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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. 9 hours ago, Strange said:


    Nobody is used to your accents other than your own people. 


    Everywhere I have worked in Oil & Gas, all over, with people from all over, have a hard time understanding you guys. Give them a radio to try and talk into and its even worse. 


    Im constantly told I'm easy to understand by non native english speakers and have no problem being understood by any other native english speakers. 


    I'm sure you met some real sophisticates.


  2. 4 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

    The :smile:rumor:smile: is between 500 and 700 baht.

    I figured the thread needed a bit of 'lightening up'.:smile:


    And how enormous is the naughty masseuse at that price?


    Some of the girls I see outside those shops are kind of chunky, but I wouldn't call them enormous.

  3. Just now, Strange said:

    I mean, what, is your wife working here and you get the non-o for that? Company taking care of paperwork & stuff? 


    Yes. I'd have thought that was pretty obvious. A lot of guys here seem to find the idea of a woman having a job somewhat far-fetched, though, for some reason.


    I'm not dodging or deflecting anything. For some reason you've seen fit to spend five off-topic pages interrogating me about my circumstances to get to the rather mundane and obvious truth behind a throwaway comment I made - one I had no idea I would be expected to back up to this degree. 


    Next time I post anything I'll be sure and accompany it with a few pages of supporting backstory incase you're reading. 


    Some people here are weird


    Shall we get back to the price of sausages now?



  4. 6 minutes ago, Strange said:


    Why do you continue to dodge the question? How, does your english wife, qualify you for a Non-O based on family, and exempt you from proving the typical financial requirements required to extend your stay?


    Because that's how it works. I know a lot of people on this forum think that the non-O is the 'married a bar girl' visa - but in fact it covers anyone who's here accompanying a family member who has a legitimate reason to stay in the country. 


    As far as I know the financial requirement is only asked of foreign men who are here living with a Thai wife. Can anyone confirm that?



  5. Most people don't like being called a liar. 


    All I do to stay here is spend a couple of hours at immigration once a year. That's a fact - and not even a particularly remarkable or controversial one. Why you've chosen to make such a spectacle of yourself over it is a mystery. 


  6. 10 minutes ago, Strange said:


    You wife is English? Or Thai? Or Both? And not needing a letter from the bank showing an income or seasoned money? 


    Whoops, sorry, missed this bit. My wife is English - as previously mentioned. I've never needed to show a letter from any bank - I don't even have a bank account here. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Strange said:


    You wife is English? Or Thai? Or Both? And not needing a letter from the bank showing an income or seasoned money? 



    I mean by your criteria, how would you know what the process is if you have never done it? You don't have to prove a financial requirement, and this in and of itself is a massive gain in the hassle involved in getting an extension, but you down play it like its nothing? 


    Not upset, just don't agree with your preaching about walking in to immigration all willy nilly with nothing but a pen in your hand and a smile on your face once a year for an "hour or two". 


    Its nonsense and you say it like your on a throne of superior simplicity, and everyone else isn't as "enlightened" as you. 


    I don't know how the process works for other people - I've picked up the odd thing here and there, mostly from stuff people say on here, but I can only vouch for how it works for me. I'm sure there are plenty of people who can fill you in with the details of how it works in other scenarios.


    I'm not sure where you're getting this 'preaching' thing from at all. All I'm saying is that, in my case, all that's required of me is a couple hours at immigration once a year. That's all - I was talking about me, not anyone else. 


    You've got all hot and bothered about this for some reason, but please, take a step back and try and look at things calmly here. I'm just one guy, talking about my particular situation. Not preaching. Not trying to be superior. Just telling it like it is. And for some reason you've decided to call me a liar, and then derail this thread for several pages to quiz me about it. 



  8. 4 minutes ago, Strange said:


    What family member are you getting the Non-O under? Or how are you getting the Non-O? I mean Im not sure why you are dodging this question, unless you are worried about it for some reason? 


    My wife. Sorry, I presumed that was obvious.


    4 minutes ago, Strange said:

    If you are on a Non-O extension of stay, witch you clearly got outside of what a majority have to do, what business do you have preaching about the simplicities of the process when its you that is the minority with a simpler process? 


    From what I gather, the process isn't much more complex for those with a Thai wife - they just need the letter from the bank to prove whatever the financial requirement is. Another poster told us it took half an hour, which I've no reason to doubt. 


    Why are you so upset about this, anyway? I'm not 'preaching' anything. I just pointed out that all it takes to keep me in Thailand is an hour or two at immigration once a year - which is true. 

  9. Just now, Strange said:


    How are you getting the non-o? I mean most of us are Thai Wife Non-O people as a start to the process. There are exceptions of course. Curious to know if this in any way simplifies your process. 


    It does make it simpler I guess - as I mentioned, I don't need to show a letter from the bank for example.


    2 minutes ago, Strange said:

    Im not calling you a liar, you may actually believe it only takes an "hour or two" per year to retain your privilege of staying in the Thailand. You may not want to consider the ancillary activities involved. Most people would though, and I certainly do. While its not a particularly painful process, its a process nonetheless, and misleading to say it only takes an "hour or two" and your good for a whole year.  


    What 'ancillary activities'? I go to immigration, sign my name a few times, smile at the nice officers, and I'm done. 



  10. 2 minutes ago, Fabricus said:


    Your posts don't add up.


    You say you're in your forties. Fine. So you're not on a retirement visa.


    You say you're not working in Thailand. Great. So you don't have a work permit or a non-immigrant B.


    You claim to be married to an English woman. That's cool. So you don't stay here on a non-immigrant O.


    You talk about ninety day reporting. Awesome. You clearly don't have an elite card.


    So what have I missed?


    You missed the fact that being married to an English woman doesn't preclude you from getting a non-O.


    Nice stalking, though. You keep all that info in a special folder?

  11. Just now, Strange said:


    True, but there is more to it than an "hour or two and I'm good for the year"



    Because you think it, and say it, it means its true? 


    Just because you decide you know better, despite having never done it yourself, that means I'm lying?


    I don't need the letter from the bank, so for me the trip to immigration is all that's needed. Hour or two there and I'm done for the year. 


    I'm not sure why this is such a big deal for you to accept. 

  12. Just now, Strange said:


    Didn't we already cover this? You honestly believe that an "hour or two in a chair" is all thats involved, time wise, to grant your privilege to stay in Thailand for an entire year? No other time involved? 


    Yes, I honestly think that. That's why I said it. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Strange said:


    I never said I renewed an extension of stay, you did. Are we fussing with semantics now? 




    I mistyped - you quoted me before I edited.


    You've never renewed an extension of stay. How would you have any idea how long it takes?

  14. 2 minutes ago, Strange said:


    No red mist, just don't agree with the whole process taking "an hour or two" because there is no way, at all, no matter how hard you try and simplify the process, that it only takes "an hour or two" a year to maintain your stay in Thailand. 


     Says the guy who's never renewed an extension of stay. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, Strange said:


    Im not necessarily calling you a liar now that its clear your on extension of stay, but its still misleading insinuating that the process takes only an "hour or two" a year. You also have extra time on your re-entry permit, weather you do it at Suvarnabhumi, Don Muang, or wherever. 


    Nope. I get a multi re-entry permit the same time as my renewal. 


    Seriously, dude, why do you have such a red mist about this?


    5 minutes ago, Strange said:


    Still believe that the whole process takes only an "hour or two"?


    Dude im glad you are happy with it, but its just flat out misleading. 


    Yes I do. 90 day reporting takes me no time at all. Annual renewing a couple hours. 


    I'm not sure why you want to keep calling me a liar on that. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, Strange said:


    You don't have to do 90 day reporting? Online, or in person? 


    Didn't we already cover this?


    I almost always go on a trip out of Thailand before the 90 days is up. I think there have been maybe two exceptions. Even then, I didn't go to immigration. 



  18. 1 minute ago, Strange said:


    Like there is some secret that only the "Pros" know? 


    Even if you only spend an hour or two, however unlikely, standing in front of an immigration officer per year, you will still be committing a lot more time on the whole process. So your "hour or two" is misleading. 


    I choose to stay on a non-o visa as I typically leave the country a lot and don't have to do border runs, nor worry about re-entry permits. So yeah, Ill be fine, thanks. 


    I don't commit any more time to it. Couple of hours in a plastic chair, sign where I'm told to sign, job done for another year. Easy. 

  19. 1 minute ago, Strange said:


    So your on 1 year extension of stay. Ok, still, an hour or two a year is BS regardless of how you stay here. 


    Not at all. You can easily get it done in that time. People make such a fuss about it, but it's really not much hassle, especially if you know what you're doing. 


    Enjoy you border runs, though. 

  20. 1 minute ago, georgemandm said:

    Ok you say the food I not no about the uk 

    but in Australia you go buy a  roast chicken from the  supermarket at $8 thai bht 200 and the Australia one is big and  stuffed and here in thailand the  roast chicken that is a lot  smaller cost 139 thai bht . $3  cheaper in thailand but the thai one is small.

    just one thing , I will say this the  restaurants are a lot cheaper here but that has a lot to do with the price of  Labour .

    thailand is cheap yes but not for thai people, if you look at it from the thai people side of things thailand is very  expensive .


    They would find Australia even more expensive though.

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