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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Michelin Man doesn't have a belly button. Is that significant?
  2. Maybe the impeller or the impeller body is worn. 12 years already is good. Try and buy the same new pump, so you can use the old one for spares.
  3. Great idea. They do it in Bali and it's lovely. Great restaurant and sea food.
  4. Get my car cleaned every Saturday. B200 plus B20 for the nitrogen tyre top up. Up till last year I tipped B20 but this year B40. Same with pool cleaner farmer. This year B50 increase.
  5. Also part of this thread should be on Thailand Aquifers. I am sure that (even though there has been extensive exploration of aquifers in the past) most drillers have no idea of which aquifer they are drilling into, its capacity, how it is charged, recharge rate, etc. In our area they are laying water pipes in the villages and connecting them to the local bores.
  6. Harvesting rainwater sound a good inclusion. The way everyone around here is drilling water bores is worrying.
  7. Can't we have an I don't get it' Emojothinggy? I think I know what you're getting at, but ....:)
  8. For construction: 75mm QCon type blocks were used, with rebar and cement bond beams. If you go to the QCon site you will find videos on the construction method recommended. As others have said use as little wood as you can. Cement, metal and fibro cement, anything except wood unless it is Teak. Non of our Teak has been attached by termites.
  9. Wellll... I thought our's was going to be a typical Isaan outdoor kitchen, but, education and 'the West' had a detremental effect on Wifey, so when I kept saying 'why have a kitchen near a kitchen?' and was cunningly worn down, to my regret I stupidly said ' Right it's your project, you do it, I don't want anything to do with it.' So she got a professional builder with CAD drawings etc and a huge price and did a real crappy job. Anyway, all good and I really like the outside kitchen. It's like a woman's 'Man Cave'. ????
  10. Don't forget when you build an inside kitchen, you will probably have to build an outside kitchen. In our case meters away from the inside kitchen. I used the same construction method as Crossy. Peace is beautiful. ????
  11. I don't know why everyone calls it a 'shakedown'. It's a buisness transaction So the police pick you up in a random search and you have an illegal vaping device. So you probably have two choices: 1. Get arrested,thrown in the jail, have to then go to court (maybe months later), get fined or jailed because what you did was illegal. 2. Be humble and talk the price down a bit, smile, pay the fee and go on your way. This is how it works in Asia. As far as I am concerned it works just fine and is not a chakedown.
  12. Well...they's just trying to be helpfull ????
  13. Lucky we have the strongest man in Isaan living next to us and he does jobs like holding bulls out to pee or lifting tiles. 2 people would be good. You as manager and Mr Thai (with strong fingers) to do the job. You got enough spare tiles? The mob who did my roof couldn't count, so I've got 'big mobs' left over. I worked 6 years with our Indigenous mob and they only count to 2, then 'big mobs'. Like, Me: "count the 100 cows over there". Them: '1, 2, Big Mobs.' ???? Maybe wrong color?
  14. Found the brochure on their web site. ???? Hope they are concrete tiles.
  15. I have what looks like the same tiles on my house roof. Mine are SCG (I think that's the company or tile manufacturer, could be CSG or similar, can't remember). Say it's SCG. Then SCG have a brochure, written in Thai, on how to install their tiles; have a look on their Web site. The brochure should show where to nail etc. Your roof could be installed like described in the brochure. Or, as in my case, not as per the brochure, but it should give you an idea of the roof nailing and wiring. As mine wasn't installed per the Thai brochure because ("we don't do it like that in Thailand"), with a bit of difficulty tiles could be removed.
  16. Lazy lazy people. Can't even check the 90 day on-line extension until you ring them. Work ethics? Job satisfaction? -zzzzzzzzz
  17. No....not on! You can't make fun of Crocks mate.
  18. Just hitting 13 degrees this morning. Freezing. 20230130_044620.mp4
  19. Now all you need is the guy who owns the land on the other side of the fence to dig a water way along the boundry.
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