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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. this is a very interesting topic, i just wish there were more experienced posters here.

    So what i am interested in - is actually not the THAI based insurance companies, because i wouldnt trust them for one and doubt they are cheaper here.

    For those of us staying here long term, surely getting travel insurance back in our home country for say 6 month periods will actually be cheaper and more geared up towards getting us out of dodge should a serious problem occur, which we probably would not want to be in any Thai hospital should heart surgery or a stroke occur.

    Secondly i would much appreciate knowing more about the credit card insurance options, as a backup. What good credit cards actually provide insurance?

    Getting out of Dodge,there are ways round it.

    Need to get stabilised after accident,govt.hospitals OK for that,then flight to (2 hours to accident and emergency dept) (Christian hosp.for one)Calcutta for broken bones etc,fraction of the price and far better than Thai hospitals.

    Again heart or anything surgery wise India. comparing cost, friend received false knee,plus prostate surgery ,costing £11,000 less in better class hospital in India than Thailand.

    Medivac,try Air India,buy 3 seats they will take you,as stretcher case,or fly business class

  2. I have an accident insurance with ACE which include motorbike accident. The yearly premium is around 5000 baht I am 69. It coveres medical expenses of 100,000 baht pr. accident and have cover for life and handicap? at 500,00 baht.

    I have had the insurance for 9 years and the premium goes up a little every year.

    I also have 1. class motorbike insurance, which cover 50,000 baht each for medical expenses for driver and passenger.

    At the beginning I lived in Thailand I had a health insurance , too, but it became too expensive, so now I am self insured re sickness

    Go to most banks they sell accident cover 2000 baht buys 100,000 over 60 ish 35000 buys 50,000 baht accident cover

  3. Insurance is good advice, but if you're over 62, good luck, it's outrageous, so you pay or run the risk. Most of us, run the risk.

    Agree most or all will run the risk,but that risk can be mitigated to a large degree. Myself hit by vehicle ,got costings here in Thailand,flew to India via wheelchair ,fixed up at a small fraction of costs here. Never but never get anything fixed up in Thailand medically ,just jet ski thugs in white coats

    So what would that make doctors/medical professionals in the US, UK, Australia, and a host of other countries??? Thailand's heaylth services are only a fraction of many other countries, but generally of a high standard.

    I'm yet to find any travel/accident insurance that will cover injuries as a result of motorcycle (of any size) accidents.

    One thing escapes you,this is a third world country with exceptionally high medical billing,two hours away is a developing country with a more than excellent health care system that puts Thailand's to shame,and yes at least one tenth of the cost too

  4. Now although I do not necessarily agree with this post I slightly wonder why the "untold unsold many thousands" of houses did not join in the recent poll of "happy" house owners,it could well have altered the outcome of that particular poll somewhat "all doom and gloom" I suspect would be the outcome

    Sorry you were disappointed. beatdeadhorse.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

    Yes it was slightly weighted to the non-doom and gloomsters LOL best to put notice up next time " anyone pissed off here is not welcomed to vote"

  5. There aren't many that will cover things you might actually need.

    Especially if you are over 70 and any treatment needed is likely to be a pre existing condition and therefore not covered!

    How many 70 year olds are riding motorbikes in Thailand ?

    not too many. but i do know of two here in Hua Hin. And many 65 year old's on scooters and motorcycles here.

    Hey, it is a challenge just to walk around here at any age without getting killed. smile.png

    If its" not too many" then there's not a lot of over 70s here then. I'm not there yet ,but everyone known to me over 70,even 80s are riding around on bikes

    • I took out travel insurance with covermore, and when i did need to claim i realized it didnt cover anything you really need to read the fine print, never use covermore

    There aren't many that will cover things you might actually need.

    Especially if you are over 70 and any treatment needed is likely to be a pre existing condition and therefore not covered!

    How many 70 year olds are riding motorbikes in Thailand ?

    More than quite a few I'm sure,just depends how active the 70 year old is

  6. British embassy not helping in this case is discrimination against ur own countrymen . The European governments spend about 36.000 euro's a year per refugee but are not able to help there own people .

    Any idea how many people would then make use of the money from the government. Countless because why buy insurance as your government will pick up the bill.

    The refugee's are not a good thing at all but two wrongs don't make a right.

    Honestly Rob , I have no idea how many people would try to take advantage and not get a travel insurance if travelling abroad .

    I think not to many people get into serious medical trouble like this bloke did .

    Little bit of namchai on the embassy's side would be the right thing IMHO .

    Honestly I think you underestimate this hugely. You read so many sob stories here and if it is known that the Embassy helps with medical cost you can be sure many of the people here that are having a hard time with funds will lapse their insurance and think that if something happens the embassy takes up the bill. Kinda like how the refugees come to the west because we are too generous.

    Never underestimate how many people love to abuse the system also white Englishmen, they are as rotten as white Dutchmen and immigrants. We all take advantage of the system if we can. I am well insured but if I get older like reach the ages of the average Thaivisa poster my premiums will be higher too. If i had less money and the Dutch embassy would bail out Dutchmen I would certainly think about not taking insurance.. because the embassy would always help.

    So the black Englishmen are not rotten,or are as rotten to the core,which is generally more the case

    As you state insurance,especially in Thailand where Topsy prevails it just grows and grows The more the robbing and cheating Thai Medical profession become so do the premiums for treating ,or more likely rewarding these so called jet skiing all robbing doctors in Thailand

  7. Insurance is good advice, but if you're over 62, good luck, it's outrageous, so you pay or run the risk. Most of us, run the risk.

    Agree most or all will run the risk,but that risk can be mitigated to a large degree. Myself hit by vehicle ,got costings here in Thailand,flew to India via wheelchair ,fixed up at a small fraction of costs here. Never but never get anything fixed up in Thailand medically ,just jet ski thugs in white coats

  8. You'd be better off walking up and down Beach Rd with a double sided," bring out ya dead" placard round your neck!! At least some of the (sea) birds might feel pitiful and shi*e in your direction for free!!

    Apologies, I can't be more constructive, but you'll find what you're looking for in any dictionary, it's between sh*t and syphilis.

    Now although I do not necessarily agree with this post I slightly wonder why the "untold unsold many thousands" of houses did not join in the recent poll of "happy" house owners,it could well have altered the outcome of that particular poll somewhat "all doom and gloom" I suspect would be the outcome

  9. Face it, the OP might ,just might enjoy rough sex. Nothing like the pangs ,sorta to get the horns out or in the OPs case the horn and fight for what you want,knock a few other LBs out ,face down arse up he can take care there too,red rose sticking out of each butt he manages

  10. Needing prostate surgery more sooner than later and planning on leaving Thailand in new year,so the prospect of losing sexual drive does not bother me too much.

    Taking my near neighbor as leading light here as he has just undergone one recently in near Pattaya hospital at cost of £5500,no overnight stay,but re-admitted two times for bag placement until it all settled down,think another 60% more on past experience with the other 3 Pattaya hospitals.

    After typing in prostate Calcutta came up with this package about £600 5 day in patient,internet pricing ,could reduce a third by off internet pricing. Looking at Green Light surgery though before I commit in probably January

    2 hour flight, was £80 return last week ,up now though monsoon virtually over,get any type of surgery at this hospital or many more there at at least one tenth of Thailand's Docs UK or US trained,seems yanks prevail too at number turning up there


  11. Why was he wearing a motorbike helmut then?

    His bike was left behind.

    Either police or himself collected a good while later I assume

    I know the people involved and it started when....wait for it.......a ladyboy stole the guys phone while trying to touch him up. The LB then handed the phone to a fat Thai lady, the Farang then confronted the lady and while attempting to get his phone back she started yelling etc, the guy got his phone back and the lady fell off the sidewalk on to the beach (might have been pushed) and all hell broke lose of course with the LB and the lady screaming causing every Thai in the vicinity to join in.

    I now have 2 friends who have been the victims of attempted robbery by LBs in the past month or two. Before that none. Sign of the times maybe.

    Sid, you sound a bit skeptical. How about this scenario? Victim was about to hop on his bike, put helmet on, LB accosts him, takes phone, victim tries to retrieve phone, no time to take off helmet, all hell breaks lose, motorbike gets knocked over in the ensuing chaos, victim too scared to go back for motorcycle due to the threat of a severe flogging from previously mentioned gang of angry, bloodthirsty Thais. Does that help?

    Coota,Sid You sound far too sceptical,hows about this...The victim was about to hop on his motorbike,put his helmet on,the LB does not accost the victim but bends over showing a finer than fine inviting backside...victim decidedly interested with fluid running from his chops...asks LB for price,victim a Cheap Charlie gets punched in the face for even suggesting at a price to the LB sounds offensive

  12. Strange, I'm having exactly the same thoughts after 29 years in Thailand. The idea of settling in Spain only came up about a month ago. Spain is great, good climate all year round, good food, excellent wine and some of the land prices are very affordable, cheaper than Thailand. We're planning for a trip to Spain, next year or in 2017, my Thai wife and daughter both speak fluent English and the little one would learn Spanish in no time.

    All those things and more. Just trying for the area I would more than probably choose to live. just been to algarve,love it there but prices for houses are a third up from Spain,but food drink etc a third down Good luck(you will not need it once there) this place gets more weary by the day

  13. Yes DX beats all 8.9 inch screen

    Kindle means stuck with Amazon if not aware of Calibre,book from there will include amazon but include other sources ie same book,same author can come in far cheaper than amazon. For one the BBC history magazine 12 month download from Calibre ..excellent ,so is the daily UK newspaper download

    Hate paying more than £2 for kindle book,not a novel reader,so book choice limited,remove copyright with calibre app from more expensive books to share will incur the wrath of Amazon and clear your on line library in your kindle

    Are you sure your statement below is correct? I have many non Amazon books on my kindle as well as Amazon books and this has never happened to me. Are you scaremongering?smile.png

    "Hate paying more than £2 for kindle book,not a novel reader,so book choice limited,remove copyright with calibre app from more expensive books to share will incur the wrath of Amazon and clear your on line library in your kindle

    Search for this subject on the 'net, its there. the fact you have non-Amazon on it means nothing,its when the copyright is removed

    Therefore this will happen on all Ebook readers I would assume? I use Calibre all the time and have never had an issue. Are you telling us that Amazon know what non Amazon books with copyright removed are on our Kindles?

    Look,have had Kindle for years and used Kindle for donkeys years, I download from Calibre too,quite frequently but when copyright is stripped I presume from one of their books ,which is easily done and I guess shared yes they have systems in place to detect.

    Made aware of it through this or other web site a fair while ago,and the books on your kindle are stripped,or use Calibre to stack them there. am not searching the subject in depth but look it up

  14. I have has a Kindle DX - the larger Format model - for nearly 5 years and love it, however I am dreading the day it eventually goes toes up because they no longer make the large Format version (apparently not enough demand) but I am a voracious - and quick - reader and I would read a page on the 6" model in a few seconds so I'd be constantly "turning" a page which would be a little irritating.


    Yes DX beats all 8.9 inch screen

    Kindle means stuck with Amazon if not aware of Calibre,book from there will include amazon but include other sources ie same book,same author can come in far cheaper than amazon. For one the BBC history magazine 12 month download from Calibre ..excellent ,so is the daily UK newspaper download

    Hate paying more than £2 for kindle book,not a novel reader,so book choice limited,remove copyright with calibre app from more expensive books to share will incur the wrath of Amazon and clear your on line library in your kindle

    Are you sure your statement below is correct? I have many non Amazon books on my kindle as well as Amazon books and this has never happened to me. Are you scaremongering?smile.png

    "Hate paying more than £2 for kindle book,not a novel reader,so book choice limited,remove copyright with calibre app from more expensive books to share will incur the wrath of Amazon and clear your on line library in your kindle

    Search for this subject on the 'net, its there. the fact you have non-Amazon on it means nothing,its when the copyright is removed

  15. Not a question of waking up one morning and realising you do not want to be in Thailand any more,..its many mornings now and getting worse. Got long time Thai GF, am a UK national,not married,but that can be sorted pretty quickly( no family)

    I could get her into the UK quite easily , I tick all the boxes on entry there ,so does she,but I want Spain or Portugal,Portugal preferably but rental especially in the east of Algarve is slim and want to rent initially,Spain far easier and a couple of villages just north of Benidorm fits the bill.

    Need Spanish visa,and reading the thread applicable seems difficulty arising from marriage translations ....anybody been through this process Thanks?

  16. I have has a Kindle DX - the larger Format model - for nearly 5 years and love it, however I am dreading the day it eventually goes toes up because they no longer make the large Format version (apparently not enough demand) but I am a voracious - and quick - reader and I would read a page on the 6" model in a few seconds so I'd be constantly "turning" a page which would be a little irritating.


    Yes DX beats all 8.9 inch screen

    Kindle means stuck with Amazon if not aware of Calibre,book from there will include amazon but include other sources ie same book,same author can come in far cheaper than amazon. For one the BBC history magazine 12 month download from Calibre ..excellent ,so is the daily UK newspaper download

    Hate paying more than £2 for kindle book,not a novel reader,so book choice limited,remove copyright with calibre app from more expensive books to share will incur the wrath of Amazon and clear your on line library in your kindle

  17. Your life is worth nothing in Thailand, using public transportation or your own you risk your life daily. Good medical care is expensive as are imported drugs administered by Thai hospitals.

    I can't argue against people who think like you any more, there's so many people that seem not to get it right here in Thailand and end up being bitter and blaming the country and its people instead of themselves.

    Well perhaps,just perhaps they are right LOL

  18. These "beliefs" of yours are beyond the understanding and comprehension of anybody who has ever participated in the risks of property/land ownership in Thailand. The usufruct is just about as useless as a chocolate tea pot when put to the test,most will be legally married and laughingly will have no,or a very modest life insurance that pays virtually nothing after age 60/65

    Once again you are confused, the issue was health insurance, not life insurance!

    As for putting usufruct to the test, please tell me that you're not going to regale us yet again with stories of failed marriages and threats to life if the usufructee doesn't move out and release the claim!

    Obviously never followed the threads not only of the threads on farang property ownership by farang in Thailand ,or the means of attempting to bye pass the ownership laws of the particular farangs, or the health issue threads on farang needing heath care/prolonged hospital care,and means the authorities use to claw back those medical bills.

    You are wrong,so wrong out in orbit wrong,perfect isolation clearing that jungle strip.

    Remember those forecasts of yours 1 2 3 4 from previous threads that proved so diabolically wrong ,put this 5 6 7 8 ,with another 9 10 11 and 12 added

    This is Walt Disneyland stuff, read past threads on farang (supposed) past ownership of property in Thailand,go on give yourself a break

    Nice try but I'm not buying: you were wrong on the value of THB, wrong on UK pensions (which you finally, finally admitted to trolling about) and you're wrong on the issue of usufructs.

    Facts and evidence are that you are simply trolling and have been so for many months on a range of issues. You and me we're done here on all subjects.

    Do the figures 1234 upset you? sure they do. Have never been in conflict with you about THB,get the thinking cap on,was A N. Other,but you got it wrong there as well,look at the rates today or most importantly the UK pensions ( LOL wrong wrong wrong,and so it all proved to be

    Go on give yourself that break,read threads on property ownership laws here in Thailand by farang,go on LOL. It will hurt that's for sure

  19. Hope you guys leaving the house to the wife have a few more funds left over,death awaits us all. Couple of English guys I am aware of, house bought in wife's name one had a stroke or accident clocked up hospital bill of over 2 million plus before dying,no way of paying, the hospital took action against the house,another just about the same vogue but hospital took action with air medivac and took his or wife's assets.

    Just do not want to pop my clogs especially in this country with no pain relief to hand either,be taking my funds with me,the authorities can take what Ive got the other end

    I believe you will find that most of us don't actually own that house (usufruct), are not legally married and have health insurance coverage.

    These "beliefs" of yours are beyond the understanding and comprehension of anybody who has ever participated in the risks of property/land ownership in Thailand. The usufruct is just about as useless as a chocolate tea pot when put to the test,most will be legally married and laughingly will have no,or a very modest life insurance that pays virtually nothing after age 60/65

    Once again you are confused, the issue was health insurance, not life insurance!

    As for putting usufruct to the test, please tell me that you're not going to regale us yet again with stories of failed marriages and threats to life if the usufructee doesn't move out and release the claim!

    Obviously never followed the threads not only of the threads on farang property ownership by farang in Thailand ,or the means of attempting to bye pass the ownership laws of the particular farangs, or the health issue threads on farang needing heath care/prolonged hospital care,and means the authorities use to claw back those medical bills.

    You are wrong,so wrong out in orbit wrong,perfect isolation clearing that jungle strip.

    Remember those forecasts of yours 1 2 3 4 from previous threads that proved so diabolically wrong ,put this 5 6 7 8 ,with another 9 10 11 and 12 added

    This is Walt Disneyland stuff, read past threads on farang (supposed) past ownership of property in Thailand,go on give yourself a break

  20. Hope you guys leaving the house to the wife have a few more funds left over,death awaits us all. Couple of English guys I am aware of, house bought in wife's name one had a stroke or accident clocked up hospital bill of over 2 million plus before dying,no way of paying, the hospital took action against the house,another just about the same vogue but hospital took action with air medivac and took his or wife's assets.

    Just do not want to pop my clogs especially in this country with no pain relief to hand either,be taking my funds with me,the authorities can take what Ive got the other end

    I believe you will find that most of us don't actually own that house (usufruct), are not legally married and have health insurance coverage.

    These "beliefs" of yours are beyond the understanding and comprehension of anybody who has ever participated in the risks of property/land ownership in Thailand. The usufruct is just about as useless as a chocolate tea pot when put to the test,most will be legally married and laughingly will have no,or a very modest life insurance that pays virtually nothing after age 60/65

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