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Posts posted by eliotness

  1. Must be a lot of raw pork eaters in Thailand

    Just look at all the cars and bikes with no exhaust or very loud stereo's

    All the tossers are deaf or brain dead kwhistling.gif

    Living in Isaan I see a lot of semi cooked pork being eaten at parties and at peoples homes. Big risk, as is raw prawns with lime juice. But maybe drinking Lao Khow with the meal kills the bacteria ?

  2. In western countries, the very wealthy donate a lot of money to charities, colleges, health care research,etc. They give most back to the people.

    I have been in this country some time and have never noticed wealthy Thais doing any of the previously mentioned.

    I visit a major university regularly and the books are so old that the pages fall out. Not 1 baht received as a donation.

    And I trust the Thai tax department is being vigilant in their duties.

    In western countries a lot of "donations" are done to avoid or reduce tax. Most "charity" activity in Thailand seems to be for temples and shrines.

  3. Will be applying for mine next week. However....I was wondering about how to fill in the address part of the application form..

    Do you write it ( in English of course ) using the Thai words ....ie :

    312 Moo 4

    Dtambon Ban Non Lap

    Amper Prayuen

    Jangwat Lop Buri.

    or do you have to translate it as :

    312 Village 4

    District Ban Non Lap

    Borough Prayuen

    Province Lop Buri

    Silly question but better safe than sorry.

    In communication with any authority in the UK I have always put M2 as my road and Buriram Province. The most important thing seems to be the post code.

  4. I believe that the transaction is processed in the UK, so if your KTB Convenience Card is endorsed "electronic use only" then I suspect you will not be able to use it to pay for your passport.

    If it's a virtual card that some banks issue, which I suspect from what you say it probably isn't, then you could probably use it.

    Thanks for the reply. My card has a 3 digit security number on the back and is chipped. So it looks kosher, but whilst it has a "valid from" date it does show an expiry date, which the passport application form asks for, so I'm not totally sure.

  5. As it seems you can't pay cash for a replacement passport, does anyone know if a KTB CONVENIENCE CARD will be accepted ? I tried checking the KTB web site, but they don't show my card on their list. I only opened the account last week. There are sufficient funds to cover the £100+, but as I've just moved some money from my UK bank to Thailand I haven't funds in my UK account to cover the cost. The KTB card is a VISA.

  6. Don't we do the same, only under different names? Cubs, Scouts, Guides, Cadet Corps? Thailand has had compulsory scouting as long as I've been here.

    But it isn't really proper Scouting as I remember it from the UK 50 odd years ago.

    Yes, my son wears the uniform but they don't really teach them scouting at all.

    Agreed. I have yet to see them wearing sets of proficiency badges as are proudly worn by scouts all over the world.

  7. 1900 Bht for the 60 day extension and no proof of income is required

    UK passports are reported to be taking 3-4 weeks to process and when available have to be collect from the office in Bangkok.

    It is extremely unlikely you will be allowed entry to Laos with less than 6 months validity remaining on the passport.

    More like 2 to 3 weeks in recent reports.

    I am pleased to learn that!

    My passport will need renewing next month. It is always worth renewing in good time and the UK will allow up to 9 month 'unused' validity to be added to the new passport.


    Now I know, thanks guys. Maybe I won't be around to need a renewal in 2026, but I'll try and remember, as long as dementia doesn't get me first ?

  8. 1900 Bht for the 60 day extension and no proof of income is required

    UK passports are reported to be taking 3-4 weeks to process and when available have to be collect from the office in Bangkok.

    It is extremely unlikely you will be allowed entry to Laos with less than 6 months validity remaining on the passport.

    Cheers john, I've cancelled my hotel in Savannakhet and will go to Kap Cheong Monday morning. So if I go Bangkok at the end of June I might be a bit pushed to get my new passport by the end of July from Bangkok and then go up to Savannakhet again before the end of July. I rely on my works pension which is paid at the end of the month. Guess I might have to make some arrangements to fund the trips !

  9. I too may have a problem with my non O visa based on marriage. For various reasons, my fault, I went to Savannakhet early this month and forgot some documents. So I intend to go again tomorrow, this time with all the documents. Trouble is I've been told because I have only 5 and a half months left on my passport (expires 16th Nov) that I may be refused re-entry and not get my visa. Please has anyone got experience of such matters, or maybe some good advice. Please guys help appreciated .

    Laos requires 6 months of validity to enter and there have been reports of people being turned away because of it. Also 6 months validity is required to apply for the non-o visa.

    You could apply for a 60 day extension to visit your wife to give you time to get a new passport.

    Joe I live near Nang Rong, where do you think I can apply for a 60 day extention ? Another problem, ooops I had two 30 days extentions, so it looks like I'm in deep pooh. What can I do ? Serious panic mode setting in now !

    You will use the Kap Choeng immigration office that is located in Surin near the border. It can be found on this map. Address and Google Map location of immigration offices

    Your previous extensions will not effect getting the 60 day extension.

    Your wife will need to be with you when you apply. You will need your marriage certificate plus a copy, copies of your wife's house book registry and ID card. You will need proof of residence unless you living where your wife's house book is for.

    So Joe, you really think (sorry maybe that should be a "you know") that with only 5 and a half months (16th Nov) I will have serious problems. As I was planning to leave early tomorrow, I'd have to cancel my hotel in Savannakhet and go instead to Kap Choeng on Monday. I was planning to go to Bangkok for a new passport in August, but from what you say I'd have to go maybe the end of June - I've no idea, but how long does it take for a new UK passport to come back do you have to go again to Bangkok or is it delivered to your door ?? Finally, what do they charge for a 60 day extension ? - sorry Joe, so many questions, I'm still learning the tricks of the expat trade, so your advice is most warmly welcomed.

    And finally finally - will Immigration at Kap Cheong require proof of income > 40,000 Baht a month ? if so then I'm really really in the pooh.

    Cheers Joe

  10. I too may have a problem with my non O visa based on marriage. For various reasons, my fault, I went to Savannakhet early this month and forgot some documents. So I intend to go again tomorrow, this time with all the documents. Trouble is I've been told because I have only 5 and a half months left on my passport (expires 16th Nov) that I may be refused re-entry and not get my visa. Please has anyone got experience of such matters, or maybe some good advice. Please guys help appreciated .

    Laos requires 6 months of validity to enter and there have been reports of people being turned away because of it. Also 6 months validity is required to apply for the non-o visa.

    You could apply for a 60 day extension to visit your wife to give you time to get a new passport.

    Joe I live near Nang Rong, where do you think I can apply for a 60 day extention ? Another problem, ooops I had two 30 days extentions, so it looks like I'm in deep pooh. What can I do ? Serious panic mode setting in now !

  11. I too may have a problem with my non O visa based on marriage. For various reasons, my fault, I went to Savannakhet early this month and forgot some documents. So I intend to go again tomorrow, this time with all the documents. Trouble is I've been told because I have only 5 and a half months left on my passport (expires 16th Nov) that I may be refused re-entry and not get my visa. Please has anyone got experience of such matters, or maybe some good advice. Please guys help appreciated .

  12. By taking lies to the extreme the Remain campaign is doing itself a lot of harm. Food will be more expensive, pensions will lose value, holidays will cost more, house prices will fall, jobs will be lost, the threat of terrorists will increase etc etc AND NOW the World's economy will suffer. Please Remainers, give it a break, by totally focusing on the negatives you are missing the point, just what are the actual benefits of remaining, if any? All is doom and gloom if we leave, so what positive things are in the pipe-line for the EU ?????

  13. That's why all over the UK pubs are closing. Supermarkets selling cheap booze and the ban on smoking have together changed forever the British pub culture.

    Yep man, we got to go back to old times. Loved it. Pussies nowadays.

    I have never smoked so I was looking forward to the implementation of the smoking ban, but if truth be told, I miss the old days too - the reek of smoke was not nearly as bad as the sour smell of beer soaked carpets that had, until then, been masked by all the puffers.

    That is so true with many pubs, the reek of cigarettes has been replaced with some rather more unpleasant smells. Also most of the "ban smoking in all pubs" brigade were not regular pub drinkers, so by a total ban the pubs have lost regulars to gain a few "only at weekends and then no more than 2" drinkers, forcing many to rely on the food trade, which means they ain't "pubs" anymore, rather eateries or restaurants.

    BUT going back to the original thread, I thought Scots did the majority of their drinking on the train from Glasgow to London ?

  14. I support burning off the remain jungles and fossil fuel left on earth.

    Let the Earth reset itself like it did a few hundred millions ago.

    ... without humans

    it will work better

    Its amazing the world has survived in a beautiful lush state for billions of years and then mankind comes along for a couple hundred and ruins everything.

    10,000 years ago the earth started coming out of the last ice-age, during which time most of the earth's landmass was covered by ice more than a kilometre thick. Where did you get your info that its been "lush" for billions of years, the Beano !

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