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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Robotic surgery in Aus is available for public patients as with private patients. For some reason Robotic surgery is not on the free list and public and private pay the same for the robotic surgery. In St Vincent's hospital Sydney the robotic surgery theatre is in the public hospital. So if you're a private patient they wheel you through the labarinth to the public operating theatre.
  2. Loooovvveee overweight oldish women. Bring them onnnnn. ????
  3. So from a scan the dr can tell (not think) if it's a syst or tumor?
  4. Well with kidney my surgeon disagreed. Any tumor on the kdney needs to be removed as most are bad. That's what he said. No biopsy, just removal. He said can have a biopsy but better gone.
  5. Sorry, I'll leave it to you, Dave.
  6. Power that supplies your water heaters will come thru a circuit breaker. Usually a black thing with an on/off switch. This should have the 'test' button on it if it is an RCB or RCBO.
  7. Scans before my last back operation picked up a tumor on my kidney. Kidney dr said most of these are bad news so robotic surgery to remove it before my back surgery. Wondering if liver tumors/systs/polyps are better removed. How do the drs tell from a scan if its a syst?
  8. I think it's just a diversion. Loepards don't change their spots. One thing is for sure in Thailand, you only get as big as you're allowed to. Don't go further and you're OK. Go further and then the rug gets pulled out.
  9. Really electricity is an unseen killer. Tingles sound trivial, but in a shower, not. You may or may not have a main earth and ground rod, but your electric water heater should have a good (as in you don't want to die) earth. Both of them. Get an electrician to check the water heaters. Do you have an RCBO or earth leakage circuit breaker for the power to the water heaters?
  10. To me this is dangerous. You should have an earth leakage breaker supplying power to your water heater. Has there been any work near your main earth into the ground? I'd check the earth.
  11. While you're at pre-wiring, run in your speaker cables too.
  12. NAB. Possibly like me. They need your phone number so they send you security numbers. So put simply you need a phone number. Your app won't work properly with some things without your own phone number. Get a Thai SIM card and get SKYPE and ring them in Aus. Will probably take up to 30 min of swearing, but after you answer all their million questions, they will register the new number. Then you do it all again when you change back to your Aus SIM.
  13. I used Isaan Law as well.
  14. I build it up on layers.
  15. Nice neat job. ???? i'm doing sort of the same but in those QCon blocks. Moving washing machines to the outside toilet/shower area requires some electrical mods. I use Skim Coat to fix up the holes. Not saying that I am correct, but I've used it before and seems to work OK. There are instructions in English on the bag.
  16. At Lami, there used to be these wooden, aircon cabins right near the beach. Anyone know if they are still there and exactly where the place is?
  17. I know a guy drip feeding his trees, but he's over in the UK at present and not on this forum. Can you PM me and I'll try and give you his contact details?
  18. See, that's the thing. Any drawing or picture of a figure is drawn how the artist imagines it. So drawing Adam and Eve with belly buttons is using the imagination of the drawer. Unless we have an un-doctored photo, who knows? Some Martian women have their vulva on their shoulder. Some Martian men have their penis as their pointing finger. So what we see as someone tapping another person on the shoulder, really is them getting it off. I hope you follow all this?
  19. Michelin Man doesn't have a belly button. Is that significant?
  20. Maybe the impeller or the impeller body is worn. 12 years already is good. Try and buy the same new pump, so you can use the old one for spares.
  21. Great idea. They do it in Bali and it's lovely. Great restaurant and sea food.
  22. Get my car cleaned every Saturday. B200 plus B20 for the nitrogen tyre top up. Up till last year I tipped B20 but this year B40. Same with pool cleaner farmer. This year B50 increase.
  23. I'm right handed. ????
  24. Also part of this thread should be on Thailand Aquifers. I am sure that (even though there has been extensive exploration of aquifers in the past) most drillers have no idea of which aquifer they are drilling into, its capacity, how it is charged, recharge rate, etc. In our area they are laying water pipes in the villages and connecting them to the local bores.
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