the problem may have started after the tree fell on the shed. Only the top 1m of the tree hit the shed. So it could have made the gap at the apex join bigger and water flowing down between the metal and insulation. Will get the guys to check.
  19. Thanks, could be ...will get the guys to check.
  20. Thanks for reply. The roof is factory painted with that pressed silver heat sheild, but that is all peeling off.
  21. I thought (but unsure) that the steel garage roof is leaking around the roof screws. (The roof screws have that black washer around the head). I can't get up on the garage roof at the moment, so some of the locals are inspecting the roof. The garage has two dividing walls seperating the carpark, store room and aquaponics areas and it seems only the car park is affected. The ceiling paint is peeling off around many of the ceiling screws, as the pictures show, but there does not seem to be discolouration around the peeling paint that would indicate water leaking through the roof screws. Also the roof screws are in different places than the ceiling screws, so now I am not sure the peeling paint is from water. Can you have a look and give us some advice please? It's impossible to get a roof plumber around here. Garage Images: Aquaponics room on the left with the roll-a-door, storeroom in the middle and carpark on the right. Only the carpark has the problem. Carpark with the peeling paint around many of the ceiling screw holes. Water damage in the middle front from a falling tree.
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