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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. Just now, freebyrd said:


    Of course it's our language that was loaned out and bastardised by others - think aliminum as aluminium is too hard for others to say.


    When people tell me I have an English accent, my retort is that as I'm English I don't have an accent.


    Aluminum is what Humphry Davy named the element he discovered. For some reason the British decided to change it, whilst the Americans stuck with the original name. 

  2. Just now, tonray said:

    Perhaps you are just better looking than me, does that make you feel better about insulting me ?


    I don't think my good looks, or your lack thereof, is the issue here. My point was that we reap what we sow, and perhaps there's something about your attitude or behaviour that means your experience with the locals is different to mine.

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  3. 20 hours ago, tonray said:

    That is absolutely true. In BKK (I live in an area not popular with foreigners) and many Thai vendors do not like to deal with me...I get the grunt and my change and then the inevitable chit chat about the 'farang' that I hear as I walk away. In Kohn Kaen, another city I have experience with, there is a much softer approach. While Thais in general do NOT want you in their neighborhoods, just try and walk down any small soi and the snarling dogs, the comments from the Thai men drinking on the side, and the stares you get from everyone else are a very unwelcoming sign. The most troubling is when faced with an aggressive dog where Thais are sitting right there, not one will say a word or raise a hand to help you, you are on your own. I can deal with that, we all want to keep what we are comfortable with and they do not want foreigners in their universe. But in many cities ,like Kohn Kaen there is a big difference in how they react to you in the common areas away from their domain, they are friendly and will actually help you. In BKK, there is the pretend patronizing in the farang tourist areas and then there is my experience in areas such as the Wongwian yai market, where you just get stares and glares and underhand comments when you try to shop there. That is why I limit myself to shopping with the few street vendors I know appreciate the business and the supermarkets where they are much more reasonable about dealing with you because it is their duty. 


    It is an inward looking culture, not unlike many homogeneous neighborhoods in America however, you just have to accept it will never change.


    That's completely at odds with my experience of living in Bangkok. Are you sure its because you're foreign, rather than being disliked for some other reason?

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  4. 4 hours ago, Bob9 said:

    Yes - you sure showed that ignorance again.  As I said, DESPITE the hillbots voting again and again, the inevitable result was that Trump won the poll.  And there are many polls that also show this too. But you stick to CNN and NBC (any MSM) polls and you will see the same thing as they did in the UK before the Brexit vote - the MSM polls are wrong.  


    Nope. The polls before the brexit referendum showed the race as pretty close - mostly within 2% of being tied. Right now they show Clinton an average 6% ahead.

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