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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Ill say its dead.

    5 bedroom detached house 4 bedroom en suite on brightside cheap,cheaper than condo and at least one half of the houses empty. luxurious living complete with furnishings wonderful, few years ago no chance.

    decided me for a year or two to hang on but Portugal is my intended destination but in the meantime Ill stop here

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Don't understand why theses people are allowed to walk the streets on Sukhamvit just to sell drugs? I know they pay off the police. The new PM should send them all back to Africa and stop letting them in. Most western people do come to Thailand to make a honest living. Send them back to Africa!

    You mentioned Africa 3 times within your 2 lines or slur. I'm just hoping that this for lack of eloquence rather than racism. Though I'm not from that continent, I would feel offended if I were. Not everyone from Africa sells drugs, mind you!

    Be offended then, the truth of the matter is that Nigerians that come to Thailand are criminals.

    So you're saying that this is true with 100% of Nigerians? Mind if I ask to see the documentation to back up that claim? Just curious. I'm sure you're not a racist.

    Documentation? maybe available on a limited scale. New Life Ministries (is that Nigerian based ?) 100 Africans reported to have been boarded up attempting to keep Thailand's finest at bay,..reportedly deep in worship ,drug dealing and overstay in BKK. Lord can this be true?

  3. I would set the box up following the tutorial i posted in post 27.

    Reason is that there are many ways to set these box's up and this

    could mean setting it up without getting the best results.

    The video in post 27 is the latest version of Kodi and with adding the repositories

    explained in the vid will give you the best results.

    Thanks sotsira for your posts

    I think that you are referring to the setting up of a stand alone XBMC software on a PC?

    At this time I am trying to set up the Minix neo X8-H on my 50' TV

    The version of XBMC I think is different on the preloaded XBMC in the Minix.

    I am having a rest at the moment, becoming a little frustrated at my own inadequacy in following what for a younger and more perceptive mind would be childs play!

    I will be having another go later this morning when I have looked at the videos in your post and others that the same maker has there on his site

    Can I say though once again a big" thank you" for your help, the videos are great and next I am going to get the big screen TV and my laptop together so that I can do a complete install step by step on the Minix attached to the big screen TV and at the same time being able to pause the instructional video on the laptop whilst I input the last command from Mr spoon

    I am hoping that the force is with me!

    interesting stuff. will be getting a box in few months time when UKTV contract is up.

    setting it up with TV or laptop I should have thought would follow the same,just tv controls to find the box,but then you could use your laptop and split the screen..

    they are good though,friend did show me his and can well imagine it is a bit daunting to set up as his was pre programmed,but I guess it all comes together eventually.

    just wonder if there is any great difference between all the boxes. all the best

  4. Stopped in sukhumvit 22. Taxi driver opens a door and asks me to help him. There is a 76 year old man in the back totally dis- orientated.Similar background,brought to bangkok from somewhere in Issan, holed up in hotel 27 , wife leaves, hotel kicks him out because they don't want him to die on their premises ..can't find the hotel he moved too...over stayed his visa, doesn't want the embassy to help, petrified of the tourist police....there is a consequence and a darker side..

    Stayed with him most of the night in the foyer of the queens hotel, why my mate walked the entire soi 22 looking for his hotel..against his wishes the hotel contacted the tourist police...I left..don't know what happened to him but it did open my eyes to isolated older foreigners and their complete dependency on others.

    I doubt he is happy...probably bored out of his skull..the friend wouldn't even bother with this story if he was..

    I was struck by his complete loneliness and helplessness in a foreign country at an elderly age..

    Their are 2 sides to every coin.

    Could not agree more with this post.

    All i can do is wait until his friend in the UK starts conversing with him,informing him of his options. I stopped communicating with Fred as all this lot was unfolding,he was getting aggressive and I was receiving threatening calls from those on the gravy train who were latched onto him

    "Entirely his own fault ",not entirely,but who knows how their thinking pattern changes in old age, and he did start shuffling in his walking habits a few years ago,sign of Parkinson's

    The post I put up was just an observation,I know farangs are ripped off aplenty. Personally I would not trust my own shadow here,but then Fred probably thought the same too in past times

    • Like 1
  5. Does the guy have a previous family that know about the situation?

    He does have one son in the UK that was actively involved with him,probably another,but ties were cut years ago as his friend in UK describes

    He did a fair bit of time in the army serving in Malaya(sia) in the early '60s,supposed the army welfare could get involved if he gets anywhere near like ending it all.

    Just sympathy for an old guy totally out of his depth and hardly a way out of it all

    He is miles away from me , no chance of seeing him but I know the state he is in

  6. If he has been told and has all the info let him live his life.

    Later when his money is drained and he is dumped he should not come crying to his friends.

    Nothing wrong with old guys paying for it. But they should not complain when she cheats and it goes wrong.

    Exactly what will be happening,already stating his loneliness and isolation and wants to return to Pattaya. Apparently she dumps the kid on him for days at a time while she disappears. He was seriously considering returning to the UK before all this

    One of his friends contacts from UK regarding his welfare, his family there disowned him through his antics. I'm not physically involved nor wish to be

  7. Personally i hope this thread is relayed to him.

    "Happy"? do not know if the meaning of the word comes to him now,... and who is the more incontinent him or the baby. He is being taken advantage of big style and in all probability will be bumped off as soon as he is drained of any assets.

    Not going anywhere poor Fred as he is out of ideas, friends and family and suffering from Parkinson's

    • Like 1
  8. Finishing a session at gym some 3 weeks ago and felt something go back of calf about half way down.

    No problem initially but did it gain pace days later,could not bend my knee. Pain now back of the knee ,difficult to bend it still

    Was advised muscle,maybe,but damned painful .

    any ideas anyone Cheers

  9. Minix X8 doesn't support Dolby DTS HW-video decoding and has only 8GB internal memory instead of 16GB compared with the X8-H.

    Chipset, Ram, Wifi, etc. all same same.

    Not the faintest idea between them all

    but a guy in pattaya comes with the box and installs all programmes for 5000 baht

    But the guy comes with which box?

    That's the more interesting part...

    It hardly matters if 8 or 16 gb storage,if like UKTV you can store whatever on the computer hard drive. Think a minimum of 10 mb speed needed

  10. Regarding the stoopid racist posts - note that Nigeria called a national Ebola emergency with a single case, and was first to be declared Ebola free, they managed that extremely well. Nigeria is changing, as is Africa,

    Just like BEE South African, Black Economically Empowered Sure is,a complete basket case . Bosses all black sat at head of organisations,all going bankrupt,water,electricity shortages ,crime at a level it makes your head spin.

    "Africa changing" sure is. The "Homecoming Revolution" ran out of steam before the fire was lit. Your comment is bunkum

    • Like 2
  11. Don't understand why theses people are allowed to walk the streets on Sukhamvit just to sell drugs? I know they pay off the police. The new PM should send them all back to Africa and stop letting them in. Most western people do come to Thailand to make a honest living. Send them back to Africa!

    You mentioned Africa 3 times within your 2 lines or slur. I'm just hoping that this for lack of eloquence rather than racism. Though I'm not from that continent, I would feel offended if I were. Not everyone from Africa sells drugs, mind you!

    Another white apologist hits the keyboard,never mind eh! you stopped short of calling K scum,but scum always rises to the top, totally agree though Nigerians are likened to cancer

    If it looks like a duck,waddles like a duck,talks like a duck,it sure as hell is not the virgin Mary

    • Like 1
  12. How long have you been waiting to use that Rattlesnake Creek analogy?

    Since the first time I clapped eyes on it.

    Seriously though ,even the G/Fs farm which I never ever visit ever anymore,the Nakhom Nowhere (absolutely the bloody back end of Mars stuff,the white man in the cooking pot sorta place) feels like a knees up sort of place after Pattaya at the moment

  13. Just been to the Loy whatever tonight at their establishment,an amazing place,candle floating on the lake,amazing displays,live music etc.

    From appliance repairing at 300 baht a go ,best swimming pool by a mile @50 baht a swim, beautiful hotel in the grounds,three ornamental fish pools,really good library,reference/internet and Thai/English learning centre,plus midnight mass for the masses approaching Did have second hand shop too,but re-furbishing something and closed down for a while

    After the madness of Soi B to that place,amazing

  14. It's going to get worse- have a house near to a huge new development ( named after a very pretty series of islands beginning with M) .

    Site is deserted - no work what so ever, surrounding area filling up with dumped rubbish- the future of Jomtien- abandoned ruins.

    I hope not, and hope once the crazy projects are finished , the place might be cleaned up a bit ( not holding my breath )

    Listening to a (supposed) big shot developer earlier on today,in conversation with another guy stated huge developments are on hold,because of a downturn. Easy to see,who the hell has any money these days? minimum wage reigns supreme out in the west. Sure loads of Indians wandering around,Japs etc. not spending.

    Just get the Baht down,things may happen then

  15. Its quieter than Rattlesnake Creek TX US out there in Pattaya right now,never known anything like it,just feel as though I should spend a whole heap more than usual,but no I guess not. Might go seek more company out there (snakes inc.)

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