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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. 2 hours ago, pumpjack said:

    everyone i talk to,  even the old thailand diehards are leaving , heading to better places such as cambo and vietnam.


    thai government has <deleted> cked itself   !!


    You only meet the old expats that are leaving, not the many younger ones who arrive to replace them.


    Thailand's expat demographic is changing. 

  2. 1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

     Good times. All those depressed guys with their old lady wives with their hair in a bun on holiday looking in envy.


    I don't think I've ever seen anyone who fits that description. 


    The people I mostly see looking like they're depressed on holiday are sitting outside bars. 

  3. 1 hour ago, georgemandm said:


    So you move to thailand because you like It , would think there is more to it then you like it . I would say you are not telling 

    THE Truth.

    I have never said that I hate it read it again ok I just ask why people like to live in thailand full time .

    i can live in thailand if I feel like it .


    Sorry, I'm not sure what you're trying to say here - perhaps you can try and put it a little more clearly? Your english really is quite confused at times. 


    I moved to Thailand because I like it here and I wanted to live here. What part of that are you accusing me of lying about?

  4. Well, I don't know how many there are, but I'm certainly one of them.


    I have to disagree with those who say a Thai partner is an essential to happiness here - I've never had one and I'm very content, and I have to say that many who do have one seem to end up far from happy. 


    I would agree that a flexible, laid-back attitude seems to help. Those who let the little things bother them or can't cope with the fact that some things are just done differently here seem doomed to end up bursting a blood vessel sooner or later. 

  5. 3 hours ago, mmaaarrrkkk said:

    Nana is there for a reason. If you want to buy shoes you go to a shoe shop , if you want to buy a car , you go to a car dealership.


    People go to Nana for a particular reason and be thankful the same people don't go walking drunk and randomly around your neighbourhood.


    Keep it there I say , if I want a quite place to stay and write a book or meditate , I'll look for somewhere besides Nana.


    It's also directly between the center of the city and the area where a high proportion of expats live, so it's not that easy to avoid - especially when it's users parade their catch of the day around the local malls and restaurants.

  6. I don't dislike Nana because I'm a 'bleeding heart liberal', or because my wife tells me too. I dislike it because its a bleak, depressing dump. 


    I avoid it for precisely this reason. 


    How on earth that makes me a hypocrite, I have no idea. 

  7. 3 hours ago, hagler said:

    Real EXPATS will be doing what they do now . Working, raising a family and contributing to a functional society. 


    Retirees will still be moaning and whinging cause that is what older people do no matter how good they got it anywhere in the world.


    The young skivers and dropouts will be doing the same. Inventing names like digital nomads and finding ways to circumvent the rules so they can extend their time in the sun.


    Nothimg ever really changes. Just gets recycled and repackaged as a new fashion





    Sorry to burst your bubble, but being an expat isn't some special status you earn by getting a job or knocking someone up. If you live outside your home country, you're an expat. Those people you're looking down on are expats too, just like you. 

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