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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Did you find some fault? Also, it may be better to replace the SafetyCut with a normal 50 A breaker and replace the other breakers with RCB's. Then if an RCB trips it only shuts down that load and not the whole house. I've got a whole house SafetyCut and slowely replacing all the final breakers with RCB's as when it trips, there goes all power not just the faulty circuit power. And, it always trips when we're not here. ????
  2. Not too sure where the OP is up to in their fault finding progression, but, to me, a few things don't add up, or maybe I missed something? Firstly the fault seemed to come on about the same time and the breaker couldn't be reset for a few hours. Then while testing the breaker could be reset, not having to wait. What changed? Placing the unit in Direct mode stopped the unit from tripping, OK could be a leakage fault, but initially, if it is/was a leakage fault, it seemed to clear after a few hours and the breaker could be reset. Strange fault (Ahhhh, those red ants) as the leakage fault seems to clear. So at the moment, the SafetyCut doesn't trip in the Direct switch connection. Now the OP is looking for a leakage fault by isolating loads and turning off breakers. Is that correct. I'd still replace that SafetyCut with a newer unit.
  3. I think your calculations may be wrong. Go to the Alternate Energy Forum. Probably more like 4 or 5 years ROI. Anyway I don't know why people worry about ROI as once it's installed, it's free. ????
  4. I reduced mine from 6 hr to 4hr with no cloudyness. That's with about 100000 L of water. I think really the time should allow all the water to be turned over. Answer is go Solar. Anyway that's what I'm going to do.
  5. OP said several hours.
  6. What are the indications?
  7. 'I doubt it is a faulty switch as it happens same time everyday.' But it won't reset until after a while. Yes the fault may still be there or switch trouble. Easy enough to check.
  8. SWMBO bought this shade awning, but where she wants it mounted means the bolts will be in QCon blocks. I don't think you can use these type of bolts in QCon blocks. They are fairly heafty bolts. Any mounting bolts suggestions?
  9. Also, as well as the above, have you pressed the 'test' button, then reset the switch 'on'. Just testing that the switch is not faulty. If the switch is difficult to reset, then it could be a faulty switch.
  10. '...but nobody in Thailand uses such sockets' ...I do. ???? Output from my genset. While doing my 6 monthly ++ oil change I decided to connect the earth to the neutral leg. Bangged in an earth stake long time ago and connected it to the genset schassis, but it was not connected to the power output earth pin. Original problem was intermittant tripping of my whole house 3 phase Safety Cut. The Safety Cut with the earth leakage electronics removed doesn't trip on genset start. Anyway I need to buy 2 more plugs as these ones are broken. Looking around and found this 2009 thread.
  11. Yes sewage is released into the gulf. They do it all round the world. In Australia, North Bondi beach sometimes was just full of used condoms etc from sewage. I swam every morning in Bondi and never got sick. Same as Pattaya bay and Jontien. Swum there a lot and never got sick. The same sort of scare messages have been passed on about not eating fish in Indonesia as it's all full of mercury. I lived there for 6 years, always at sea fish and had my heavy metals checked and no sign in my blood. Pools, spars etc could also be polluted but most people swim in them. Pattaya and Jontien are beautiful beaches.
  12. I did too, many years ago. I had to wait 1 week, or I could have had it in a couple of hours as a special case. ????
  13. Cause you do. What's wrong with the water? It's refreshingly wet and cool. You don't actually have to drink it.
  14. I wonder what happens to police convicted and sent to jail. Would think it's not a happy ending. ????
  15. Are you sure of those dates? 2 years between a bachelor degree and PHD?
  16. You are so wrong, except for the traffic situation, which is probably bad in all big cities. There are many expat clubs and social contacts in Pattaya. Good gyms, saunas, restaurants and beaches.
  17. We use a pretty good aircon guy who also is not bad with electrics. He has a shop on the corner of Tapprasit road and going left to the beach. Has a phone number in the window with airconditioners. He was going to vacate the shop and just work from home as mainly very busy with just return customers. Nice guy. If you can't find him, PM me and I'll find his phone number.
  18. 20220515_094107.mp4 20220515_093644.mp4
  19. Not in that district, in Isaan, but last year we paid B28000 for a 60m, 6" bore drilling, casing as well. Big rig drilled thru the rock bed.
  20. The higher the resolution the more black and white images or black to white transitions that can be detected. So with a digital photo, these are just 1's and 0's so lots more information can be included in the photo. I remember years ago encoding a photo with a message, sending the photo to someone and they could decide and read the message.
  21. Just thinking a bit... I wouldn't say it's a scam. The camera they use probably has a higher resolution or pixel content that normal cameras. You can't tell just by looking at the photo. With a higher resolution photo, you can include a lot more data in the photo.
  22. Yes go to the place they recommend. Easy and you know it's going to be right. That's what I did.
  23. We're not talking about drinking here. ????
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