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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. 4 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:

    It looks as you just found each other, if that's your idea of fun, whom am i to stop you having it, go for it go, just don't ask me to share any of the stuff you are into, boys....to each its own :)


    You seem to either have a bit of an issue with reading comprehension, or you simply prejudge people and ignore what they're actually saying. 


    Obviously, that's not my idea of fun, or I wouldn't have called it sad, would I?

  2. 38 minutes ago, bannork said:

    He might have meant, 'Does anyone learn here as opposed to learning hear.' In which case perhaps a colon would have been preferable, 'Does anyone learn:here?' 

    It's really not worth being a member of the grammar police on TV  because for many members English is not their first language and even when it is there are still plenty of howlers, ' the manager needs to reign in his unruly players,' etc

    At least the Thais have an excuse, the secretary at my school told a tourist in Nong Khai to 'turn left at the conjunction.'

    Back on topic-,farangs getting on Bangkok buses, backpacked to the hilt and then standing in the doorway at the top of the steps holding both rails so it's impossible for anyone to get on or off. 

    I don't think I've ever seen a backpacker on a Bangkok bus. I can pretty much count on one hand the number of times I've seen another farang on the bus, and they generally seem to be seasoned expats. 

  3. There will always be moaning. It's the same subset of people who would rather use the same OS until the day they die, regardless of how outdated and insecure it becomes, rather than engage in the minor effort of getting to grips with a new one.

  4. So, given that a high proportion of farang expats are married to Thais, how is this going to work?


    Do you let them move their wives in too - in which case you don't have farang community, because half your residents are Thai?


    Or do you exclude them - in which case you just alienated many of your potential customers?

  5. 5 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    I may be inclined to agree with you on a few points. but this is a tropical holiday destination. What you are describing is basically what people pack to wear on a tropical vacation.

    And why do cargo shorts get such a bad rap. There are some good versions and some bad ones.

    Sure, if you're at the beach. But not in a nice restaurant in Bangkok, at an office, or in the supermarket.

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