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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. 2 minutes ago, ardokano said:

    Where i am ignore?

     Read my first post.

     yes i accept cheapest:

    1 Fuel

    2 electricity

    3 parking

    4 taxi( another public transport not correct compare becouse quality of service is different)

    5 few truck

    6 massage

    7 rent/buy  low quality apartment( good quality for me as for many people i know its inclused infrastructure minimum near 1000m) House cant compare becouse buy house( ligal) need have permit, for permit need invest 40 ml Bt.


    maybe some small thinks lost from me can add after, but total picture do not change



    So nothing is cheaper here. Apart from energy bills, transport and housing. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, ardokano said:

    what kind?

     again read careful

    "just pu..ssy, massage,  low quality  apartment, Fuel.. may be some another few thinks.. cheapest in Thailnd. (c)


    you have forgotten that he had promised not to answer my simple. or your promises are not worth a penny?:post-4641-1156694572:


    Promises are worth 2 pence in the UK. Another thing that is cheaper here. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, ardokano said:

    even many of the shopping centers to the taxi to pass through the muddy streets.

    and from the condominium is also often needed for dirty street go to taxi.


    Muddy streets? In Bangkok?


    Are you sure you're in the right city?

  4. 8 minutes ago, ardokano said:

    Can you tell me WHERE i can get for 20000 Bt nicer flat  and in more centr location?

     I mean can go anywhere and do not see dirty and bad smile street. And easy goin with out traffic jam by car.

     Where. I am right now in Bangkok try find it. WHERE???


    Dude, I'm not inviting you to my house. You seem kind of angry.

  5. 11 minutes ago, ardokano said:

    Where no need Car?

     It in London as example  can with out car. because that transportation infrastructure is more developed.

     But In Bangkok. how can with comfort move with out car? If even street not clean.


    In a taxi. 

  6. 1 minute ago, mercman24 said:

    when in the uk, my flat(condo) as same i have here in Bangkok, cost me 27,000 a month,+ poll tax + car/motorbike cost (not need here) +tv licence +water+electric+sewer charges + sat tv excluding food, i let you work it out, in THAILAND i pay 15,000 for condo that includes  a great pool + gym,+library, add in water and electric,TOTAL all in i never pay over 17500 every month. thats a 10,000 baht saving on just the living comparison,


    My flat in the uk cost about 60000 baht. The one I live in here costs me 20000. It's bigger, nicer, and in a more central location. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

    Her you go again 4myego trying to tell people how  expensive Sydney is but you forget to tell people here how much you get when you sell that home in Sydney .


    you try and sell that home in thailand no hop of selling it and getting your money back , try sell the one in Sydney you know it will sell and who knows how much millions.


    last time you told me your food bill was $1,000 now you say $1,200 get it right.


    $400 a month on utilities are you joking what do you have on all the time to use so much more like $200 .


    you love to bag Australia to make  excuses for you coming to thailand and you know and I know you are not telling the truth as I have told you before you are in thailand because you was lucky to have worked  hard and made you money in Australia to live in thailand and you can go on and on like you do but that is the truth and sometimes the truth  hurts .


    Thailand is not what it was , I agree it is cheaper then Australia but not much cheaper now .


    I not care what it cost me to live in Australia or thailand it is what it is I just want to enjoy my life .


    I have the money to enjoy Australia and thailand because of my hard work and no government hand out .


    i say it as I see it no bulls??? But lots on here try and make  excuses for being in thailand like the prices and that is not the truth most come here because of there thai lady . 


    Not to  visit temples .


    tell me would you be in thailand to day if you did not have your thai lady ? .


    I don't have a 'thai lady'.

  8. 3 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Then realistically, the British don't speak very clearly. Not every US movie is set in the places you mention, and even a movie like Fargo, where the actors speak with a Minnesotan accent, or something from the Deep South, I have no problem understanding, but hear a Cockney, Somerset or Liverpuddlian accent, and they might as well be speaking Greek.


    Yes. Because you're not used to their accents. 


    Just now, ardokano said:

    please stop trolling. And insult

    you still have not said anything on topic. nor any confirmed or denials.

     PLEAS  give some proof or not offtop 


    Why keep going on about proof? This isn't a court of law. Nobody is obliged to prove anything. Forums are about opinions - and the prevailing one here seems to be that you're wrong. Why expect yet another thread on the same thing to have a different outcome?

  10. 2 minutes ago, transam said:

    So now you want to move the goal posts because I have pointed out cheaper stuff in LOS...Dear oh dear..........


    Now you do your homework and come back and tell me things I have pointed out are more expensive in LOS..

    No I do not own any town....Please stop trolling....You are beginning to look daft..



  11. 1 minute ago, ardokano said:

    ok ok.

     sorry about my English


     can you show some example. 

    or you are only being discussed personality
      and find fault with errors


    What's the point? You disregard any example that you don't like, then say the same thing over and over again. 


    This and your other regular bugbear - people that 'sell everything to move to Thailand' - make it pretty clear that you envy those of us who live here. Get over it, or move here yourself. It's cheaper than you think!

  12. 1 minute ago, ardokano said:

    You can  think of anything.
      But in fact you can bring some examples?
      in the format:
      price in Thailand VS the price of the same product in UK?

     can you do?


    Of course I can. But if I did, you'll just do what you always do - claim they don't count for some reason, or bang on about how the Thai version isn't the same quality. 


    We've been down this road many times before, and it's abundantly clear that you're either unwilling or unable to comprehend any point made against your argument. So what's the point?

  13. 2 minutes ago, topt said:

    I agree with you and can only think he is trying to up his post count or something as this is a to me a never ending discussion with no definitive answer - as everyone is different and all costs are relative. Simplistic - yes :thumbsup:


    I think he just envies those of us who live here, and makes this stuff up to help himself feel better about it. 


    It's hard to tell, though, because his english is appalling. 

  14. 1 minute ago, ardokano said:




    vegetables set?
      fruit set?

     can you chose some and give proof?:post-4641-1156694572:


    I can tell you that my wife and I live considerably more cheaply here than we did in the UK - and that our quality of life has improved at the same time. But I don't think you're interested in hearing anything others have to say. 

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