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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. I nearly bought one at an auction, but thankfully I was outbid.
  2. If you are building cavity walls I would use 2 rows of those 7.5 cm QCon blocks with an air gap in between, also for all your cables, conduit etc. in the cavity. Where I am most of the heat comes from the roof so for me it makes sense to use all you can to help stop the heat penertration. So many barriers, roof tiles/tin barrier, best R rating insulating barrier, ceiling insulation barrier, cross-flow air barrier. You need the lot. So I would go with the insulation that has the best insulation properties, not cheap for a big house. It should not be touching the roof tiles or colorbond roof, but about 2" away. Don't cover the eves as you need those slatted eves to let the cooler air in and exit thru the gable end of the roof space. Others may disagree. ????
  3. Or, if you're Khun Thai and owe the money lender too much and can't pay then ...'gone to Italy'. I kept hearing this person gone to Italy, then that person gone to Italy. When I asked, that's what I was told. ????
  4. Hi, I think you mean the access cover where the cables come and go from the meter at the bottom? I traced a fault back to our meter, I thought, but PEA said 'problem would not be our meter' so I got a couple of local farmers with PHD's in Electrical Engineering to investigate. They just took the cover off no worries and found all the screws loose. No PEA complaints, but, we are way out in the sticks and the meter is a million years old. I think you need a torque wrench (well a pair of farmer's pliers will do) to retighten the screws, but not sure. Best practice around here when you remove the incoming cables is to leave them floating up in the air. ????
  5. A 1 in 100 year flood can come today and tomorrow and next month. It doesn't have to come only 1 in 100 years. ???? Hope I'm right. ????
  6. For me, no, as the tank is SS, pipes PVC and filter bodies fiberglass and cloth. ????
  7. 'Otherwise, some on here have previously recommended an adjustable stem which is okay for your intended use.' Don't think anyone has mentioned this. I'll Google it. Also those end of handlebar risers....seem real cheap on Lazada, how do I know what brand to buy?
  8. Sorry, I saw this too late. So we have disc brakes. ????
  9. Yes surgery is the way I think. I think they would also check what they remove for any signs of cancer just to make sure.
  10. No, not I, but sometimewoodworker will surely have heard of it. ???? Not sure of you cable duckting and water levels, but when those horrible things ate out my genset wiring I put down those round glue pads. That seems to have done the trick.
  11. Don't know. We talked about redesign of my building, but then they found out I lived in an old part of Pattaya city where everyone has built right up to fence line etc so those rules didn't seem to apply to my build. My house is the origional show home for a project about 35 years ago. Maybe the same applies to Walking Street and old origional builts and if your plans just modify and don't rebuild. There's someway they get around the laws.
  12. I used those red bricks and cavity walls for my house build, because those bricks were all they had then. So you get about 1" of plaster on each side of the cavity bricks. Makes it fairly strong and good insulation wise. Now I would use a cavity wall of 7.5cm QCon blocks. I also built cathedral ceilings...so house is pretty cool
  13. Well I know in Pattaya there is a law that says you can't have a house wall or window within 2 m of the boundry. When I designed my house extensions, I went to the Pattaya Engineering Department to get permission to build, and this is what they told me.
  14. Don't build wood, just concrete and brick. No bugs are going to eat it. We have a house full of teak furniture and no bugs eat it, but it's really seasoned thick hard wood. Will be just a continueal maintenance nightmare building with wood. Forked trees we use to prop up the banana trees are easily eaten out. Even our other house 700 km in Pattaya termites ate up thru the wood door jams.
  15. Well here's my take. We had what looked like nice clear water from our well into our 3000 L tank. I noticed that the bathroom shower tiles were turning a rusty color, so decided to investigate the water. Short story is you need to get your water professionally tested at the Amphur. (My theory): The iron is in the water, but it doesn't oxidise until the water mixes with the air so then the iron precipitates out and gives that rusty look. Once you get your water analysed you will know what filtets to install to filter out all the iron etc. So my aquifer water goes into a 3000L settlement tank, then to 2 big backwashable filtets in series. One filter has active carbon and the other crushed plate glass. From there it goes to a Big Blue sediment filter ....from there (for the drinking water) to a 6 stage reverse osmosis filter. All this came about from rusty looking tiles and water analysis. 6 L of water and about B6000 is what Khon Kean university charge for detailed water analysis 5 or 6 years ago.
  16. Sorry, they looked the same, but Globalhouse LED light fittings are flimsy. You find out when you go to use them.
  17. Not sure where you are, but if in Pattaya they have them in an electrical shop about halfway down Tappraya rd on the RHS coming from the Jontiem area.
  18. Those connectors are the ones Globalhouse sell with their 24 W LED lights.
  19. 'I'm walking backwards for Christmas.' Remember the Goon Show? ????
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