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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. Confirmation bias writ large in this thread now.


    Trump said a lot in the debate that will please his fans, but nothing that will gain him any support outside of his base - and that base support isn't enough to win him the election. The way he conducted himself whilst saying it will have put a lot of people off. He didn't win the debate, and at this rate he won't win the election either.

  2. 3 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

    Why would anyone, other than a corporate executive sent by his/her

    company come to a country where the pay scale is 10% of their home

    country and expect to save money....even if living expenses are 10% of

    that of your home country it all balances out.  You move to these countries

    with a pension and money invested and you don't worry about saving money.


    Until the exchange rate tanks...

  3. 39 minutes ago, uksomchai said:

    Of course no doubt all of the quotes in this link will be lies and Clinton is on par with Mother Theresa isn't she. 




    I could understand if Trump had been caught saying this crap last week, last month or even last year but nearly 11 years ago :shock1:

    <deleted> talk about desperation on the Dems side


    Whereas going on about what her husband did 20 years ago is fine?

  4. 6 minutes ago, smutcakes said:



    Grabbing someone by the pussy would be the work of a 'player'? I always assumed a player would be a smooth operator who could talk the pants of women and did so regularly. Someone just grabbing a lady by their pussy is a creep, sleazy and far removed from being a 'player'. 


    Absolutely. But some of these guys don't have much game. That's why they ended up here. 

  5. 1 minute ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

    True. Whether it was an "error of judgement in allowing it to be recorded" depends on whether you believe that everyone, always, is carefully considering everything that goes on around them every minute of the day.


    He was at work, making offensive comments about a colleague, with a live microphone attached to him.


    I'd call that an error of judgement. 

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