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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. The scams are extremely disconcerting. Went for a massage yesterday,was asked 1 or two hour,chose 2 hour.

    Well off she goes,then a "special" was involved. Choked the chicken OK ,and my fountain of youth was firmly displayed,but horror of horror when over she said "finished" . All this in one hour ,but lady wanted two hours payment. Said no way, 5 hundred,plus one hour, Lady said "you no come back" OK I said back pawnee.

    Terrible attitude

  2. Just took a look-see at this place, couple of years since I last viewed it,and nothing can describe that place but one word ... horrendous.

    Was poorly planned,fact is it always looked grim,construction was grim too as now it crumbles away.

    People must have lost their shirts on this project no doubt,just wants a bulldozer to erase the blot on the landscape

  3. Passport stolen,so had to do it all again BKK etc.

    Passport states 22Oct to 19 Jan,which was processed in BKK and required a income letter,obtained dated 16September 2014 Just been to Jontiem immigration to extend to a retirement visa and they want yet another income letter,two in 3 months

    Got the copy of the letter,but BKK hold the original. would it be possible to do the retirement extension there,instead of Pattaya seeing as they hold the original letter/

    Thanks for any help forthcoming (or not)

  4. Last night I had to walk away from a heated discussion (because what I was being told makes no sense to me ) where the other party was absolutely insisting the Pattaya condominium market is now effectively being “ saved “ by absentee Chinese and Korean buyers. I should mention that one of the other participants in the discussion works for a property developer.

    For example in Soi Yume near Big C extra there is a new condominium block which the developer claims has been 90% sold to Koreans and Chinese. Firstly I would expect the Chinese and Koreans to have entirely different motivations to buy a property in another country compared to Russian buyers. I can't believe for example, they would buy without knowing they can get a half decent return from their investment by renting it out. But I was being told last night this is not the case, which I find hard to believe .

    Unlike Russians who I am sure in many cases would intend to occupy their condominiums, at least during their vacation there is no expectation that the Asian buyers will do the same and this is why it doesn't make any sense to me that they would be buying here in Pattaya in such volumes?

    I was being told last night that the Korean and Chinese are only buying them here as opposed to, say, Bangkok just because it's near the ocean. The claim is that they are not looking for any rental return and they are just happy to sit on them.

    Is it only me that finds this incredible?blink.png

    They will not be paying the condo fees anyway so the place will look like a bombed out shell in a year or so..

    Property market here is likened to a session of a slice of the Mad Hatters tea party,every day let the party begin. Must be completely off your trolley to put one penny in this market,and now the penny drops.

    Feel that something will be taking shape in Thailand in forthcoming months that will make farang jump ship,before SS Thailand gets a soaking Talk of stagflation hitting the high street

  5. Was going to start a thread on the massive Centric Sea,seems work is progressively getting slower and slower,that crane up on high tells all.

    Everything and everything getting hit,house sales nothing moving ,condos few ,but very few moving. Building boom start-ups still going on,but just when will they finish. watching Pattaya Posh,seems slowing there too.Estate agents living next door,pity help them,those flash cars,house has to be paid for

    Would not want to put my shirt on anything here now,not just a passing phase but here to stay

    sorry but if your going to say these things you must back them up. Anybody can say anything but have no facts.

    "facts" now the fact is I already do eavesdrop on developers/realtors conversations (yes even next door type) nothing ,but nothing in houses and virtually nothing in condo sales. Love to buy where I rent,dozens for sale,not one bit of interest,even at discounted prices

    On the other hand did not the powers that be state that house purchase here in Thailand was being investigated by DSI, condo sales too for the 49% ,would be a blithering idiot to purchase with those warnings

    Also the auction sales,now without stating a name that was a big realtor that went through the auctions recently,as others have pointed out no money left in the western world to mass purchase anything in Thailand any more

    Being a bit more factual,what is the headline to this thread?

  6. Was going to start a thread on the massive Centric Sea,seems work is progressively getting slower and slower,that crane up on high tells all.

    Everything and everything getting hit,house sales nothing moving ,condos few ,but very few moving. Building boom start-ups still going on,but just when will they finish. watching Pattaya Posh,seems slowing there too.Estate agents living next door,pity help them,those flash cars,house has to be paid for

    Would not want to put my shirt on anything here now,not just a passing phase but here to stay

  7. If possible get down to Malaysia ...

    That's an interesting idea.

    You can drive your car there (fairly) easily, fuel is cheap, English is widely spoken, all signs are in Latin script even if they arent in English and the food isn't bad.

    Does anyone have any experience with hospitals reasonably near the Thai border (perhaps Penang)?

    Alor Star,just over the border would be OK ,but bit muslimised,but yes Penang,about 50 mins from border friend broke a limb,doctor thought having an English guy to treat ,was a treat fixed him up for free. Yes good reports ,half price MRI etc compared to Thailand. I go the other direction ,India

  8. Well ive just been to see my local doctor to ask him to sign and stamp my life certificate , his reaction was sorry no . He said it would be best for me to go to a large private hospital and ask there. I do have a good Thai friend who is a doctor of veterinary medicine , but I can't see doctor of veterinary medicine mentioned on the list of acceptable names who can sign the life certificate, any one know if a Vet would be acceptable ?

    As probably the only one authorised to sign this document in Thailand, according to the requirements I feel quite honoured to have been catapulted into this position,and willingly accept all requests accordingly. A small gesture of a bottle of Chang would however be much appreciated.

    Now I realise by putting myself in this position I may unerringly be putting myself in jeopardy,double probably, as being honest I admit my position in Thailand can be questioned because of the recent cold snap I admit am accepting payments to keep my aging body warm,....there honesty is the best policy. I am sure there are no loose lips here

    If any details of army service is requested I will willingly supply ,but unfortunetly I will have to kill you later as it is classified,not suiting everybody probably ,but an offer

  9. Try Father Rays, they fix them up there for free,sure the English guy who does them(or did) will pull out out of the hat for you.

    Had a word with F Rays this morning,the place is at the rear of the television repair shop by the rear entrance. The guy who fixes them is there about 4 pm Monday,only works a few hours a week ,but worth a try.

    If you PM me Ill see if I can get any further

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  10. so all you guys that are receiving pensions and living in thailand and fiddling the system.LOOK OUT WE WILL GET YOUw00t.gif


    Does this mean one cannot rent out the council house, and not claim winter allowance, no free chang no more.

    Just strike out winter fuel allowance and insert summer cooling allowance. I sign my own as an ex one of 'em. Now in my 33rd year of officialdom,no problems

  11. If anything serious the new hospital will probably feed you to International,closest one too. Now the International is what I would regard a massive rip off, just been for skin cancer scan,was 900 recently ,now 1500 and of course pre cancer detected,another 4000 thank you,no thanks.

    They will do anything and everything to bump that bill up,changing half empty oxygen cylinders for full ones,keeping you there with promises xyz is being done. Challenged one and only bill from there after an in patient for one night 50% off

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  12. Going on my way around 5 pm railway crossing darkside pulled over (cop saw me coming a mile off) being a farang asked to blow in the yellow stick like breathalyser.

    Got to admit the darkside is a bit likened to the back of beyond,but is that the only place in Patts that this is going on. No boozing that early ,so OK

  13. quite interesting is that stated simple and valid facts such as

    as far as moving to another location one has to differentiate between people who's belongings fit in a backpack plus a carrier bag for their laptop and those who moved with a 40 foot high cube container loaded to its full capacity of 60m³.

    they generate an irrelevant tirade of rich as well as poor people, real estate purchases in Portugal, the price of high end speakers and the possession of pianos not to mention valuable advice, e.g.

    Also, if you really need to move all whats inside your house here, there companies that do this for you.


    One of the unstated facts Naam is where to off load all that stuff. you will no doubt have observed the auction house is overwhelmed with departing ex pats pianos,high end speakers,carrier bags (including laptops).

    Build a mausoleum Naam ,pack it to high end with all that Hong Kong junk and await the cometh...now about the Portugal house purchase, after Christmas ,but before easter I will step forth in my search for a lowish end casa

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  14. I’m also of the mind to head home for a reboot and then perhaps look at a Euro country. I love Spain, but it’s just too expensive and touristy, where Portugal has retained a quieter air and is quite easy to disappear/blend in. Great, year round weather in south, safety net of being EU – infrastructure, English, easy flights etc – and not forgetting port! Central/South America just does not appeal – there seems too much baggage and the issue with crime – while Caribbean is great for holiday, but again, to live? One of the quieter Bahamian islands could be perfect for boat-lovers, but very expensive.
    The goal is not to bash Thailand here, but it’s easy to become disillusioned after years of jumping through hoops and realising deep down (some of us can’t see it) that you will never be truly accepted. Tolerable when things were more laidback and a lot cheaper, but, and I've always said this, it is basically just a good holiday destination. When living here with commitments and having to put up with the bureaucracy and bs, it gets very old. Daily eventualities, like noise, horrendous driving, the importance of face and indifferent service, etc etc, can grind you down.
    Sure, there’s good hospitals and you can make yourself a nice home and find decent enough groceries in the big centres (done all that), but it's mediocre in other areas. Everywhere looks the same when driving from A to B, for instance – ugly, shop-house-fronted towns with wide, very busy roads going right through them, where the only standout features are the 7-11s and obligatory temple. There's little character/aesthetics, the countryside is mostly boring from the road until you get off the beaten track, and although island beaches and national parks are indeed spectacular, you typically have all of the above to contend with.
    So if I head back, I will be revisiting Portugal for sure. Let’s just keep it quiet as the last time someone wrote about Chiang Mai as being one of the top places in the word to retire, it drew in thousands of people and clogged up the immigration office! smile.png

    Yes it is this,but more. Homesickness takes a look in too,just been away too long,Portugal would be fine,just a couple of hours away and normal people living there

    No more living in a place that looks as if it was built,pulled down and re-built in the last fortnight,having to get up to rocket speed in 1.8 seconds on the highway in case of being mown down,just everyday living entails nothing of permanance

    Hell when in Portugal ill get myself a donkey that will take 1.8 mph all day to reach,now that is living

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  15. Just for Farang or are the Thais going to pay these increased prices also? Is this going to happen without an equivalent increase in productivity? I assume the minimum wage will also go up 1000%?

    Unfortunately for the locals that logic does not always apply. For example in Bulgaria they joined the EU, got lots of money for new roads etc, prices went to German levels, but the locals were still paid pre-EU wages. Most Bulgarians now really regret joining -- but that is another topic. The point is that ASEAN will not drag Thai wages up to Singapore levels, only the prices wink.png

    OK we'll do it the long way. What will happen to land prices?

    Land prices have risen considerably over the past 2 years. Compared to last year everybody seems to have simply added 1 million/Rai .

    I know you always need a buyer to make a sale, but have you ever seen a Thai back down?

    Old adage...never buy anything after the age of 60

  16. A place that hasn't been mentioned yet is Tenerife.

    I have a few friends who have made it their second home, and who have visited Thailand several times already, and they all say living cost is lower than Thailand.

    It belongs to Spain but has it's own administration as is considered to have the best climate in the world.


    Was there about a year ago,looking and thinking,but no,not for me. Just seemed like life on the edge,of the ocean as well. Too many people hanging on to life by their bootlaces,just cheap beer places with no atmosphere

  17. Taking in account the monthly budget you have and the languages you speak, only 1 country would come up in my mind, and that is Portugal.

    Very friendly population, good deals to be done on real estate currently, clean beaches and oceans and favorable weather at least 6 months a year at the time that the weather is less favorable in Thailand.

    Exactly how I feel too. Did a cost of living/income survey etc. for Portugal recently and have to say it is remarkably cheap ,even comparing with Thailand.

    Lot of Yanks on this thread,so South America is cancelled out for Europeans,and as earlier poster quoted Thailand offers nothing any more and he wants a move before old and tired,same-same here

    Get a bit phased too with military rule,and all the problems reported from other quarters concerning Thailand. Feel sad at leaving all the soi dogs I take care of,spaying,feeding etc.,but Ill probably take a couple with me,but still bit sad,hope they all manage through life without any cruelty

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