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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Make it all one way,no right turns

    Is the Chinese probably Koreans,few Indian buses,bumper to bumper down Naklua road,loads of 'em.It becomes spot the white man drinking and eating down that road loads of em gawking,camera shots galore at white man,all pouring one side of the bus to the other when white man is spotted.

    Cattle trucks easily springs to mind cattle trucks,feel like giving them the finger but turning your back on them achieves .

    If that lot make for a tourist town god help it

  2. I have a solution: turn Pattaya into a miniature Singapore. A few months later, poll the remaining ThaiVisa Pattaya resident farangs about how much they like the changes. Not much, I'll bet.

    No Thais give a toss about foreigners' opinions on 'what should be done' in their country. They never have and they never will.

    Could put that the other way round too No foreigner living here could give a toss about Thailand either

  3. Disagree strongly with your second paragraph. Pattaya is NOT a "tourist town". It's a sex addict town that inexplicably has some clueless Chinese and Russian tourists wandering around it pushing baby strollers or following a person holding a flag, all wondering how on earth they ended up there, and finally realizing they were scammed by unscrupulous tour operators.

    Thank you Sir for your succinct summary of what Pattaya really is. Everyone who does not appreciate world class sex, sea, sun, sand (well, maybe the sand part's a stretchtongue.png ), shopping, cinemas, golf, health care, food etc would do well to stay away!!

    Sea? erm no a big no -no , shopping? rip off prices abound ,health care? you have to be joking, food golf cinemas ..complain and get your head caved in. Sex,guess so,poke one you have poked the lot

    Why is it that people who go on about Pattaya are the ones who have never been further than 2nd road ,and have no idea what the "real" parts where "real" people live are like .?

    Give me a clue?

  4. Disagree strongly with your second paragraph. Pattaya is NOT a "tourist town". It's a sex addict town that inexplicably has some clueless Chinese and Russian tourists wandering around it pushing baby strollers or following a person holding a flag, all wondering how on earth they ended up there, and finally realizing they were scammed by unscrupulous tour operators.

    Thank you Sir for your succinct summary of what Pattaya really is. Everyone who does not appreciate world class sex, sea, sun, sand (well, maybe the sand part's a stretchtongue.png ), shopping, cinemas, golf, health care, food etc would do well to stay away!!

    Sea? erm no a big no -no , shopping? rip off prices abound ,health care? you have to be joking, food golf cinemas ..complain and get your head caved in. Sex,guess so,poke one you have poked the lot

  5. God ,its painful. Swim everyday,withour problems until recently. Friend complained he had pain in ear sought treatment at hospital,week or so later I came down with it ,both ears too.

    took various medications for a month before pain let up. Now wear earplugs and made up solution i part rubbing alcohol/1 part white vinegar and a couple of drops in ear after swim

  6. I did as the vet advised, didn't bath the dog for two days and then applied the Frontline Plus to her back between the shoulder blades as shown in the English language leaflet. I was told not to bathe her for at least two days afterwards as well. I left it three days just to be on the safe side. The leaflet says that it can take up to two days for the treatment to become fully effective. After a day I was picking ticks out of her coat but they were all dead. Now I'm happy to report she's tick-free and looking much happier for it. The Frontline Plus is very easy to apply and doesn't bother the dog at all, so I'll use this every month from now on. Does the tick season in Thailand ever end or do you have to apply this stuff all year round?

    I'm new to this, but some people have said that Frontline doesn't work on their dogs. The Frontline Plus comes in different size doses for dogs of different weights. If you have a big dog and somebody sold you the dose for a small dog then it might well not be effective. Just a thought, that's all.

    Thanks for the advice everyone.

    I apply Endex and occasionally Bayticol all the year round, even though the problem does become less intensive in the 'cooler' time of year. However when you see the good news that an adult female can lay up to 10 or 20 000 eggs at a go, and that these can remain viable for up to three years, I think you have to continue. We also spray the dog pound. It is difficult to eradicate the eggs but emerging larvae can be got at. It's a never ending struggle.

    (Edit): we also give them a bath with tick shampoo once a week, which they enjoy. Chaindrite cockroach spray is effective but you have to get the dogs away from that area for an hour or so.

    Think when you open the Endex packet up there is a card of pills that is stamped on the reverse Ivermectin. Ivermectin I purchase by the 100x bottle from Govt vet ,last year 350 this year probably twice the price. Can inject or put in food,which I do once a month. Once in dogs system I get no ticks.

    Had a dog that got tick disease,well soi dog that I tried to help,but antibiotics did not work ,got the vet to put port in leg and finished it off

  7. An organisation,a big one,something the govt. will take heed of should take up the torch,take the mantle sorta,not only for the folks that feel used and abused,but the office hours at UK BKK embassy.that need adjusting

    I am sure there is one organisation that will seek and rectify this intolerable burden placed on the UK citizens whilst temporary away from home and that being The Boy Scouts of America.

    Anyway after a good night that I'm sure would infuriate the moral welfare league there in blighty I am off for a bit of Welsh rarebit and a cuppa,and who knows ? a bit of the other a bit later on.


  8. I am acutely aware of the exchange rate problem we Aussie's suffer. At the moment I have Aussie $$'s here but the wife won't let me change them for baht. And for some reason gold here rises and falls when the Aussie dollar does, so I have to wait for the Au$ to rise for the price of gold to rise to 20k a baht before I can cash it. It's a classic catch 22 problem.

    But in the mean time the wife is giving me a 5000 baht a month allowance to keep me in pocket money. Tough life ay!

    And to the bloke who mentioned the chemical fertilizer ingredients.....try cow poo. The wife has bought 4 ton of it and we are waiting on the cows for the rest!

    She has stored some of it next to my play room, but it doesn't smell a bit! They take it down the farm or the orchard when they spread it as they trust no-one and won't leave bags out there.


    Why not use human shit? gather the villagers together at certain times ,or give each a banana and get them to wander in your field

  9. Ivermectin sold by various vets ,prob govt vet cheapest a 100 ml bottle about 500 or so baht. Takes a week or two to build into dogs system ,as it interferes with ticks nervous system,squirt into dogs food at rate of 1 ml per 10 kilo weight,or inject,once a month

    Bayticol ok but deet oil mixed with shampoo keeps them free

    is deet safe with shampoo L1 ours likes to lick his overcoat after a shower.with him having a double coat we do have trouble keeping him tick free.

    but if he has a female blood sucker attached and he can reach it he will suck it out without breaking it,and then he will let us now by standing over it.

    May not be able to buy it here ,but neem oil you can,mix that with shampoo,"noticks" I buy that too ,but not in Thailand. Think bigger hardware stores sell neem oil,mix it yourself one to one add water

  10. Yeah I bet Kasikombank are staying quiet - yesterday they DROPPED their exchange rate to the pound from an already pitiful 46.8 to just 45.98 !!!

    That is because you accepted their exchange rate (what it called dynamic?),should have said no and proceeded otherwise on the atm

    Confusing issue though ,business leaders a month or so ago in newspapers were calling,no pleading, for exchange rate reduction for baht,only for BoT stating all is well. Military govt in,when elections in Jan take place may mean different statements

  11. Ivermectin sold by various vets ,prob govt vet cheapest a 100 ml bottle about 500 or so baht. Takes a week or two to build into dogs system ,as it interferes with ticks nervous system,squirt into dogs food at rate of 1 ml per 10 kilo weight,or inject,once a month

    Bayticol ok but deet oil mixed with shampoo keeps them free

  12. In a low waged economy a weak currency would be a good thing for everybody,exports cheaper,more tourism,and more investment coming in,but it seems for Thailand the other way around. 17.8 billion$US lighter this quarter compared than last years.

    With a military govt.no way to protest,only unemployment. Thais for the Thais

  13. Which is why those in their 40s & 50s should be targetted by the consortum. I'm in my mid 50s and have been active since Carson.

    So you are saying for those already past the starting post all is lost?,suppose it is really,far toooo late for those victims.

    Carson was the worst example of a ex pat seeking redress,she was on hardly anything and paid no tax in the UK,what should have been targeted were the ones already paying hefty taxes in the UK and subjected to some crack pot idea dreamed up in the 50s by a stuffed idiot that told everyone they never had it so good.

    I am not joining the kowtowing submissives,the "serious trouble gang" the ones that spout "met at the airport "guff,the "honest" ones that want everybody else to join them in their own misery,they circle the like button like flies around turds of shit,extremely comfortable in their comfortable decision making,cold comfort ,or something like.

    Passive responses will never change crackpot govt.policies,you want to highlight subjects that are now living in abject poverty because of the UK govt. policy,but face it "im OK Jack "right down to the weasel boot licking power hungry lackeys there in govt,Grove included inc

  14. There are ways and means of getting the OAP unfrozen even without setting foot out of Thailand,various sites abound. The one I think is OK would be to buy online a single ticket from any nearby airport to the UK Spain France even euro-star,print it off,then send it to the pension people via an address (paid for or otherwise) in the UK or anywhere that has treaty or EU,just not directly from Thailand duh

    Can get a UK phone number that rings phone anywhere in the world. US mailboxes are cheaper than UK and unfrozen there. Can also provide Spanish address,French anywhere too,that would muddy the water somewhat if trying to check up

    I guess we really shouldnt discuss ways of circumventing Pension Provisions etc but the Health issue of "technically" not being able to use the NHS even if you're out of the UK for a few months really irks me when every lowlife gobshight from Europe claiming christ knows what gets to use the Service.

    FWIW I would never become that misused term "expat" ever....

    You are right..but..a few years down the line(if available) you have to realise just where the UK Govt. will dump you,destitute ,worthless.. total a complete bum. Least you could get a simple headstone engraved "here lies an honest man" funds naturally will not strech to a flight back 'ome,never ,mind eh!

    Personally I'm sick of the sight of a few frozen pensioned farangs here 10 or more years ,just got enough in the bank to guarantee the stay in LOS,that's it,wander around all day bumming off past friends,what a way to go,on the last furlong and depressed as hell.

    Yes say no more. The honest folk have the sway

  15. I read everywhere that i must get a job in Spain to enable me to get back into the UK through the Surinder Singh route

    The judgement in the case of O and B v The Netherlands established five key points:

    • A residence period of at least three months is required (para 54)
    • Weekend visits and holidays do not count as residence for this purpose (para 59)
    • Any citizen of the Union can potentially benefit from this right, not just workers and the self employed (my emphasis)(references to Article 7 of Citizens Directive 2004/38 , e.g. para 56, and to Article 21 of the TFEU, e.g. para 54)
    • During the period of residence family life must have been “created or strengthened” (para 51)
    • Abuse is impermissible (para 58)


    The UKVI entry clearance guidance still says that to qualify under the Surinder Singh route the British family member needs to have been a worker or self employed in the other EEA state.

    The general guidance also says that the British family member of applicants must provide "proof that they were working or self-employed in the EEA country, eg employer’s letters, wage slips, contracts or proof of registration with relevant tax authorities."

    Whether this is because UKVI have not bothered to update their guidance, or whether it is because the UK is ignoring the judgement, I can't say.

    Donutz? Anyone?

    I would like to see this guy turn up at immigration espousing word for word what you are quoting,think a rocket ship awaits

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