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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. 7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    I hate the big up arrow that almost covers the small down arrow at the bottom of the right side of the page. You have to avoid it to scroll down. You have to actually look at it - to make sure you don't go up - instead of just keeping the cursor on it and right clicking. Very inconvenient.


    So actually scroll by clicking on the scroll bar?


    Don't you have a scroll wheel, trackpad or touch screen like pretty much every other device from the last ten years?

  2. 18 hours ago, balo said:


    Yes I figured it out now. And yes, it's working.  But it requires some work to do it.  I doubt most 65+ year old member would understand where to begin . 





    So what, we delay all alterations or improvements until they're all dead?

  3. 17 minutes ago, The manic said:

    ...the place is being swamped by diversity types who used to stay on their own side of sukhumvit...


    Intriguing comment. What is a 'diversity type', and why are they restricted to one particular side of the road?

  4. 27 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


    Yes, me too. Just watched that Phelps bloke win a race, but it's a bit jerky and buffers occasionally - certainly not acceptable if I was paying for it.


    OK, so what VPN do you use and how do you get the "proper sources"?




    By proper sources I mean direct from the broadcaster. Plenty of decent VPNs out there, as long as you don't expect to get one for free.

  5. 3 hours ago, chrissables said:

    It really is strange for country promoting tourism and needing the tourists money, why they keep doing this.


    Living here and understanding the rules, it is easy to get around. But if you came with family or friends for a relaxing holiday and had this i would think many would think about other places, or at least return home with a negative report. Dry days and limited serving times are ridiculous.


    The whole thing is a shambles and whatever the reasons for the restrictions, they don't work.


    It's only strange if your view of Thailand is one big holiday camp for pissed up, horny farangs. 


    That kind of tourism is nowhere near as important to Thailand as you think.

  6. 9 hours ago, dotpoom said:


    "I am aware that the 'anti alcohol' brigade will be here with their 'can't you do a day without alcohol ?' comments, but, hey, this is thaivisa."


    I have absolutely nothing against alcohol although I do not drink myself. In fact, taken  properly, I think it can be a very good thing. But I must admit, I would be one of those people you refer to above...it bores the socks off me every time a day like this comes along....we see some post putting the alcohol free day up there on a par with a world disaster.


    Absolutely. I'm not anti-alcohol. In fact, I'm a big fan of the stuff. But if a day without it is a big deal to you, you've got issues. 

    Typical Thaivisa faulty logic - like thinking anyone who doesn't pay for sex must be a prude. 


  7. Life's too short to spend the amount of time it takes to find Kodi streams that work, and then find another one a week later when they stop working. Just pay a few quid for a decent VPN and stream from a proper source. I'm watching the BBC coverage right now. 

  8. 20 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

    Had that happen to me also.
    I use the same 7/11 to buy my bits and bobs, and I'm sorry to say I smoke, but I buy the same brand of cigarettes from them daily.
    I don't know Thai fluently but can speak enough to get by. Anyway, I asked for marlboro lights the gold colored packet, soft box. Usually no problem,el there you are sir, thankyou. This time there was a big queue behind me and I asked for my cigarettes.
    "Marlboro lights, gold colour, soft box, pls"
    I repeated myself
    The assistant gives me marboro red.
    "No, marlboro lights, gold colour, soft box"
    The assistant gives me LM red.
    I can see that this person is trying to wind me up.
    Those in the queue behind me can see this also and come to my assistance.
    They repeat what I have just said.
    A light bulb lights up in the shop assistants head and he gives me the correct cigarettes.
    I go home and tell the missus.
    Next day we go together to the 7/11 and she asks the shop assistant why he doesn't understand my Thai. Especially when I buy the same brand of cigarettes daily from him. He just laughed it off, nothing, no problem.
    I guess he's jealous of me, like many Thais are. Living the life of Riley in Thailand, flaunting my money, married to a beautiful woman whilst he is paid minimum wage working 6 days a week in an air conditioned, ding dong, brightly lit, toast my sandwich, give me my stamps, pay my water bill, hell.
    Poor bloke, next time a Thai disrespect you, stop, and think why? I let them take the p1ss out of me and sometimes act along to help them. The life of your average Thai is pretty grim so if making them smile is to let them take the P1ss a bit, so be it. I don't mind, I laugh along with them.
    Yes, I'm ugly, 5555
    Yes, I'm fat, 5555
    Smile!!!! [emoji1]


    Thaivisa classics #3 - "Why do these Thai people refuse to understand my perfectly good Thai"?

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