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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. <snip>

    Seems the crux of this is getting a job in Spain.

    Not necessarily.

    The freedom of movement treaty rights are:

    1. Student
    2. Jobseeker
    3. Worker, employed or self employed
    4. Living off independent means, e.g. a pension or investment income.

    Assuming 1,3 and 4 don't apply to you, you could live in Spain as a jobseeker and your wife can live there with you. However, many countries put a time limit on this; usually three months, after which you would have to leave unless you can show you have a realistic chance of finding work in the very near future.

    What the Spanish position on this is, I don't know.

    If i choose living off independent means can my wife still relocate to the uk with me? i have enough money to last 6 months there.

    There are more than enough bums living there,believe me Life on Mars springs to mind

    Get a Russian flight ,fly to Bulgaria,once you are in,you are in sorta,nobody has a clue about English,even the Spanish when you arrive,just stamp anything put in front of them

    Bulgaria not in the EU yet sorry, try Poland

    your chance of work are zilch but your wife has good chance . Do the nails thing about 5000 baht for a course,massage,few Thai restaurants out there

  2. Look I have been in and out of Spain multiple times,times needed official stamping for this and that. The Spanish border officials do not have a clue, probably could not read English anyhow, could not be bothered stamp 'ere ,stamp there.

    Actually the suggestion of turning up at the border without a visa sounds OK,just the 'plane ride ,but I'm sure there are sites on the comp ,or even a trip down Kahsean Rd (sp) BKK that could provide something for the airline.

    Yes all I was asked for was Thai certificate and English translation. I did a fair bit of asking too while there from people who had completed the process,just that fancy edged certificate and the English translation.

    Anyway its Spain you want,try Bulgaria or one of those countries for entry,one in,all in,send for the kids later

  3. There are ways and means of getting the OAP unfrozen even without setting foot out of Thailand,various sites abound. The one I think is OK would be to buy online a single ticket from any nearby airport to the UK Spain France even euro-star,print it off,then send it to the pension people via an address (paid for or otherwise) in the UK or anywhere that has treaty or EU,just not directly from Thailand duh

    Can get a UK phone number that rings phone anywhere in the world. US mailboxes are cheaper than UK and unfrozen there. Can also provide Spanish address,French anywhere too,that would muddy the water somewhat if trying to check up

  4. Yes looked at this for quite a while too. Looked at Spain, went over to take a look, probably where your place is Torreveja or thereabouts,myself did not like it,or the area,so many houses empty , now concentrating on Portugal,Lagos area ,looks nice, try there too the Algarve,some good reports from there.

    Easy to get your wife in,just show marriage certificate,the Spanish embassy in BKK will be a port of call,is easy,after 5 years there she can go to the UK.

    Need to get out of Thailand PDQ Im sick to death of it all,got couple of dogs and want them to come along, as for working there,it is nigh on impossible to find any form of work,Im lucky got couple of half decent pensions


    If you go to a web site Britishex pats ask a few qs there well informed site

    Coincidence or what!

    Was looking at properties in Torreveja (using Rightmove) only this morning with a view to doing the same myself.

    Cheap apartments from 16kGBP and up.

    Gees do not go there,cheaper than cheap,but you will never get out of it. A right depressing dump. Can rent cheap too,villa 2 beds etc. for 300 euros a month

    • Like 1
  5. Yes looked at this for quite a while too. Looked at Spain, went over to take a look, probably where your place is Torreveja or thereabouts,myself did not like it,or the area,so many houses empty , now concentrating on Portugal,Lagos area ,looks nice, try there too the Algarve,some good reports from there.

    Easy to get your wife in,just show marriage certificate,the Spanish embassy in BKK will be a port of call,is easy,after 5 years there she can go to the UK.

    Need to get out of Thailand PDQ Im sick to death of it all,got couple of dogs and want them to come along, as for working there,it is nigh on impossible to find any form of work,Im lucky got couple of half decent pensions


    If you go to a web site Britishex pats ask a few qs there well informed site

    • Like 2
  6. Perhaps my question wasn't very clear. We don't want a show apartment, we were curious to know if there was still a Zen presence or if they had shut up shop and left. I thought the easiest way to find out was to ask a resident if there was still a show apartment. We visited site just after the trees etc had been bulldozed and were pleased to see some progress but that seems to have stopped. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    Was not being smart. It was a beautiful place few years ago,all those trees lining the road,really nice. Now a dump

  7. Hi. Can anyone at The Park tell me if there's still a show apartment? We were in the process of buying an apartment but things have gone quiet! Thanks.

    Why would you want a show apartment? apparently there are many attempting to bail out of the project,ask one of them to show you their apartment....prices falling too

  8. I saw the article. My only takeaway was alleged 1% unemployment. This is obviously bcz everyone is relatively poor, no savings, no options.

    Entire army of underemployed. People with degrees doing work of hs grads - sound familiar?

    To the stacking amo comment: bcz they can't. The mai pen rai attitude extends to - f it, don't worry what I cant change. Also, they know and accept sadly their lot and place in.society. The nation keeps vigilant watch for 'troublemakers' even in more open times.

    Agree. They must be bloody stupid or yes oppressed to a degree that borders on communism. it does make things tough though for farang watching it all and the exchange rate !!!

  9. I don't know why they sedate for colon scan,bit uncomfortable ,but no pain no nerve endings in the colon. Fascinating to watch as the camera goes up,then polyp seen,out comes the grabber,a splash of blood on the lens,then 5 days for results. Down the throat different matter HH seen but leave alone

  10. Why anybody chooses to have a frozen pension is beyond me,they do then start complaining about it. It all starts (and finishes) with what address the private pension provider holds,from that the HMRC will know,but they are not concerned one iota.

    just before my friend died here he had done 30 odd years in Thailand the DWP required he pay back 3 years winter fuel,that is all. Once had official letter from embassy ,hand delivered wanting the locate service implemented,seems strange as trying to locate me they had the information to hand.

    As for above add the UK driving licence also

  11. These guys use to give you the stuff you drank the day before to get you cleaned out. Problem was, many came in for the procedure and weren't completely ready. So, enemas has to be done or whatever. Not a great thing to have to do, especially with a hurting bum.

    I have to say, I liked this way better. I'm not sure I'd want to go through that intense clean out at home. And then have to wait all night for the procedure the next day. I got in at 8am, given a few liters of stuff to drink, and was wheeled into the procedure room around 1:30. Fully cleaned out.

    The private room was nice. A bed, toilet and sink. And a bum gun! Great as no paper was needed. They came in and checked things and when you were running clear, off you went! I was out for the procedure, so have no idea of the discomfort.

    Afterwards, I was a bit shaky, but not too bad. Hungry, but could only eat a bit. The next day I was pretty much back to normal. They recommended not driving after the procedure, so I had a driver take me up there and back.

    I'm sure Bumrungrad would be great also. I've been there a few times and have always had a good experience. Though they aren't necessarily cheap.

    Again, one of the benefits is Gavin. He's right on top of things. There when you check in, there when you check out to make sure all's well. Great for following up.

    Overall, the worst part of this was the anxiety the week before! LOL

    FYI, they found some polyps. Did an analysis and all came back negative for cancer. Yahoo!!

    I go to India for stuff like this,was about $50 for both ends,knocked out or awake (throat no) polyp analysed for about $13 each one removed. Yes doc informed me westerners take up to two days to clear the pipes. Gave hospital notice of arrival,within 30 minutes up operated on and off on bike,felt a bit of a heel getting in front of everybody else

    Was about three years ago no,so due for another procedure,but having heart echo tested £ 140 here in Thailand,£10 there then half hour with cardiologist.Get blood testing ,buy the medicines a lot cheaper Yes have to get flight but monsoon fares are cheap bout 60 GBP return at times

    • Like 1
  12. Less Negroes in Pattaya

    I put up with a lot of crap on here but when I read something like this I just have to intervene.

    It should read "fewer" not "less".

    Like this comment. Had to laugh before Christ knob'eads on here less ,more, whatever ,where is the bloody coffin

    No 55555 here a positive 6666666

  13. Virtually everywhere in the world is now better than Pattaya/Thailand. just take a look at the Saturday auctions in Pattaya,hotels,restaurants,offices(be it realtors or whatever)are all flogging their stuff en mass,getting the hell out of it

    Have you considered the 'er, vague possibility that they are selling their stuff to those who are getting the hell into it?

    Have ,but the farang buyers are getting less and less. Only Thais buying majority of the stuff now

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  14. Virtually everywhere in the world is now better than Pattaya/Thailand. just take a look at the Saturday auctions in Pattaya,hotels,restaurants,offices(be it realtors or whatever)are all flogging their stuff en mass,getting the hell out of it

    Yes of course it is but it's different it's unique, there's not another place in the world where the whole city is given over to whoring. Pattaya has very nice restaurants some beach, lots of shopping, cinemas, malls etc and there are lots of things to see in town and outside. But at the end of the day it's whore city, where anything is available in this regard and that's why it stands out from other places.

    Of course it is. Hard to put it down once you have had a sniff. But I get up in the mornings and see all these monkeys around me,just gets boring,admittedly a break from it from time to time breaks the monotony of it all,but I guess my time is done here.

    • Like 2
  15. You're required to give a home address for a driving licence - presumably you would be committing some sort of offence otherwise, at the very least risking the £1000 fine for not having the address up to date.

    Yeah right,remind me next time

  16. Virtually everywhere in the world is now better than Pattaya/Thailand. just take a look at the Saturday auctions in Pattaya,hotels,restaurants,offices(be it realtors or whatever)are all flogging their stuff en mass,getting the hell out of it

  17. For sea bass and German beer, I would head to 'Klein Heidelberg', Naklua Soi 18.

    As well I'd try 'Bei Gerhard', Naklua Soi 31. Very delicious food, not sure about sea brass though. Thai food was rated delicious by locals too.

    Naklua Soi 33: Try 'Bazi' and a few more restaurants in this Soi. All of them will offer German beer.

    'Domicil' is an Austrian restaurant. In general, I love Austrian food, but had dinner only once there. whistling.gif

    In my personal opinion, the best pork knuckle in town you'll find Fridays 7 pm at Naklua Sauna. Sundays the best roasted duck, 7 pm as well. The offer German beer too, Thai food as well. Very far in Naklua. Google for their location, maybe it's on their website.

    Wassup with Antons? Yes Naklua eating/drinking beats anything in and around Pattaya,probably the krauts not putting up with rubbish food or service

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