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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Female ticks have the larger sac,burst it and plenty of blood ,males small black things ,more prevalent.

    Ivermectin interferes with the nervous system of the tick,so when established in the dog ticks keep away

    different strengths of Ivermectin too, used to get the Chinese one,100 shots for 100 baht,but no longer stock it, better strength ones bit more costly until the genuine Ivermectin ,not copied about 2000 baht

    i get mine from India. ,all way cheaper than Thai prices Bayticol etc. There is a product called RIDD that is superb at getting shut of ticks ,fleas etc but not sold in Thailand,get in sackfuls when I go there

    Ivermectin good for only one type of worm apparently roundworm not tapeworm,good for heartworm,mange ect too,not too good on fleas

  2. Can buy Ivermectin from govt vet cheaply,100 injection bottle for about350 baht. Best to kill ticks is just pull them off ,wrap in paper and burn,as squeezing them only releases eggs which form other ticks eventually.

    I inject ,takes a couple of injections for dogs immunity to build up,give one a month or so,no more ticks,fact is tick free for half a dozen soi dogs that were full of them last year.

    Can give the ivermectin in liquid form,straight into the food, instead of injections but takes longer to act

    Just saved a dogs life too,weak ,unable to stand or eat,rapidly dying, tick disease,bought weeks supply of green antibacterial capsules force fed two times a day,over a week it did recover sufficiently . Did give it a couple of shots of ivermectin too in early stages

  3. Should have offered a nearby cop,or motorbike taxi guy 200 or 300 baht to get it unlocked,have done that before,but the cops seem more interested in getting the money in lately.

    Yes had my licence taken in exchange for keeping the bike,still at the cop shop eight months later,but will go and collect it and pay the 400 baht fine one day soon

  4. I take your point loopy but I've been ingesting local ice and cleaning my teeth with the tap water here for 6 months without issue. No whole peanuts at any stage of the evening, although I'm sure there were some in the Pad Siew I had a lunchtime - it's hardly a case for CSI, but my suspicion still centers on the ice.

    "I take your point loopy but I've been ingesting local ice and cleaning my teeth with the tap water here for 6 months without issue."
    You have a higher Risk Tolerance than I do.
    By the way, was said ingested ice the cylindrical kind with the hollow middle?

    ...the paste itself may have a sterilising effect. once experienced Delhi belly or any other infection,no more risking ,the immune system gets weakened with age too,when the effects could be shrugged off in youthful years not so later middle age.The slice of lemon always used when having fish dish,in fact asking for one more (slice)

    Those peanuts taste foul too ,boiled not roasted,just damned soggy,can see them rapidly cooled in a bucket too.

    The Thai GF always after a shower uses a pint or two of bottled water to finish a shower,that is how concerned she is with contamination. Your health,your life

    Yes lived in India too,used to come down with belly ache more than a few times,there could get treated cheaply,think of the hospital bill here lying in bed on a drip for a day or two

  5. I think you'll find that Mainland Spain and The Canaries are different animals altogether. I found Tenerife quite expensive compared to somewhere like Seville for instance.

    Buying property in Thailand is way too risky, I know there are some issues with land ownership in certain areas of Spain but this is the exception not the norm.

    You'd be surprised what you could rent in Spain with little money!

    I think it's possible to live cheaply in many places and hard to compare like for like but I do agree one thing, that is Thailand will become even more expensive as wages here rise while many parts of Southern Europe are going the other way.

    In a way I wish I never had read this quote,got me fired up (again).too easy to bury the head in sand ,cement, dust,mud and the rest of it and forget there is another life out there,a permanent one and not a flitting one. No 90 day check ins ,no 12 month visa leash

    Have been running things down for a good while now, visa bank deposit etc.,just the awkward bit is the GF ,but arm her with a return tix probably will be something of a reassurance

    Trip down to the amphur, then Sp embassy do the paperwork,then adios amigo

  6. You did state an "allowance" earlier too,unusual terminology for someone on OAP. This to my mind would suggest ESA (employment and support allowance),jobseekers allowance,even attendance allowance,could even be housing benefit allowance.

    Pension credits(would that be an allowance?)

    Now I agree the DWP would be far more determined in your case

    #13 are we back on the residency tax again,or what?

    Almost everything these days is classed as a benefit,yes even your State Pension,and most certainly Pension Credits! Look up Benefits on DWP!

    Good one no need

  7. Now most of the above ,the doomsters, know nothing,just crap pours forth.

    The OAP is an entitlement ,not a benefit, if and a big IF,they may suspect anything and believe me ,they are not interested in OAP,they will send a letter asking if you are in or out,you can say you are out and they will ask how long? reply 2 months,but coming back. They do not know where you are in the world

    Do not get involved with the bloody stupid doomsters they know nothing, ignore them British embassy could not get a head count on Brits in Thailand as no one owned up,Thai immigration knows,but will not give details,

    Wow!! you do talk a lot of cobblers, may this year we arrived in UK after 18 years in Australia on our way to spain via a 4 month stop in Germany, for the 8 weeks we were in uk we did not bother getting the rates changed on our OAP, did not seem worth the hassle, when we informed Newcastle in july of our german address, Newcastle informed us that we were entitled to an extra 44pounds a week for the 8 weeks we were in uk, they had been notified of our arrival in uk by immigration, it seems this is now common practise to automatically inform the pension agencies twice a month,this is the age of the computer everyone is traceablecheesy.gif

    Right good one

  8. I can't believe that anybody who lives here in Thailand would go into a bar just to talk to a lady! ( no way! ) There are just so many lovely Ladies absolutely " everywhere " ( I have just met 5 different ladies in the last hour and i only popped out to Tesco Lotus to buy a " Chicken Salad " ( 30 baht & delicious may i add ) I do admit that i do have a " particular set of skills " viewers ( Not quite the same as Liam Neeson in his new cool Taken 3 movie....) I have had many years as a " highly trained " window canvasser " working for a double glazing company in the UK " meeting and closing " housewives at there front door. 18 seconds or risking having my " large feet " ( perhaps you can admire my honesty viewers..) slammed in the door.

    Nearly all the Thai ladies love being approached by " a friendly ting tong farang " (Golden rule : always act a fool at all times and never serious otherwise you will " blow it " )

    Apart from the people that like a beer ( kind respect to you all by the way ) but the type of farang that normally will go into a bar to meet ladies are " the shy & reserved type " There is no need to be shy or reserved in Thailand.

    Thailand is all a playground .. But can you play the game viewers.....?

    Farang Jaideewub.png

    Agree ,lovely looking ladies everywhere,everywhere including Tesco. Talking to them in terms of turkin' 'em in Tesco or anywhere else maybe a problem though ,a smack around the chops may well be in order.

    That is where a bar comes in handy

  9. Once you have been around the block a few times it does get boring,mind the block now has become bigger South Africa,USA,Australia ,PH ,India, last 12 months there again this month hopefully when my bloody passport issue is sorted Oh and Cambodia for visa run this coming week

    Drinking? well its socialising,would do it back in the UK. Cinemas here are cheap and can use Pirate Bay freely on the comp,but yes 'fraid life does get boring,that's why now I'm off to the bar see if "the price is right" keep boring thoughts to a minimum for an hour or so

    Yes it's amazing that " Pirate Bay " is still going as the owners are " banged up " ......

    True. ...and as for hablas Espanola went to Spanish embassy with GF see about visa etc for her entry into Sp,could not speak Spanish the desk girls,amazing only English or Thai

  10. Once you have been around the block a few times it does get boring,mind the block now has become bigger South Africa,USA,Australia ,PH ,India, last 12 months there again this month hopefully when my bloody passport issue is sorted Oh and Cambodia for visa run this coming week

    Drinking? well its socialising,would do it back in the UK. Cinemas here are cheap and can use Pirate Bay freely on the comp,but yes 'fraid life does get boring,that's why now I'm off to the bar see if "the price is right" keep boring thoughts to a minimum for an hour or so

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I think you'll find that Mainland Spain and The Canaries are different animals altogether. I found Tenerife quite expensive compared to somewhere like Seville for instance.

    Buying property in Thailand is way too risky, I know there are some issues with land ownership in certain areas of Spain but this is the exception not the norm.

    You'd be surprised what you could rent in Spain with little money!

    I think it's possible to live cheaply in many places and hard to compare like for like but I do agree one thing, that is Thailand will become even more expensive as wages here rise while many parts of Southern Europe are going the other way.

    Agree with you 1000%. canaryson did live in the Canaries and stated it was expensive recently,I found it so-so compared to Thailand.

    Mainland Spain is a diff animal,so damned cheap ,renting buying I wonder at times why I am still here,but it is baggage you collect over the years that add up,hard to cast adrift

    Am going over again soon,take a look at Portugal as well

    Cheers j8k breath of fresh air can speak sp too (well used to)

    " Romantic Baggage " ..????

    I have also found that Thailand is probably the worst place in the world for finding Spanish people to talk to! Because i don't want to forget my Spanish,every time i hear someone Spanish talking outside in the street (which isn't very often) i always rush over and join in the conversation! I met a Cuban man the other day who was " delighted to meet me " ( unlike yourselves viewers....) as we both could speak in Spanish.( it's also rather useful as the Thais don't understand what the hell you are talking about.... ) F.J

    Nah! romance goes through the window after the first half hour,but I do like getting looked after,my place would look like a bombs hit it after half an hour on my own

    It is the GF though,probably a quite a street dogs I look after that keep me anchored. Could take a couple of dogs with me,probably will,the GF a problem though,elderly parents and disabled son that she sends money to up north,been with her for ever,but the lure of Spain gets stronger and stronger

    Another joy to behold Marks and Spencer supposedly opening in Central soon,may perk the pecker up for a day or two

  12. I think you'll find that Mainland Spain and The Canaries are different animals altogether. I found Tenerife quite expensive compared to somewhere like Seville for instance.

    Buying property in Thailand is way too risky, I know there are some issues with land ownership in certain areas of Spain but this is the exception not the norm.

    You'd be surprised what you could rent in Spain with little money!

    I think it's possible to live cheaply in many places and hard to compare like for like but I do agree one thing, that is Thailand will become even more expensive as wages here rise while many parts of Southern Europe are going the other way.

    Agree with you 1000%. canaryson did live in the Canaries and stated it was expensive recently,I found it so-so compared to Thailand.

    Mainland Spain is a diff animal,so damned cheap ,renting buying I wonder at times why I am still here,but it is baggage you collect over the years that add up,hard to cast adrift

    Am going over again soon,take a look at Portugal as well

    Cheers j8k breath of fresh air can speak sp too (well used to)

  13. Forget the ladies in Spain,non-existent.

    Life ain't that bad in Thailand,just there is no stability,friends ,visas,pollution ,traffic,laws,cops,all get worse Would like a change,and am starting travelling a bit again,but Spain,or even Portugal now gets a fair mention from more than a few.

    Have to go and look-see again

  14. What a dump,the construction looks 1950s Russia,what a mess,a massive one at that.

    Which construction ?

    There are at least 3 or 4 projects now running in this Soi 15.

    If that is soi 15 ,as described above,that is it. Not naming them as they are plain to see

    There are only two construction projects as I can see,one just started,the other across the road well on the way to completion. !950s soviet style appearances ,masses of it,just monolithic slab sided construction,hopefully with a wrap around lake ,preventing suicides.

    A good ,in fact well inspired artistic licenced designer would encourage many off plan purchases no doubt,to part with their money into this hideous monstrosity,true some folk may find it appealing LOL,not me by a mile,and yes what was a relatively pleasant walk to the Villa complex is now well avoided

  15. If you are on a visa exempt entry you should of gotten a 30 day extension or is that what you are on now.

    If you have only done one visa exempt entry you can get a 30 day entry at a border crossing.

    I do not know what is going on, the staff do not know either,meetings apparently today for army imposed changes(not police) and I am one of 55 individuals caught up in whatever changes are about to take place .

    Kept my 6000 baht,told to come back 7 and collect passport,visa run 8 come back 9,and see what is happening

  16. Deluded, I mean really!

    Do you seriously think that government departments do not/will not, understand the difference between an original and a copied form.

    I thought you were becoming more sensible, seems not, back on to ignore status you go. Bye.

    Now I deduce,yes there is something to deduce from this. Whatever form (or spanner) is sent to a home country address from an authority/dept/whatever , being US or UK,it is received in that relevant country by AN other,with the full understanding and co-operation of the intended recipient

    AN other then scans the form,sends it to the relevant individual by email,who then sends the completed form back to AN other for final copying and completion (not a spanner,of course) and of course mails it onwards


    Here, chill out with this, it may help you relax (though doubtful):

    May look at this later. Best fight by a mile think the 60s, could be the 70s Sugar Ray and that white guy,always kept his face protected by his arm,not fist. Fascinated viewing

  17. Deluded, I mean really!

    Do you seriously think that government departments do not/will not, understand the difference between an original and a copied form.

    I thought you were becoming more sensible, seems not, back on to ignore status you go. Bye.

    Now I deduce,yes there is something to deduce from this. Whatever form (or spanner) is sent to a home country address from an authority/dept/whatever , being US or UK,it is received in that relevant country by AN other,with the full understanding and co-operation of the intended recipient

    AN other then scans the form,sends it to the relevant individual by email,who then sends the completed form back to AN other for final copying and completion (not a spanner,of course) and of course mails it onwards

  18. What a dump,the construction looks 1950s Russia,what a mess,a massive one at that.

    Now I realise an artistic licence is needed to flog this stuff,but Christ All Mighty, no wonder off plan selling is the way to go,nobody in their right mind would buy into that now nearing completion. As for the other side of the road that started later,all I can is hard luck

    The hard sell now reflects in Big C Pattaya Klang too,the selling kiosks,just running the gauntlet at brochures smacked into your face,use the other escalator now,keep out of the way.

  19. I assume you had an extension of stay and a re-entry permit for it in your stolen passport not a visa.

    You apparently got a 30 day visa exempt entry when you entered and then got another one while you were waiting for your passport.

    Not sure what the 6000 baht was for you gave immigration. It should of been 2000 baht to do a conversion to a non immigrant visa entry and 1900 baht for an extension of stay.

    It seems something went wrong with getting that done. The 2k baht they were going to keep would of been 1900 baht plus 100 baht for a 7 day extension.

    Apparently you may of had less than 15 left days on your visa exempt entry which is required to a conversion to a non immigrant visa entry so they were unable to do it.

    Not sure what you can do now.

    Yes think they were trying to make a fast buck,they probably knew something I did not and bending the rules

    Thanks for this reply. Visitor visa was up today 2 Oct so that could be a reason if there was to be a 15 day period before conversion,did not know that.

    They may give me 7day free,from the garbled conversation with immigration at 7 pm tonight,and money back,but will have to get out of the country PDQ return with new visitor visa and convert .

    would I have to fly back or by land? Cambodia or Malaysia? where to ,I'm in Pattaya Yes extension of stay and re-entry in stolen p\passport they would have expired on ! Nov 2014

    Thanks for information

  20. Had passport stolen in Australia,obtained emergency one with visitor visa ,as retirement visa rendered null and void,returned to Thailand

    After waiting 6 weeks and obtaining another visitor visa ,new passport arrived. got income letter from Embassy UK took all documentation to immigration,told new procedures now. Asked for 6000 baht for new retirement visa to be placed into new passport.

    That was 2 days ago, tonight 7pm immigration rang told me they would give me 7 day visa and return 4000 baht and do visa run to Cambodia,told them no ,I want the 6000 baht returned,they said OK

    just what is going on? anyone have any ideas

  21. Hi Guys - Many thanks for all the comments relating to my opening, and first, post on the Thai Visa Forum. Bearing in mind I currently claim no benefits from the UK it would appear I would only be breaking any law if I did not tell UK revenue authorities once I draw down state pension in 9 years time. As previously stated I do currently receive company pension paid in the UK on which I pay, and am happy to pay. UK tax so see no benefit to either myself or UK authorities of telling them of my current status.

    No you would not, no laws being broken,it is an entitlement not a benefit.#

    Now just a guesstimate,yes a guesstimate,I have studied this situation for a number of years and from observations of more that a hundred individuals I figure,not even ten of them are frozen. My friend here for 30 odd years all unfrozen until his death,DWP wanted 3 years of winter fuel off him when informed ,no penalties.

    Up to you,but I have no fear,not one bit. Now look at it another way those percentage increases year on year are worth having,not having them would be sickening to the point of leaving Thailand

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