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Posts posted by eliotness

  1. Hard to follow current politics. May should be charged with treason for her efforts in destroying sovereignty and be awaiting beheading in the tower of London, not becoming prime minister. Farage was clearly the man for the job, remember Brits just voted to take back their country. I get the feeling May will try to weasel out of Brexit or water it down, which would be totally unacceptable.

    Brexit hasn't yet been ratified by parliament, hopefully it wont be.

    We had a resounding victory in the Brexit referendum - talk about short memories! We will Brexit, the alternative would be to sack London in protest and go from there. Just because a few thousand dole bludgers, teachers and soap dodgers are having a right old public moan doesn't mean Brexit will not happen. It just makes the whole show of the butt-hurt libs/elite/foreigners more satisfying for us Brexiteers.

    Recent months have seen a significant shift in public desires to stop the UK existing to serve N African and middle eastern religious zealots, and to concentrate on the lives and futures of British people instead. This clearly does not suit many forum members, but then the UK does not exist merely to pleasure a few socialist forumers whinging about change. May really is the wrong choice - we need somebody with conviction, someone like Nigel Farage.

    2% a resounding victory laugh.pnglaugh.png

    I guess maths isn't your strongest subject. The difference was just short of 4% and that was 1.7 million people.


  2. Bravo Mr. Prayut

    There is much miss-communication between Thai and farang and missed a lot business.

    It is a pity you are already far behind Cambodia, Vietnam

    Get people from the Philippines, because they had at school all their lessons in English, can read, write and speak...and are cheap... so you can get many teachers.from a good quality.

    Many Thai can only speak, but not write or read English.

    Ooops ! I see from your grammar you are not a native English speaker. So you think poorly paid teachers from the Philippines are good quality. Sorry, not from my experience.

  3. Thats a good move over fishing is decimating fish stocks , if its not reigned in , there wont be much of a fishing industry in 5 years.

    That coupled with pollution is truely decimating fish stocks off several countries in the region.

  4. "Seems to me many of these "schools" are more interested in a baby sitter or just having a white face"

    I may be a cynic but i think all they are pretty much interested in making money.

    If in a nakon nowhere Isarn they will tell you the budget is low and you get maybe 15-20 a month,but for sure they will probably con the parents into paying more for a "intense English program" with this hotshot teacher they had to source from Bangkok...all BS

    dont listen to all the other wallys on here. You wont see any officers come to take you away. If you know the Pooyai you can even ride a bike around Isaan for years and never anyone stop you or ask for a licence.

    The only trouble is if you cause big scene with the director but blacklisted..no way.

    Maybe in Bangkok you will have trouble if you work amongst farangs..best to keep away from them

    15-20k no. I have been offered between 25-30k on several occasions. That was upfront too without bonuses etc. I heard someone else claim 20k too. Just not true in my experience. I mean its not a fortune either but we should keep the facts right for anyone interested. I guess if you were in a more competitive area the pay may be lower.

    Im in Isaan. I don't know about a properly trained English teacher but someone with any degree here don't seem to get a lot more, maybe 35-37k month.

    20k is common, whether this is due to a plentiful supply of Filippino teachers or just the rates going down I'm not sure. Sure some guys are on 30 to 35k, but for how long ???

  5. I was raised in the UK in the 50s and 60s. Corporal punishment was the norm. As long as it was used sparingly and with restraint then no harm was done. Abuse happened sure, but was rare. Kids need discipline to learn at school. In the modern world it seems parents are less and less willing to provide that discipline and complain if teachers try to assert some discipline in their classes. Without discipline the education system will falter.

    Are you joking, kids don't go to school to be wack by a teacher.

    It happened to me at school and to this day I still remember it and it was so wrong to do .

    Kids should go to school to learn, an essential thing for their future life. Unfortunately there will always be one or two kids in a class that don't care. OK that's their loss, but when they deliberately disrupt a class, effecting the kids that want to learn, then what recourse is there for the teacher ? Detention and/or lines do not seem to be an option in Thailand.

  6. I was raised in the UK in the 50s and 60s. Corporal punishment was the norm. As long as it was used sparingly and with restraint then no harm was done. Abuse happened sure, but was rare. Kids need discipline to learn at school. In the modern world it seems parents are less and less willing to provide that discipline and complain if teachers try to assert some discipline in their classes. Without discipline the education system will falter.

    We must be about the same age , I too attended a private school from '58 - '62 and I probably got the cane 4 or 5 times , the first time on my first day for not being able to eat the revolting food that was placed in front of me , fat , gristle and bullet peas. This was totally wrong but after this I dare say I deserved the cane. But ​it wasn't outlawed , if a teacher is outside the law then he/she should be removed from their position , I do agree that without discipline a teachers lot is not a happy one so what is the answer , you have to get respect but that is earnt not beaten in to. Rant over Sir.,

    I agree with you totally, it's all about respect. However how do you teach respect in schools if not supported by the parents ? Girls are so much easier to teach than boys. Girls have an inbuilt desire to learn, but boys are different and need discipline, hopefully without actual physical punishment, but the threat should be enough. Boys will push the boundaries as far as they can and in most cases just the threat is enough. But that threat has to be real, not just bluff.

  7. I was raised in the UK in the 50s and 60s. Corporal punishment was the norm. As long as it was used sparingly and with restraint then no harm was done. Abuse happened sure, but was rare. Kids need discipline to learn at school. In the modern world it seems parents are less and less willing to provide that discipline and complain if teachers try to assert some discipline in their classes. Without discipline the education system will falter.

  8. End of pipe solution. The volume of waste generated needs to be reduced. The amount of recyclable materials used needsctyruyeEt to be increased and non-recyclables reduced. Just burning mixed waste is not a sustainable solution.

    The problem is if you take out all the recyclables, there's not much left with calorific value as a fuel. Remember reading a waste to energy plant in India, gift from one of the Scand. countries IIRC, with exactly that problem. Quite a few years ago, I admit.

    Yes, that can happen, but if most of the "veg" is composted - not much of a campaign for that in Thailand. That would leave the majority of the waste plastic food containers - which are not really suitable for recycling - and meat containing food waste. Outside of the likes of BKK and Pattaya paper waste doesn't really present too much of a problem. I've no idea about the plastic waste situation in India, but I would hope it was better than here, especially a few years ago, but then again they may be catching up rapidly.

  9. Grow up please and move on with the fact the remain lost. I could say fair and square but with the based TV and media coverage it wasn't anywhere near. But the one fact is you were defeated so be mature and even dignified in defeat. The majority of people wanted to leave and they have shown that.

    52%- 48% hardly screams out a mandate from the people. Given that the referendum isn't binding, I wouldn't be surprised to see the politicians (even responsible minded politicians if they exist) find a reason and a means to set aside the results. The difference between having 48% of the people pissed off and 52% of the people pissed off at them isn't really significant in the historical scheme of things. An unintended collapse of the economy would be significant in the historical scheme. They'll put some flowery language on it, though.

    Frankly, given the immense consequences- both known and unintended, I'm surprised they didn't require a 2/3 majority to make such an historic change.

    Never required a 2/3 majority for the original vote in the 70s. Why change the rules now just because Remain lost ?

  10. The foundation of democracy is that the losers accept that they have lost a popular vote, and cop it.

    It's quite a precious attribute, few countries worldwide have achieved this, and if the UK were to lose it, that really would spell ruin for the country.

    There's also no need for another vote; the referendum wasn't legally binding, and Parliament has the option to ignore it.

    If they do and it is a possibility, then the pressure for a new General Election will be huge. If that then happens not only will the divide in the country become worse, but Farage will have a field-day and UKIP could get the block of MPs he wants. Now is the time for constructive reasoning not knee jerk panic.

  11. 52 to 48 does look close, but if you look at it by regions then it looks very different. Only really London had a big number for remain. The populations of Scotland and Northern Ireland are relatively small. So I guess London has benefited to most from EU membership. Democracy sucks ! But it's what people in Britain fought for for hundreds of years, so please respect that and accept the result. Otherwise move to live in the EU, get a new passport. Goodbye !

    People in Britain fought for hundreds of years? Quite a lot of the fighting was between ourselves.

    You are correct. Fighting so every man and women had the right to vote and not just a self appointed elite.

  12. 52 to 48 does look close, but if you look at it by regions then it looks very different. Only really London had a big number for remain. The populations of Scotland and Northern Ireland are relatively small. So I guess London has benefited to most from EU membership. Democracy sucks ! But it's what people in Britain fought for for hundreds of years, so please respect that and accept the result. Otherwise move to live in the EU, get a new passport. Goodbye !

  13. 2_election_campaign_signs_printing_61456

    Hahahahaha, the bookies put their money on STAY, so dump your sign board

    Hahahaha I think that laugh is on you, so go and find a hole to crawl into and laugh now!!

    well, I pity you. You will wake up definetely latest when you get your UK pension.

    Don't think the good times will come......

    For every screw you want to sell into EU you have to follow EU rules. But I forgot you will have the freedom now not to sell.

    And your so famous LAMB.....Ask your farmers how much of their income came from EU....It is more than 1/3, in some areas 2/3.

    But I forgot you will have the freedom to eat chicken now.

    Anyway, do you think prices going up or down after your splendid decision?

    Well you don't care. You are in Thailand.

    Ooooh such sour grapes ! The UK is a democracy, so your side lost, tough ! Better luck next time, oops I forgot the powers that be in Brussels said there will never be another chance.

  14. The Remain campaign are going to milk this to the Nth degree. The guy was a raving nutter, a mental case, a wacko. To say he has links to far right Brexit groups is similar to saying the phsyco who killed all those in Florida is representative of all Muslims. If this tragic murder swings it for the Remain campaign then I fear for the future. The whole referendum has turned very toxic and the latest comments from the French minister just add to the toxicity. British politics is not coming out of this looking good. Both sides seem to be self-serving BS ITERS..... Maybe there should be a third option on the ballot paper "NONE OF THE ABOVE"

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