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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. Dude, don't be ridiculous. I made a generalised suggestion that some people may be happier in a relationship because they've never spent much time on their own, or learned to fend for themselves. It wasn't a cue to interrogate me on my life story. 


    I've told you as much as you need to know in the context of this discussion. I'm not going to write my memoirs just to satisfy you. Let's move on.

  2. 1 minute ago, transam said:

    But you keep talking about everybody else's business...Tell us how you gave up mum and became incredibly wise.....Just tell all.....You are in your 40's, been around a bit, so tell all...Easy....:thumbsup:


    Sorry. I'm not interested in publicly telling my life story just to satisfy some bored retiree with nothing better to do than start petty arguments online.


    I certainly didn't go direct from mum to wife to wife, though. 

  3. 2 hours ago, georgemandm said:

    How did I know you was a Pom , just by reading your replys . 

    Come on mr know it all you tell me the truth,  if you didn't have a thai wife would you be in thailand for thailand I would say no way .

    And you have know idea about me .

    i just ask a question ok and you turn it around  against  Me .

    i not care about your country ok .

    read what I ask the members ok .

    i am telling you ok thailand is getting very   Expensive .

    how bad is it for the thai people on 300 bht a day .

    the  shampoo things is just one little thing .

    you are  justifying why you went to thailand and truth is for a thai women.

    like 90 % of man who move here .

    i just ask if most western man are happy and a lot are and I am happy for them and they are lots who are not .


    I don't have a Thai wife, and yet here I am in Thailand. Many of my friends don't have Thai partners either.


    We're all happy here.

  4. On 14/08/2016 at 10:37 AM, dick dasterdly said:

    I shouldn't be responding on this thread as I'm not a Western male.  But my (limited) experience is that those who make the most effort to tell everyone how happy they are - are the ones in trouble, and far from happy.


    I think the main reason we see people talk about how happy they are here is as an attempt to counter the relentless negativity that pervades this forum.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Craig krup said:


    I'm glad you've taken a swipe, because that allows me to swipe back. You aren't very bright, are you? I'm paid what a college lecturer in the UK gets paid. It's plenty. I've also got the same sum again coming in from other sources. The reason I've got these resources is because I don't p**s money away. You - again - can't imagine spending less than you can spend, so one day fortune will blow and you'll be wiped away. I'm tweaking my handout on Machiavelli just at the moment, funnily enough. You're Italy, I'm Germany. I prepare when the river is low, you'll be washed away the first time the predictably unpredictable hits you. 


    Thing is, though, you know nothing about me - mainly because I'm not the one telling my life story in a vain effort to justify an embarrassing thread about a foolish decision. 


    But seeing as you're so cunning with your money, impress us - what bargain price did you get this hutch for, and where was it?

  6. 1 minute ago, Craig krup said:


    And yet again, you just don't read. You think you do, but you don't. Ikea furniture is precisely what you don't have in these condos. As I said at the start, you get garbage dining room chairs, plastic garden furniture and similar. 


    And yet again, again, again, we're stuck - like a dog chasing its tail - on "you rented the wrong apartment". For **** sake, how many times. Mee hawng wang mai? Doo hawng dai mai? And you go for a look and yup, there we are - huge bed, no space, no proper desk, no proper seat.......Are you actually able to understand my claim, even if you think it's false? Let's suppose I'd never been in Thailand. If I said, "All the scooters are painted purple" then this would be an empirical claim which would be false. If I said, "Most of the scooters are four strokes and the Honda Wave remains popular" then this would be true. If I'd never been in the country then these statements couldn't be about my experience of the country, although they could still be true or false. They're what we philosophers call - and I don't want to blind you with science - "descriptive". I'm looking to describe the world. I might describe it accurately or inaccurately, but it's a (purported) description. You do see this? You understand the kind of claim it is? You do know that it's possible to do different things with words? 


    Your call to (your own) authority is somewhat undermined by the fact that you're apparently not paid enough for your academic expertise to be able to afford to rent a place where you don't bang your shins on the furniture when you get up to take a leak.

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