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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. 30 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

    The classic liberal ad hominem when they can't refute an argument. By the way Bob Creamer who resigned from the DNC as a result of the election fraud video is himself a convicted felon ($2.3 million loan fraud). It is hugely damaging that such a character should visit the White House no fewer than 340 times during the Obama administration, out of which he met the POTUS himself 45 times. Seeing as you used the word 'sane' I would argue the trail of criminal behavior points to the very top, but as we know the head of the FBI appears to be bought. In other words the U.S voters are the only hope For preventing the accelerating decline of their nation.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


    You seriously expect people to dignify this stuff with a response? This whole 'rigged election' thing is so transparently just Trump preparing his ego for the blow of defeat that it's amazing to see anyone actually take it seriously.


    Occam's razor time. You put up an unelectable candidate. It's not exactly a surprise that he's losing.

  2. 1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

    On PBS, there's a discussion of whether there will (or can) be voter fraud.  Due to the fact that there's no one in the discussion who is affiliated with Trump, the discussion is civil, without shouting or diversions or hogging all the air time.


    One of the panelists was head of the Republican Voters committee in Florida in that contested election (40 lawsuits were filed against his committee), so he knows a thing or two about the voting process.  The other panelist is a scholar who studies voting processes in the US.  Both are adamant in saying voter fraud (which could remotely affect results) is not possible.


    The only reason Trump's wild claims stick, is because of his rabid following, who will believe any ridiculous things he says, no matter how outlandish or dangerous.



    Quite. And anyone who disagrees with them is duped by the 'mainstream media', a paid shill or a troll.


    Shameful that grown men let themselves be sucked in to this nonsense.

  3. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    That would be hypocritical of most guys, as most guys have said the same sort of things at some point in their lives.

    However, most guys aren't faced with having things they said long ago saved to be used against them in the future.

    Had Trump come out in public and said such I'd agree with you, but he didn't.

    A case of people casting the first stone etc.

    I find it hard to believe that there are such a lot of "pure as driven snow" characters, as some proclaim themselves to be on this forum. Compared to what I heard in the military, the things that were said by Trump would have been minor, at most, and I very much doubt that has changed.


    Frankly, I'm somewhat bemused that so many profess to be incensed at what would be normal behavior for most rock stars and their groupies. I've seen more outrageous behavior in a Bkk gogo than what Trump was describing.

    I refuse to be drawn by yet more hypocritical Clinton propaganda, when she lives with someone that has been proven to actually DO the things that she claims to find appalling. Does she think Monica let Bill use a cigar on her because he is so good looking, or could it possibly be that it was because he was president?


    I've never in my whole life talked about grabbing a woman by the vagina without her permission - and I doubt other most men have either.


    The fact that you'd use the activities found in a go-go bar as a comparison suggests that perhaps too much time spent with prostitutes has somewhat warped your moral compass.

  4. 4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Hmmmm. I'd claim that Switzerland has the closest to real democracy, but never mind.


    Unfortunately, IMO, US democracy has been corrupted by big business and lobbyists. IMO it's time to start over, and if Trump makes that happen we'll all be the better for it.

    It's rather disturbing though, that some crude language that most men indulge in at some point in their life has had such a shocking effect on the future of the country. Perhaps American democracy isn't that strong after all.


    You still don't get it, do you? It's not the language he used that's the problem. It's the acts he described using it. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Publicus said:


    Humanity izzit. Maybe someone should try coming down a notch or two because we're talking about an election in the USA -- it's very specific.


    All the same, some people are oblivious in addition to being lifelong political paranoids. It is in fact a very wide and thick line...a very bright one too...


    Washington Post: “He is preaching to the converted. He is lashing out at anyone who is not completely loyal. He is detaching himself from and delegitimizing the institutions of American political life. And he is proclaiming conspiracies everywhere — in polls (rigged), in debate moderators (biased) and in the election itself (soon to be stolen).”


    “In the presidential campaign’s home stretch, Donald Trump is fully inhabiting his own echo chamber. The Republican nominee has turned inward, increasingly isolated from the country’s mainstream and leaders of his own party, and determined to rouse his most fervent supporters with dire warnings that their populist movement could fall prey to dark and collusive forces.”



    Sort of like the military industrial complex and its CIA run complex global drugs racket all protected in secret complexity by HRC.


    Donald Trump hasn't increased his bottom line voter support base for the past four months. Neither have the "complex" people increased their support base -- over their lifetime.


    The bulb blew out long ago over there for Trump and those he's taking down with him in this gift of an election campaign.


    Trump and everyone like him are going to be officially certified by the Electoral College as losers. It meets in a joint session of Congress December 18th to make it official by casting the votes by state. I'll look you up when it begins (C-SPAN).


    I think he's given up on the idea of winning the election, and is now looking to consolidate his position as leader of the supposedly disenfranchised right white males. Hence the ramping up of the 'rigged system' stuff. He wants to be some sort of opposition leader to a government he will claim is illegitimate - and doesn't care what damage he does to America's democracy in the process. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Funny they all decided to do it as a "voluntary" effort at the same time, in the same way.


    BTW, I didn't broach the issue, but was just responding to your post and the several others that preceded it.


    Not really - they were all prompted by the same event. Very little funny about that.


    Sometimes this place gives the impression that expats care about little else but beer and getting their end away. What a sad state of affairs.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


    May I ask how you arrived at the "opinion?"  Let's talk objectively, for example, using a completely objective, non-partisan website which does nothing but fact-check. 


    Mrs. Clinton lies or says something mostly false or worse 27% of the time.



    Mr. Trump lies or says something mostly false or worse 71% of the time.



    So asking purely from an objective point of view, how can you view Trump as being more honest than Clinton?

    Because they want to believe what he's saying?

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