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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Wait until the next heavy rainfall,that will get you moving out for a few months

    There is not a rainfall problem there at all and never has been...why respond with an out and out lie?

    NO? those flooded electric transformers couple of years ago,knocking out power there for months. Just get your facts together before posting

    Did a lot of damage to to all the vehicles parked underneath,all flooded,tons of damaged wood etc shifted from the place.

    Only saving grace for that place is no heavy rain...as yet

  2. Wait until the next heavy rainfall,that will get you moving out for a few months

    There is not a rainfall problem there at all and never has been...why respond with an out and out lie?

    NO? those flooded electric transformers couple of years ago,knocking out power there for months. Just get your facts together before posting

  3. loppylugs1 , since you seem to know a lot about India health services , can you give us a few websites that might have prices and top notch hospitals ?

    and is there a city with cheap airfare from Thailand that is not as crazy at New Delhi or Mumbai ,


    East side of India (cheapest to get to) Chennai,or Calcutta, look for hospitals,the state ones are good,as I stated earlier look for a GP give him a few bucks for advice that you want good service without buying the hospital it will be in the region of one tenth at least of Thailand's prices.

    Other side KLES or Visionmultispeciality, Goa just go ,can call using Skype,but better if you walk in Just Google clinics/hospitals in whatever city you want air Asia do some good deals in monsoon season there

    Want that up the ass test too,bowel cancer, took 3 lumps out last time,doc said as I drifted off two for the price of one,did the two (down the throat) for around $50 both,hope it went down the throat first

  4. I don't have BUPA insurance. I joined the thread because you were bashing Thai medical care with no documentation and praising Indian medical care with no documentation. Your opinion is fine but both Thailand and India are usually in the top 5 countries for medical tourism. If you want to compare actual costs and treatment facilities I think that would be a good idea.

    Have I not already! explained leg /knee injury earlier,actually it made my mind up a long time ago concerning Thailand's medical care ,and if you take a preamble through a lot of these posts on this particular site a lot of it is where you can obtain treatment by a competent practitioner at an affordable price


    As explained injured leg few years ago,did the rounds ,went to various hospital,for estimates one quote was for $20,000 but I'm sure that included private room,and a few other bolt on additions....flew to India ,MRI scan virtually as I landed then operation ,yes with private room and all the bolt-ons I required ...$700 only problem they woke me at 4-30 am ready for the op.

    Pneumonia treatment here £1500 for a night in hospital, same-same for me after a trip to the USA..flew to India 3 nights in hospital after a probable dose of pneumonia that wasn't picked up on by the good doctors here..£28 per night (3 day stay)

    Now I'm sure this list could be endless,but I'm off to Portugal in a couple of days ,then onward to India on return for a battery of pre cancer scanning,but if anything is picked up...yes India all the way ,Ill get it fixed up there

    The slightest prolonged cough acquired here in Thailand would have me winging my way to India,especially now its instant access with VOA

  5. Good hospitals in Thailand are good and good hospitals in India are good. I go to hospitals in Thailand because I live in Thailand have insurance here and the country is much cleaner than India. I think it is difficult to fly today when you are quite ill.

    What happens when your past 60,cannot get any meaningful health insurance? or do not want to spend a bundle on something that can be provided just a couple of hours away at a small fraction of Thailand exorbitant pricing?.

    To be honest the cleanliness of India bothers me not one jot,just as long as I know the finest medical care is just a short hop away,granted difficulty flying if ill,id buy 3 seats or travel business class to alleviate any discomfort

    Up to you. Why not live there? I wouldn't expose my wife or children to the place let alone me. I'm 70.

    I do not know why you joined this thread,obviously you know nothing about Indian medical services excepting putting a load of outdated literature on that had no relevance..people the world over flock to India by the millions ,looking at the statistics, I view them by the plane load arriving departing whilst there.I'm sure your non presence will go unnoticed

    I can only imagine the size of those insurance premiums if its BUPA at 70 ,you most certainly will be receiving a letter ,or have received one recently" the maximum age has now been reached" its on this forum,go see.

    Apart from receiving the best care in the world there,yes I would not mind a lengthy stay there,not all likened to Mumbai

  6. Good hospitals in Thailand are good and good hospitals in India are good. I go to hospitals in Thailand because I live in Thailand have insurance here and the country is much cleaner than India. I think it is difficult to fly today when you are quite ill.

    What happens when your past 60,cannot get any meaningful health insurance? or do not want to spend a bundle on something that can be provided just a couple of hours away at a small fraction of Thailand exorbitant pricing?.

    To be honest the cleanliness of India bothers me not one jot,just as long as I know the finest medical care is just a short hop away,granted difficulty flying if ill,id buy 3 seats or travel business class to alleviate any discomfort

  7. I'm off there soon enough for bowel cancer scanning prostate (camera ) + cancer scanning ,down the throat camera--.,loppylugs1

    Just make sure they Don't use the same camera loppylugs......................coffee1.gif

    I am having lower abdomen MRI scan in KhonKaen this Friday, price 11500 batt, I believe reasonable and fair, and less invasive and better than camera I understand

    Loppylugs you certainly have a wealth of information, who do you choose to live in Thailand rather than India, just wondering?

    Yes for short time for sure. Because I had a white skin kicked out of India years ago. Indiamike.com another good site for asking specifics regarding India medical services.

    India can knock Thailand into a cocked hat as far as MRI scanners and anything regarding up to the minute medical equipment is concerned. Its the "can do" ,up and at 'em at a moments notice,expertise plus no being talked down to,....waiting for the injection back of the hand for up the ass camera,in rushed the doctor for the prostate examination,that over the syringe emptied

    Think my MRI scan was less than $50 there,with that knowledge the world was my oyster sort of speak,could ring around various clinics and hospitals asking for prices as the doctor at imaging centre pointed out the damage ,anyway it was printed onto the film also. Day before flight had the op,staggered onto plane back to BKK,had staples taken out locally here

  8. Hospitals in India have a high burden of infections in their ICUs and wards, many of which are resistant to antibiotic treatment, according to the Global Antibiotic Resistance Partnership (GARP)-India Working Group and the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP)
    In Indian ICUs, the rate of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE), a dangerous hospital infection, is five times the rate in the rest of the world. Rates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Indian ICUs are also high, with one study finding over 80 per cent of S aureus samples testing positive for resistance to methicillin and closely related antibiotics.
    GARP research estimates that of the approximately 190,000 neonatal deaths in India each year due to sepsis - a bacterial infection that overwhelms the bloodstream -, over 30 per cent are attributable to antibiotic resistance.
    There is a high chance that the medicines prescribed routinely may not be helping people as they are just duds.

    In January 2014, at least 32 medicines sold in hospitals and chemist shops across India, including the national Capital, have failed government tests and have been declared 'not of standard quality' by the Health Ministry's Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO).
    The Central government of India informed the result of drug testing which they conducted in the last three years. 4.4% of drugs were found to be of substandard in India: 9092 were found to be of substandard quality out of 2,05,448 samples tested collected from 36 states. In a written reply to Lok Shabha, JP Nadda, Health Minister in India has given the split up values of substandard drugs in the country tested in the years 2012 – 2013, 2013 – 2014, and 2014 – 2015. READ ALSO: Check out the recent biggest drug quality testing.

    ..and who would read this tosh anyway.Think the ex pats who already live there would know a certain degree more than posting years old junk. expatsforum,british expats etc.,ask them

    all drugs there carry a code with telephone number on the box,centralised drugs agency,call them for authenticity

    Anyway whilst there finest quality glasses fraction of Thailand's prices,cotton shirts made to measure $5 a time,fill your boots up with the stuff ,shaving tackle too

  9. Now Ive read the dissenters,all I say is try it,you wont be disappointing.

    The thread "skin cancer" I put something in as well as to an experiences I had too. Thanks to a trip to Old Failthful in Wyoming (is that the state?) freezing , getting heavy cold and returning to Thailand still complete with heavy cold ,but worsening. Trotted off to a couple of GPS to be told I have fever,shot up the backside etc 1000 baht a time. This went on for a couple of weeks ,losing weight too,breathing becoming more difficult,lying down ,impossible to breath

    Now I was aware of how much charges are in hospitals here £1500 a night for a friend with pneumonia,so flew to Calcutta ,3 nights (Christian hospital) £28 per night 3 day stay,came out like a skeleton,but cured

    Yes read the article below,Thailand cosmetic surgery,not so India,and if you read the comments the first one puts India top of the shop,and if you read the last post "Wealthy do not need "expensive" insurance only middle class and poor people buy "expensive " insurance, that is why everything in the USA is so backwards"

    Looking at the accessibility of India and the pricing structures you hardly need insurance here,the banks sell accident cover for 2000 baht a time,over 60 and its 3600 baht a time,get yourself there and save a fortune.


    Ranks Thailand #1 and India #5

    CNBC India #3 Thailand #4

    I think looked objectively Thailand gets my nod for sanitation. But that said I had heart surgery in Thailand not India.

    Since my family can stay in my hospital room in Thailand that is also a consideration rather than flying 20 people to India.

  10. Just about two instances that stand out for me, Danish woman holidaying in Thailand,toward the end of holiday her leg developed a rash,started itching like fury ,went to quacks here,hospital too given antibiotics,given even more at no relief,knew about charging regime here ,took herself to India,en route to going back to Europe,by this time falling rapidly to sleep. airport staff took her to a bog standard Indians only hospital,that evening,docs took a look,and surgery team took her down to theatre at 3 am,flesh eating disease,saved her leg and life..just ,but what a mess her leg looks now

    Myself,and Ive retold this many times ,ripped my leg open ,damage to knee ,went for quotes $20,000 was one,sick to death at toting myself and leg around ,took flight to India ,had it fixed up fine and dandy for $700

    India for me anyway will do me just fine

  11. There last time had heart echo test,revealed one of my heart chambers was borderline,see what it is this time,but if times up for heart surgery Bangalore ,think its called Belguam or something now, was quoting $8500 for stent ,or whatever it was called,but that was couple of years ago,B1,800 recent Air Asia promotional flight

    Would frighten me to death ,literally, to expose myself to this greedy mafia style medical practice here. Was an orthopedic clinic up north of Thailand 5 of the orthopedic surgeons /dsoctors were Indian,but for sure not Indian pricing

    Yes drug pricing cheap there 2000 baht for a months treatment here,100 baht there,and genuine product

    I cannot be any more specific (above) you need to go over and see a local GP or two,tell him your problems and take his advice A few bucks for his advice. KLES hosspital in Goa gets more than a few farangs,likewise Visionspeciality too,again Goa. Skype them,but internet pricing may be more than out patient becoming in patient

    for the yanks and everybody else ,cheap instant visas now, Brits 3xs as much,but get 12 month medical visa there cheap enough

  12. I'm off there soon enough for bowel cancer scanning ,down the throat ,heart echo testing and stressing,prostate (camera ),skin cancer check-up/treatment,blood testing,cataract testings,and if I do not get change out of $100 Ill be surprised,with a host of prescription medicines that are a fortune to buy here in Thailand

    Was a couple or three years I got checked out there

  13. All the quoted posts ,orthopedic ..knee ops,no insurance,cancer check ups ,MRI's ,cataracts,hearing aids,prescription medicines,liver,heart etc.there is a alternative India. Superb treatment at a fraction of Thailand's costs,and English language widely spoken

    Nearest point Calcutta (Kolcutta) two hours away, ultra cheap to get there look at the list of hospitals /clinics in that city alone.

    How to choose? Agonda 3/4 star hotel dirt cheap for short stay, then ask nearest GP for advice which hospital/clinic/specialist to use ,then two or three quotes,staying away from expensive Apollo chain. Everyone I have known have all been mightily impressed by the standard of care etc. that they received.not a step into the unknown ,but a positive step away from the extortionate pricing regime here in Thailand

    Hope this meets your approval Sheryl,if not take it down,but reading the hunt for anything medical ,with expertise,/costing in Thailand that will not financial drain you is disheartening

    The Rupee is at all time low also,so good time to consider it

  14. Thanks to nationwide and their inefficiency,a swift that should have come at the beginning of last week was not sent,as an apology they have just said I will not have to pay the 20 quid fee,I hope it does not go down next week as they will not send it in till monday

    Always use Transferwise now,or Azimo,about £10 for transfer of £1000,takes about 4 to 5 days excluding Sat Sun. take if your debit card ,bit quicker

    Carney quotes interest rate rises are close to happening,should put a spurt on for Sterling

  15. Did he get an itemized bill? As total amount and room rates are not the same thing.

    Also was he in ICU? (sounds like perhaps he was ..?)

    Yes ICU,but they tell you nothing of what you are getting yourself into,the costs are likely to be,even in ICU you do not see a doctor straight away ,just air pumping,heart monitoring. Not saying that what they did was incorrect ,but hell those charges

    Myself went to International for a skin cancer check-up recently,told initially it would be 800 ish baht,,doctor gave me the look over,pre-cancerous skin back of the ear(could have guessed really),another 4000 baht,plus the examination was upped to 1800 baht,just rip after rip off India will do me nicely. For the cost of a flight it will save me a bundle ,really it will,did not have the 4000 baht treatment,booked air ticket instead £10 there for freezing the scalp...and the nearest point in India is only two hours away

    ...and the insult after this my friend went to get a letter from the hospital to confirm his illness/treatment,..another 900 baht please...these people are out and out robbers

  16. Did he get an itemized bill? As total amount and room rates are not the same thing.

    Also was he in ICU? (sounds like perhaps he was ..?)

    Yes ICU,but they tell you nothing of what you are getting yourself into,the costs are likely to be,even in ICU you do not see a doctor straight away ,just air pumping,heart monitoring. Not saying that what they did was incorrect ,but hell those charges

    Myself went to International for a skin cancer check-up recently,told initially it would be 800 ish baht,,doctor gave me the look over,pre-cancerous skin back of the ear(could have guessed really),another 4000 baht,plus the examination was upped to 1800 baht,just rip after rip off India will do me nicely. For the cost of a flight it will save me a bundle ,really it will,did not have the 4000 baht treatment,booked air ticket instead £10 there for freezing the scalp...and the nearest point in India is only two hours away

  17. It does not cost anything near that price for a normal private hospital room in Thailand and you would not normally be staying overnight in a hospital for skin cancer - and this is something that should have an eye kept on it long term in most cases - not something for medical travel.

    OK friend did not have skin cancer Pneumonia ,Pattaya International,bill came to £1500 in at 9am ,overnight stay ,then he twigged what was going on later in the afternoon following day ,no doctor (seen once in evening) and after assurances that one was on the way,stripped off his pads etc. the staff were still running around swapping oxygen bottles that were half full for full ones just to bump his bill up

    He went back later to try and get some money back ,but too late. other experiences too I'm aware of

    just wanted to add a bit of information,other posters have quoted cheaper options in BKK ,they look alright though, just different options are available

  18. India I have been and about to leave for a range of cancer testing (skin )as well. Had a mole removed ,and analyised there for £10 a while ago. Cheap to get there £130 return,bit more the other side ,but magnificent treatment

    Just arm and a leg stuff here in Thailand,costing a veritable fortune for even the most basic of treatments £1500 for a night in private hospital here,£28 a night there ,and better care,just two hours away as well

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