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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. 6 hours ago, MyFrenU said:

    Great psychoanalysis there don't give up the day job and why on Earth would I be jealous of an internet fantasist like Soi Piker claiming to be married yet on here pontificating 24/7?I think it's hilarious!

    I'm a fantasist for claiming to be married?


    Dude, lots of people are married. It's hardly far-fetched. Why would I fantasize about something so mundane? If I was going to make something up, I'd pretend to be an astronaut. Or special forces. Or Matt Damon.

  2. 26 minutes ago, MyFrenU said:

    I agree with your supermodel analogy but as for the old "Can't get a woman back home" argument that really is one that puzzles me?
    I can get women "back home",in Europe or anywhere else I choose to travel to,the thing is I PREFER girls from South-East Asia.I find they are slimmer,more feminine and just generally sweeter than Western women,they actually still like men!
    I've had enough of the constant misandry in Europe these days,if you offered me a supermodel from there I would still rather have a South-East Asian girl.With dark skin,shiny jet-black hair and a body most 20-year old Western females can only dream of!
    In fact I just don''t find Western women even remotely attractive anymore but I can get plenty of them,I just don't want to I'm afraid but obviously that is my personal choice!


    European women still like men. 


    Maybe they just don't like you?

  3. 22 minutes ago, robblok said:

    But Matt Damon is not the average farang, he is in shape and looks handsome. That is different from the OAP's on this forum. Guys like that can get all the girls they want and never have to pay for it. If you got visible abs and are not too old.. game is different from those who don't have those things. Woman also go for physical attraction. 


    He also has a few million quid in the bank.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:

    You have to think, that if the world it's in a mess as it is, it's just because there are people exactly as yourselves, which aren't willing to improve a single thing around them, so, next time you want to complain about anything, i would suggest to have a long look at the mirror, then try to understand the reasons of your inconveniences, i am going to keep it short, but trust me, i could go on and on to tell you just how wrong your own views are, and how they will finally have an impact on you too, willing or unwilling, and that's a fact.


    It's not so much that I'm not willing to improve things, but more that I don't believe my immediate environment would be improved by the removal of all the Thai people. 

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