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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. many condos in my building are being rented by the day, week or month.

    Almost impossible to stop it as most units are investments and are being rented like that, owners like the idea.

    Except if its a Condotel (condominium-hotel), a Condominium is not authorised to have such short rents.

    Some Condominiums in Pattaya have clear rules such a "no rent for less than 3 months".

    If you are in a Condominium, you can complain to have the law respected.

    You can complain but if many co-owners are doing it they will probably pay the management and the JPM to ignore the complaints.

    Never underestimate the extent of dishonesty in condo management here.

    Nothing is underestimated here,honesty integrity never flew out of the window in Thailand it was never in the room to start with. Just a cheaters charter ,complain or state facts concerning anything get threatened with legal action,what planet is Thailand on,hopefully the USA can slip a torpedo into SS Thailand soon

  2. Just not doing it,not spending through the nose for a sit down meal that a few days before would be in the region of 350 baht,not a grump ,but these meal deals are way up from what my home country would be,and not convinced turkey would be on the menu,probably sliced chicken with turkey sauce spilled over it

    Taken for a ride each and every time here in Thailand ,and not being INSPIRED either,tried it once ,never again

  3. There's no threats to Thailand, because Thailand has the good sense to stay out of the whole debacle.

    This is a terrible waste of life , but don't pretend these things happen in a vacuum.

    Governments compromised our safety ? Ingrates ?? What's a muslim refugee ever done to you to deserve all the hate ?

    There's some crappy interpretations of Islam, I agree, but there's crappy Christians too, even the Bhuddists get into some ultraviolence thesedays.

    Religions are all equally crappy, frankly speaking.

    Moreover, I think it's unfair to lump refugees together with hardcore militants who'll kill civilians and then themselves.

    Crazy sh*t like that is exactly what they're trying to get away from.

    A million people don't leave everything, walk across the Mediterranean because things are going well at home.

    I promise you they're infinitely more scared and uncertain of their future than you are.

    Government's role should be helping these people, because in another set of circumstances it could be you.

    1 I do not see the " crappy Christians" gunning anybody down or..

    2 Yes a million people on the march because"things are not going well at home" They sure know which countries where the freebies manifest though,not content where safety lies firstly,gimme,gimme gimme,looks as if their sojourn in the sun (Cyprus) has backfired,back to home base.

    3 Lastly ,the refugees will mostly be moslem,their sympathies do not lie with western christian countries,terrorists or not they identify with their own kith and kin far more rapidly,even if he does tote a Kalashnikov

  4. There comes a time when a body should not be in Thailand,its just a machine and things eventually will go wrong and then the expense takes a hold.

    looking at moving back to the EU for just this eventuality,watching and waiting to see the elections and results in Spain and Portugal are going to effect anything ,plus the possible Brexit

    Always knew Chonburi city were good,all the stroke /brain hemorrhages go there quicker than quick,(as my neighbour is now in BHP clocking up a 3 million bill through a stroke,plus another guy close by) None will have insurance as too old,or past ailments. A stroke that is the one health issue I'm most aware of,The G/F is clued up to my wishes on that one,the rest,the pre-planned stuff is taken in its stride ,false knee/hips whatever & if and when the heart gives trouble all taken account of outside of Thailand. Even the biggest hospital on Penang island is 50% less than most of the private hospitals here

    Anyway here's to health

  5. You are going to get thumped well and truly at the three private ones at the sheer expense,couple of cheaper ones outside Pattaya, state hospital in pattaya not so bad

    If an emergency get stabilised in state hospital then VOA to Calcutta,two hours away Accident and Emergency Christian hospital and utterly brilliant care ,saved over £1400,last time $13000 time before that

    Like Topsy,it just grows and grows the cost of medical care here in Pattaya and so the insurance premiums

    What does "VOA to Calcutta" mean, please?

    Visa on arrival

    I'm off there soon,fantastic savings and care I keep a 12 month medical visa on hand cheap and far cheaper savings on everything while there glasses 'phones etc etc

  6. You are going to get thumped well and truly at the three private ones at the sheer expense,couple of cheaper ones outside Pattaya, state hospital in pattaya not so bad

    If an emergency get stabilised in state hospital then VOA to Calcutta,two hours away Accident and Emergency Christian hospital and utterly brilliant care ,saved over £1400,last time $13000 time before that

    Like Topsy,it just grows and grows the cost of medical care here in Pattaya and so the insurance premiums

  7. For all the business owners out there i hope they come back , along with many western tourists

    They will be using Goa now more than before,why they ever came here at all surprises me

    I haven't been there, but rumour is it is less expensive, as is Indonesia - Any comments/experience?

    Loads,used to live there,beach and sea wonderful,half the price for booze less that that for everything else 'cept women

  8. As for the NaJomtien derelict, I am told it will soon be resusitated as a Marriot after construction is complete. Said to be a project of whiskey baron Khun Chareon-money no object if it is!

    There are at least two such resusitations I can recall. the Jomtien Thani and Northshore Pattaya beach road both very successful.

    Could be just a big as a roaring success as Centric Sea, Hard to judge daylight hours just how successful,but flag wavers and "free" Ducati motorbikes on offer now. Top sea view upper floors well lit nighttime,fact is the same topmost upper floors lit all the time,back side total of 8 condos lit up on regular feature

  9. Thai business philosophy seems to be "Mind Over Matter" : They don't mind and you don't matter!

    The Thais have always felt comfortable in the knowledge that another bus will arrive imminently. Your thoughts, cares, and concerns are NOT theirs. I wonder what goes through their minds (if anything) when they must close their businesses for the last time?

    Thais have been spoiled with tourism for as long as they can remember. I think the social media does affect some of their businesses but they operate as if another bus is about to arrive, and often does.

    Must be much tougher in the Philippines....

    Swedish guy I swim with analyses Thais ,he states you can look into a Thais eyes and it registers nothing,just vacancy,also states can say "cuckoo" "anybody there?" too to them to garner a reaction

  10. How is that Movenpick condo in the same area doing. I see everywhere billboards that it finished in 2014 and they offer returns of close to 10% I thinh. Is it actually finished?

    It would be impossible to " Guarantee" returns of 10% unless they " Built it in" to the asking price,then handled the letting for the first year, and afterwards returning the 10% to you !! very risky venture. If it sounds too good to true, it usually is.

    "10% return" They (developers) will tell you anything,anything,all they have done is think of a number add 10% and return it,supposedly after year one

    The cast iron guarantee at Big C for yet another gem of a condo offer, 2.5 mil, rent it for 25000 a month,all yours after 10 years done and dusted,yeah right,time for a laff,Always wondered if any punters were that thick and stupid to fall for these gimmicks

  11. DIstances for me are not an issue, having walked the Camino de Santiago (Frances) earlier this year I enjoy a good walk. If it takes an hour to walk to the cinema I look at that as two birds with one stone, exercise and entertainment.

    Can always stop for refreshments on the way! thumbsup.gif

    Seems as per my initial google searches, View Talay residences seem to be a popular choice.

    Starting life here eyes wide shut is good,like to have a conclusion off you in say one year when the eyes finally open,it is hard going for sure,especially if you pick up baggage along the way

    All part of the life experience, can't go through life never trying anything. If in a year I don't want to be here, I'll leave, it's that simple.

    And 'eyes wide shut' is a little steep, I've been staying 2 months of the year as it stands an extra 10 months changes nothing other than the fact I won't be paying for a UK house aswell!

    You are right,but this is what this site is about,..advice. Not a case of waking up one day and realisation takes hold ,its insidious,builds up over time,until you realise that there is life a better life outside of Thailand,and need to escape becomes paramount

    Thais themselves I suspect are fed up with their lot,hardly any work and not much pay ,so no improvement in life,feeds through to farang too,everyone but everyone,on the make.

    The house in the UK is not in my planning but southern Europe is and need a base there to start the move ,furniture,dogs too,even Thai GF but there lies the problem,like the companionship,but has large close family , Thai marriage means nothing ,cheap too,might give her a go ,get her into the EU easily,say so long when she might realise its no good,but then Ive smoothed my way there with help

    Anyway good luck

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